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SMW Central is the largest ROM hacking community on the internet, and the gathering place for all the resources you need to create your own ROM hack. We offer a large selection of completed hacks as well, ready for you to play! Traditionally SMW Central focuses on hacking Super Mario World, but over the years we've collected a ton of resources and hacks involving other games, too. Our community is ever-growing — sign up now and be part of it!


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Hackjam #2 - RESULTS ARE OUT

Hackjam #2 judge and user voting results are LIVE! Sorry for the long wait, the holidays ended up significantly busier than expected but that's over now. Results are out now:

Latest Content

Le Connaisseur de Kaizo

Screenshot Mesdames et messieurs, chers amis du Kaizo. It is with great pleasure that I present to you a new hack from the house of "Schrausch Industries". In this adventure, you will help Matthieu, Mario's… (read more…)


Screenshot If Super Mario World romhacking is a bustling city, Yoshi’s Island hacking is a wild frontier, largely unexplored and teeming with possibilities. Inspired by pioneering works such as Isocitration’s… (read more…)

Front Mission: Gun Hazard - Nature

The Controller's theme from Gun Hazard. Could fit a villain's theme or a cutscene before the final boss. There is a define in the Nature.txt file which you will have to change if your AMK version… (read more…)

Bullet Time

Screenshot Bullet Time lets the player (or the creator) intentionally lag the game. This can be used for either good or evil, so be responsible with your newfound power! A control mechanism is provided that… (read more…)

No Life - No Time

Screenshot "No Life - No Time" will let player to continue playing level even after Time reaches 0, but will take one life (decrease for 0) and add extra amount seconds to the Time. This process repeats every… (read more…)