@ Karkhisi: It clear that you got some experience with OW edits. I like all of them, good palettes and nice design. The only sad part is that few people making such great overworlds manage to make just as many levels. Maybe you are an exception, lets hope that becuase I know your level design is also great.
Ah. Sorry, iRhyiku. I had forgotten I killed off all of the original counters in my hack. Looks like you still have some default counter code going on. Patch this.
Hallo! Since the help thread is buried, I have a question to ask:
First, I created a cloudy stripe image in Racing Stripe. I then saved and loaded this in Terra Stripe, rectified any errors, and inserted it into the ROM. Furthermore, I applied the Layer 3 ExGFX patch with the Slot 4 of Level 125 set to 00A8. Finally, I applied LevelASM with the following code for level 125:
REP #$20
STA $24
LDA $1A ; Scroll four times as slow as Layer 1.
STA $22 ; Layer 3 X.
LDA #$1F1F
STA $212C
SEP #$20
And now the title screen is destroyed! The Nintendo Presents thing in the beginning shows up fine, and the music plays fine, but I can't see a danged thing!
Tell me and you will be rewarded with a screenshot of an awesome three-layer BG.
Hey guys, I was bored and decided to make this video showing off my overworld and submaps:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uALyQgtXCEU?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uALyQgtXCEU?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Yourube Description:
I've always wanted to make this type of video where I show off an overworld.
I know there are some errors in the overworld, it'll be fixed so yeah. I'm not too sure about the music choices I picked, what do you think? How do they look? Ignore the bad number palette thing on the overworld border and the level names. (Well, at least some of the level names)
The title screen is supposed to show a mix of different level gimmicks. In one level, you guide Luigi across a level. In another, you Spin Jump to alternate between blue and red blocks. In another, you collect purple coins. I just mixed and matched for the title screen.
Very nice title screen, but I'm curious. What exactly was the sprite used for Luigi? An NPC sprite, or an enemy sprite with graphics edited? The latter might explain why it's behind solid blocks, right?
Alright, I want to share an idea I had. Remember that room from Bowser's Inside Story? There was something covering you, and you could only see your shadow, but not the platforms you have to jump on? And then you would hit the switch so that you could see the platforms, but not where you are? Well, I'm going to try to replicate that. How? Well, I'm going to ExAnimate the palettes so that it happens when you hit an On/off block. I don't recall anyone doing that before. What do you think?
Hack is now 100% done...currently undergoing testing. It'll be released soon. May not be able to release it on a forum thread under the current circumstances, but I'll get it out there.
Thanks everyone! Might I add this is NOT part of my MAIN vanilla hack- Back to the Classics. It's a side vanilla project.
@moltensnow: copy pasted the spring "bean" tile in yychr and pasted it in an exgfx file used in the BG3 slot of LM7.1. It uses the coin palette, making it brown.
@SolidSnake: as I said, ignore the floating water- I'm working on it.
I couldn't get a decent screenshot due to a fatal glitch(that I'm still trying to find out how to fix <_<) in the level, but regardless;
Ignore the line of water at the top, that's due to the glitch.
Also ignore the BG, I'm going to find some better islands.
It looks nice, Volke. It's a status bar, so I can't really say much about it.
Originally posted by Marioman
Mediafire is being gay with me
Using "gay" as an insulting term just irks me. In my opinion you shouldn't say things like that unless Mediafire is actually in a homosexual affair with you.
People complained that my hack Pac-Land is too much like Mario. So I am going to work changing that. First step, the status bar:
As you can see, I got rid of the item reserve box, as well as the bonus stars, and, changed it so that the coin counter icon is now a pac dot, and the dragon coins icons are Pac Man faces, just like the actual dragon coins are.
(Also, I changed it to say "Lives" instead of "P" as someone complained about that)
Yeah, that's the problem I was having. Kept timing out. Wasn't aware of the file size limit in the filebin. Apologies.
Well, I have to say, it's an awesome program. I am having a conflict with one of my patches that hacks the status bar, but I think I can work around it (I hope). Need to go find the address that Super Status Bar hijacks.
He's right. Also to add, Mediafire is the best file hosting website IMO.
e: Apparently Mediafire is being gay with me at the moment. Firefox just said the page was taking too long to load, the connection timed out. Well, the download that is.
Wasn't sure, but this seems as good place as any to put this. Basically, I've been working on a new status bar editor for a while. I called it "Status Effect", which I'm pretty sure was suggested by TLMB as a joke, but it's as good a name as any I guess. New features:
A) Most importantly: Allows for editing with the compatibility version of super status bar. Later version will allow for the advanced version, but currently, no. If you have the advanced version already installed, you would need to uninstall it or not use this tool. Sorry.
B) Allows for moving and removing of all the counters, including score, itembox, and small bonus star counter.
C) GFX loading from ROM or from GFX files, also allowing for loading .tpl palettes.
Known issues:
A) Counters don't play well with Smallhacker's status bar editor. If you have used Smallhacker's tool, uninstall and reinstall all the counters and it will fix the issue.
B) There is one bug that seems to be eluding my fixing... If you find it I will be surprised however.
Note: This is a beta! If there are any bugs, tell me, as that is the entire point of this whole post. I'm just trying to get peoples opinions on usability and if there are any glaring bugs.
And that's about it. Let me know if you have any troubles or whatever
I don't knew that it was possible to rip graphics from Sega CD with Ultimate BG Ripper Tool, and then I decided to do a test:
Tidal Tempest from Sonic the Hedgehog CD
And so people, I would say one thing. Why the idea that realistic graphics can give clash? So that all work ripping graphics will make a hack to lose points because of the clash? If the simplest are best, why there are patches to expand this amount of graphics?
First, you will not play a hack because of a clash? You never wanted put Mario in another game environment? I'm not saying that simple graphics are bad, I am saying that every one has his style to make hacks.
I will not put redrawn graphics in my hack, because I like Super Mario World graphics in the way it is. If I change the graphics of the sprites, the game will not be the same!
If someone wants to make a comment, please write. If I'm wrong, tell me why.
As you can see, I'm using two similarly laid-out levels connected by a series of doors, giving the player the idea that the level changes when you enter a door. So yeah, it's a bit puzzle-ish without going back and forth, at least not with the same obstacles.
@ GoldenSonic15: quiet you, all he was doing was advertising his new demo. I don't know how someone could interpret that as something as the "rest of the forums".
For the sake of boredom content: Old Vanilla Waterfall(edit: it is animated in game)
I might use this as something else other than a waterfall.
There's going to be a new demo for Mario's Epic Adventure soon. I just have to make one more level. You guys will be surprised at all of the new stuff I added. I'm going to fix all of the problems addressed with Mario's House.
Same level as Shroom Grasslands, but this time with a bit of a darker ground FG Palette, and I changed the mushroom stem palette back to the original, since I agree the last one wasn't so eye-pleasing.
moltensnow: I'd remove the fire flower from Luigi's room as it's just going to make the game so much easier than looking for a fire flower in the level. I'd also make the layout of each room look slightly different because the bland corridors in every room look rushed. Finally I'd separate those Toad NPC's a little so you don't accidently talk to the wrong one.
What should I change about the palette? The ground or the mushrooms? I can change both relatively easy, but I can't fix the pattern of left and right sides of the mushroom stems. (The diamonds of the edges of the stems don't quite match, I've tried for awhile to find some way to make them.) I can change the colors though.
And thanks for your input, I expected something of relatively minor magnitude like that in here to be ignored. (I'll probably re-post in the hack thread I'll make for this when the forums get back up, and I make a few more levels.)
I may as well toss my two coins in. Here's a >preview< of a level I made today using Lunar Magic 1.71. (Yay mixing tilesets!) It's called Shroom Grasslands, and it's all Vanilla. This is actually the Rope 3 tileset with the mixed map16 normal/grass tileset. Though not all of it is shown, the complete map16 page took 3 to 4 hours to make.
This is going to be a level in my currently unnamed hack. The picture is below.
<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PcHEhU40EkU?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PcHEhU40EkU?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>
Finished my level for SMWCP, so I figured I'd show it here. This is only the first half, the second half being the Marine Pop lava place thing. The music is The Worlds End by Jascha.
This is a hack help question.
So, I think I, embarrassingly, broke some of the sound in ASMT. After at least 5 hours of trying to pass "currents" in the last world, (I got so close to the end), I opened the game up in Lunar Magic, placed a goal sphere in the midway room, passed the level, saved, opened up in Lunar Magic again, removed the goal sphere, saved. Now for the music problem. I enter a level from the OW and the music in the level plays. After entering another area in the level, all music will stop playing for the remainder of the level. What is happening here?
Oh, I see. Thank you for telling me. I just remember you saying that Hunter's castles usually use your custom drawn GFX (work of art, by the way) and the U.N. Owen port (I'm going to use it in a few castles as well).
Thanks for clarifying.
Looks great, but how come there's a tiny OW Mario in the screenshot?
@Karatekid If you mean the U.N. Owen Port, that will be Hunter's Castle music in the Hunter's Revenge, except for a special level (Hunter's Capital on HRR). Since this is the Crater, Hunter's Castle will not have the U.N. Owen port, but Hunter's final level on the Crater will use it. The level is called "Hunter's Revenge" and is the final level of the semi final world, the Furnace.
On HR2R, Hunter's Castles will use the U.N. Owen port, however, Hunter's Revenges 3 and 4 will not even have U.N. Owen in it.
That's really cool, Lynnes. Didn't know you could add layer priority to backgrounds. Good to know.
Question. I'm relatively new to LM 1.71. How are you getting two different foregrounds into your levels? I see the two extra BG files in the GFX bypass box, but how do I map them into the FG in map 16 if the tile numbers only go up to 1FF?
[edit] Oh, dang. I just tried mapping to tile 200 in a block and it worked. lol. awesome.
Nonono Spudy, everything you see is a BG, except for the foreground itself. All that's happening is that the rocks and the clouds have priority enabled in the map16 editor, which puts them in front of everything even though they are still apart of the bg. See, it's still using a background image.
And I didn't use any ASM to make this, that's why I said it would be good for vanilla hackers, try it out yourself you'll see.
10204307: well, there are quite a few ways to have a background on a layer 2 level:
A. have a layer 3 background.
B. have a psuedo-background made up of manually placed FG tiles.
In any case, you were wrong about him having a background in a layer 2 level in the first place. What he was showing that he did was place the rocky stuff at the bottom. The rocky stuff(dunno what to call it) has layer priority enabled and therefore covers up the FG. The green crags and water are all on layer 3 if I'm right.
Well Spud, I'm going for a dusk-y time of day, but I want the colors to be more suppressed than orange, because, well, orange is a pretty bright color.
Oh, I got one more screenshot. I just found out that without any ASM, if you give a tile on the background image priority, it will appear in front of everything else. I only thought this applied to layer two levels, but I guess not. Also, vanilla hackers can use this to make all kind of neat pseudo effects.
See what I mean? The rocks and clouds are on layer 2 and they go above everything, now all I need is parallax scrolling.
Lynnes, awesome stuff. I like the statue idea, it is pretty creative.
I especially like the BG palette and gradient in the first screenshot.
However, not sure about the gradient in screeny # 2. It seems to be a tiny gradient that "repeats" itself if you know what I'm saying. And the colors themselves, being brown, make it hard to tell what time of day you were trying to make the level take place in...
@Lynnes: Real Cool stuff! You really like extra details in the dirt tilesets/mines don't you?
BTW, I prefered the save block for some reason. In the cave in the old version, the save block added a Paper Mario-ish ambient to the level. But I suppose the statue is also pretty cool
Oh, and as for the first screenie-you should take it a little futher and have layer 2 rain etc. with perhaps the thunder sprite in the BG.
I've decided that it would be a good idea to redo all the palletes so far in Fawful's Revenge, to fit into my much more somber style. They are by no means as depressed as they are in Not Vanilla, though, so don't worry about that.
Compared to the old ones, I think these look much better. I also thought the old save block was pretty lame, so I decided to turn it into a statue to fit my style more and give it some more originality.
Also if you walk in front of it an arrow will tell you the button you need to push to save!
@JDC: first off, the overworld is awesome. I thought for a moment it wasn't even made by you, because, to be honest, your earlier overworlds were... well, pretty crappy. This new one is awesome, though.
Now, about the level. The BG's design is good, however, I have a few nitpicks with the level:
1. that old FG palette is boring, make a new one.
2. that old BG palette is boring, make a new one.
3. the green sky looks odd. Never seen a green sky in my life.
4. the gradient is odd. The first color of the gradient contrasts too much with the Back Area Color. The Back Area Color is bright mint green, whereas the first color of the gradient(as well as the rest of the gradient) is a cool dark pale bluish green. Try to make your gradients go from the Back Area Color to a new color from now on.
Great! I did not know the overworld would be that good!
As you can see, the hack is very non-linear which should makew it more enjoyable.
As for the level, I have both the BG and FG palettes to something better.
Guys. Mario's Epic Adventure has an update website. Also, Lunar Rico chose a good domain for his hack's website, so I decided I'd try it, too! It's really cool!
Updated World 2-4 to have a Bonus room and put in Blue Switch Blocks.
<embed src="http://img571.imageshack.us/flvplayer.swf?f=Mmerged" width="640" height="380" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
Ignore the cutoff by the Midway Point and the wrong FG/BG pos at the end, I have fixed all that.
@Lunar Rico: I know, I tried using 1.71 and using different FG and BG settings, but the Map 16 tiles only showed the GFX for one tileset at a time. (The one it's set to in GFX header.) I don't know if it's how I am supposed to do it, but I changed the BG settings in the GFX bypass, then trying to make Map16 for the mushroom platform, then switching the GFX header back and the mushroom platform tile was garbled. (I was switching between the Rope 3 and Normal 2 tilesets for mixing normal ground and mushroom platforms.)
I also don't know what you meant by "using the BG slots as FG slots" since there were no additional FG slots available.
I am probably just misunderstanding things here, but I really can't find a solution. Maybe someone could PM me with screenshots or step by step instructions, such as what menus to click on, what settings to use, etc. Since vague discriptions don't help me much.
@moltensnow: That level does look difficult indeed, especially that think fast or die boss battle.
@JDC: first off, the overworld is awesome. I thought for a moment it wasn't even made by you, because, to be honest, your earlier overworlds were... well, pretty crappy. This new one is awesome, though.
Now, about the level. The BG's design is good, however, I have a few nitpicks with the level:
1. that old FG palette is boring, make a new one.
2. that old BG palette is boring, make a new one.
3. the green sky looks odd. Never seen a green sky in my life.
4. the gradient is odd. The first color of the gradient contrasts too much with the Back Area Color. The Back Area Color is bright mint green, whereas the first color of the gradient(as well as the rest of the gradient) is a cool dark pale bluish green. Try to make your gradients go from the Back Area Color to a new color from now on.
@Artsy 3: Its called mixing tilesets (only in 1.7+) Use the extra BG spots as another FG slots. Then make some Map16 for it (also make sure the palettes are correct)
Isn't there a way to combine tilesets without using an external source, just vanilla? I'm seeing combined tilesets (Like normal ground+Mushroom platforms, grass ground+cave ground, etc.) more and more that claim to be vanilla, but I didn't see a tutorial anywhere about it.
This is basically a tutorial request, but until the forums are back up...
Hmm- the player might think that's an actual piece of ground and accidentally jump into a pit. I've seen that dirty trick in a Kaizo hack once (I think it was Super Flare World).
It's the final level of MEA. To get The Lost Levels, you need to beat the regular game, and receive the code the game gives you and PM it to me and I will send you the IPS. So, you won't be able to play this for a LONG time.
@andy, exanimate the ballons to fly up and down, they look pretty bad as they are now, also, add priority to the boos white bar at the water part. aside that, the level looks very good.
MarioEdit: Awesome, the Koopa Bros. are a cool boss and possibly one of the Paper Mario bosses that fit with a platformer better than others. Your Crystal King was pretty cool too.
Vanilla-ish level for my vanilla hack that will be like 7-11 levels long.
The level is called 'Forestal Fastness'.
Map16 trickery
Each level uses atleast a page or two of map16 since it's such a short hack.
There was a springboard uphere but Luigi plonked it off.
SNN or someone commented about the first version of the level as dull, so it's improved. There are also numerous secrets not shown in the video, like the Dragon Coins, extra lives, etc.
@PercentN: Wow! I can already hear it as my Snowy Mountain OW theme!
@Everyone who posted stuff from Neko 100 aka Volke and Electrofire: Cool... but what is this doing in SMW? You should try porting the Portal "the cake is a lie" wall instead. It seems to be in the same vein.
@KingGoomba304: Nice! Chocolate hackers will be very pleased with this BG. You should add FakeHDMA.
Broozer: Woah nice foreground! I always really liked your style of drawn graphics, they seem to be so realistic and well made. What really caught my eye at first glance, was the little leaves in the dirt tiles. They add a nice touch, and it makes the dirt less repetitive. I don't seem to have any constructive criticism because it is not yet complete. The only thing I would say, is to add some bushes, flowers, or something like that. But I assume you would be adding those later on.
Overall great graphics! I would love to see the tileset when it is finished.
All right, so, after uncountless attempts to draw some decent graphics, I managed to come up with this stuff, which I consider to be quite decent if you compare it to the several other (shitty) graphics I managed to throw together during the process. It's (quite obviously) not finished yet, but before I go ahead and continue working on it, I was wondering if I could have some criticism about it, as well as some tips on how to improve stuff and whatnot.
@moltensnow: That's much better. The only other piece of advice I have to offer is to move the midway point a bit farther, since it isn't really in the middle of the level anymore.
Since you guys told me to make that sewer level longer, I did. I decided to play as Luigi for no particular reason. Also, because I want higher quality, I'm using ImageShack.
<embed src="http://img704.imageshack.us/flvplayer.swf?f=Pmerged" width="256" height="244" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
It looks relatively easy. Don't be fooled! It is in fact very hard, and I used savestates to beat it! Well, now I can play it with my left hand tied behind my back, but that's not the point. There's a bit of slowdown, but it doesn't really distract from the feel of the level. It plays the castle theme from Yoshi's Island.
Whee another port. From Touhou 11: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell. This one's more of a work in progress than the the last one (mainly in that I have to add vibratos to the trumpets and fiddle around with the ADSR), but I think it's pretty okay right now.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, moltensnow, aside from the length of your level, you might want to put something to indicate that those are reset pipes. I wouldn't want to trek through the entire level and then get accidentally sent back to the start by a pipe I thought might send me further...
Moltensnow that level is okay, but the grey coins from the p switch have bad palettes. Also the midway point was a little too close to the beginning. Make the level longer.
Was that a joke?
Anyways, I just finished a level for you guys.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2noIrnWl4cc&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2noIrnWl4cc&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Originally posted by the video description
Only one level away from a new demo! This level was fun to make. I drew the snufits myself.
hey guys I have another update but this one is something I want to change. see this?
the castle block look okay but I dont like them that much so what could
work on an airship to replace them?
@Leo: It looks pretty good. I'm assuming that inverted-colors tile near the bottom-left side of the picture isn't going to be part of the final product.
@moltensnow's video: It's sort of flat and boring in places. You might also want to get rid of a few sprites in the first half of the castle to avoid sprite buoyancy making the level excruciatingly slow.
@moltensnow's picture: Flip the face on the Snufit's (the floating variety of Snifit is named differently) mask around and it'll look a lot better.
moltensnow: When the Coin counter reaches 100 it appears to display as "A0" instead of just 0 for some reason. The first half of the level looks good but the second part was kind of bland. The Chucks in the first part were causing MAJOR slowdown.
Here's the world 3 castle. Turn annotations on so you don't tell me "Fix that! It's bad!" Once again, the first half of the level was made by CommieYoshi.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2IGhxTM9KNw&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2IGhxTM9KNw&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Midna: Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind.
Sonikku: Wow! It's really nice to see Wacky Workbench from Sonic CD in SMW! I like the characters and sprites too. Too bad YouTube fucked up the quality.
Now I've made the sublevel in World 2-4:
It's a simple straightforward maze that Mario has to navigate through to get to the P-Switch. I put in some One Way shortcuts to prevent having to make the boring journey of dragging the P-Switch all the way back through.
Wow, I'm surprised the level doesn't lag with all those sprites there.
The second one would suit an underwater level better, but the first one is more eye-pleasing. If you were to increase the contrast in the second screenshot by a bit, it would be perfect.
That Trailer makes SMWCP look good! Also, S.N.N, if you could change the SMW Mario's GFX, that would be GREAT! And also change the Sprite GFX from SMW,please? I don't like seeing the old SMW Sprites/Mario in a 2010 hack. Why not change them to a more SMG2 style, to make it look more 2010ish? It would look good.
And i've been ignored again, lol, just kidding
really cool, i like the lake with fake HDMA, but there's a cutoff, on the slopes "inside the land" or something like that
sorry the bad english i'm from brazil
@moltensnow: sorry bud, no demo. I know I'm taking forever, but the hack is almost done(which doesn't mean it will be done soon, it just means it's near completion, but lately I work EXTREMELY slow, so yeah, it'll take awhile XD).
@Midna: cool, I was going for a soothing feel, as if the light from the surface is showing through the water or something XD.
While I'm at it:
Another really old level you hopefully remember from when I showed off a video of it about a year ago. Now it has fake HDMA though, and it's 100% complete. Yeah, I've said this before, but occasionally I stick with SMW's default FG palette because I like it's vibe.
Worked on Back to the Classics today after not working on it for literally months, and even the few times I did work on it months ago I did so sparsely.
I decided to redo the underwater portion of this level.. (jeez some of these levels are old. I have even older levels though so w/e.) I didn't much like it's level design. Screenies:
I feel the status bar's palette gives off the perfect underwater vibe, and it does the message box text justice.
Hopefully the redone design is better than its first incarnation.
Here's that pipe maze I promised. Not as maze-y as I thought, but blame SMW's limitations. I'm not satisfied. It's too boring. I have to think of what sprites I can add without it being unfair.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QiY9699q6CQ&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QiY9699q6CQ&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
On the subject of smwc production how many of the levels are yet to be submited? On one of SNNs videos on youtube said (in the comments) there were 70 submited out of 90 about (It said SNN posted the comment a month ago).
That "SMWCentral Production" Trailer looks pretty damn awesome! The various graphic styles took my eyes for quite a ride there. I also saw some never-before-seen stuff, such as the big thwomp, the thwomp boss that doesn't drop bombs, and that blue flying thing at 0:09.
It's definitely a must play hack in my eyes. (That just popped back into my head after seeing that video.)
Pretty good, moltensnow. The level design looks nice enough - I can't really say anything else about it other than "don't see anything wrong with it". The tile screen HDMA is bugging me though - it's no that it doesn't look good, it just appears too late (after the "circle" effect has disappeared). Don't know if there's a fix for that, though.
By the way, what's the level music called? - And while I'm at it, I'd love to know this song's name, too. Yeah, it's from Buried Treasure again. Doesn't seem to be made by Kc himself, though, as I couldn't find that song in the Music section when Ctrl+F'ing for him.
Showing off the new HDMA enhanced title screen and another level by CommieYoshi.
By the way, Koops finally did something successfully. That's how I got that HDMA. He also added bullet bills to Iggy's fight, and made the floor collapse faster in Reznor's room.
@nnn: When the forums get back up it won't take long till the last levels get in and then we also need Toad Town, some patches if I'm not wrong and betatesting/bugfixing.
Since it seemed to be a boss, this was probably not the intended result, but... I think I found the one sprite that could make the Hunter character from the Devious Four Chronicles even more annoying...
But yeah, I bet that would make a very annoying experience for an LPer on Youtube, wouldn't it?
made a desert BG and i think it looks to similar to the other desert BGs being made lately. does it?
and also start of a level
comments? people think it looks to much like there's?
I haven't seen any levels from ASMWCP, but I'll sure as hell Let's Play it. Too bad I couldn't participate. I got here last November, and by the time I heard of this hack, there weren't any levels available.
Also, CommieYoshi sent me a potential Sewer Castle. I have to fix it up and finish the sewer world, and I say there'll be a new Mario's Epic Adventure demo.
Hey listen up! As you may know I will be making a sequel to Jerry's Vacation 2, and I decided to join Weebly and make a small site for it. Even though I didn't start, you can see the basics of the plot and new characters. I will also be making updates there, and make a duscussion thread in the forums (if they get back up) since I wanted to use Weebly. Well here's the link:
I do have a few updates on there, so pop in whenever you can!
Pretty kick-ass trailer for SMWCP. I see some levels I haven't seen before, guess there have been plenty of updates since I last checked the base ROM. That Spiny boss looks really cool.
@Volke: Fine i'll change it
I felt the same, but i wanted this hack to have some YI traits as thats one of my fav SNES games, with the best music on the SNES..
Might as well dump a song I did here this afternoon. Link. I haven't decided whether or not I want to release this one to the public yet. Guess we'll see.
@Kipernal: I freaking love you in the non-homo way right now.
That sounds pretty nice. However, for some reason, there's a little bit of bothersome static in the spc at times, though that could just be the spc. And, for some reason, I feel like it should be a bit louder. Still, nice job porting the theme of my favorite Touhou character. :3
A port of Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon from Touhou 8. I'm still working on size reduction (as of right now it's 6730 bytes), but hopefully I'll submit it once the forums are back up.
Tell me what you think of it first, then if you want to hear my opinion right click anywhere on the page and choose the option that says "View Page Source" or something along those lines. I've hidden my opinion in comment tags so I can (hopefully) hear your unbiased opinions.
@ the smwcpro trailer: it's weird seeing stuff I made like the switch palace graphics and silver 1/4 POW block used in other people's levels.. but kind of cool }B) maybe in the next smwcpro I'll contribute a greater amount of stuff.
Ok, I am gonna make a point here and say that Yoshi's Island music/sounds/GFX are WAYYY overused, now, I love Yoshi's Island as much as the next guy, but give it a rest.
Meh, the graphics are from other games, so they were kinda acquired legitimately.
But, I need to replace all the enemy graphics, because the hack's graphics designer hasn't sent me the replacements yet, and I have to fix a few enemies that either fall off ledges due to bad placement or what not.
And yes, Fryguy goes through solid cement block walls for some reason, maybe blame dahnamics for that. Music is Castlevania : Aria of Sorrow - Castle Corridor.
Anyways, I'm working on level 2 of the sewer world of my hack. It's a pipe maze. It's going to be a living HELL setting up so many secondary entrances. It's not going to be long, because it's a maze, but once it's done, I'll show you guys.
Well i decided to get off my lazy arse and draw some OW graphics i needed.
and manged to turn this
to make it less plain..
water animates perfectly :3 and i drew it myself kinda haha
Noobish Noobsicle: Nice. I personally would probably rather have more save files rather than less, but I can see how that could be useful. I actually had an idea for a patch, too...something that keeps track of the total time you've been playing the game and shows the timer on the file select screen, kind of like how the DKC games do. (Yeah, because we totally need more patches waiting to be moderated.)
Then again, my number-one-priority ASM project right now is this.
Jimmy: Mode 2?! Surely you're not planning to use offset-per-tile mode...are you? That would be awesome, but I've heard that it's really difficult to get working and slows down the game a lot without enhancement chips. I don't know what else you could do with Mode 2 that you couldn't do with mode 1, though...
@iRhyiku: Looks pretty nice. The level design's pretty simple and straightforward, but that's perfectly fine for a first level. I'm liking the GFX and music choice, too. My only real complaint would be the overworld - the border looks a little plain (changin the palette could help already), and the whole map flashes when events occur. If I recall correctly, that's because the first color in each palette row has to be completely black. Change it back to that, and the events should look fine again. ;)
Thanks for the comment ;)
Yea i'll work on the overworld palletes and making it look pretty.
Thanks for that, I've been looking too see what what is causing that
@Noobish Noobsicle, you don't know how much i wanted something like this! though i feel that it have something missing in it. why don't you make the "Load Game" open another screen, in that screen you will see 3 save slots, and they may be customisable, telling the level you are, coins you have and the game time. And to save the game, you select a save slot and save it. That is just one idea, but it will be awesome if you manage to do something like that.
That's a neat patch, but it doesn't seem to function correctly all the way. Selecting to continue your saved game "erases" your save file and forces you to start over from the beginning.
@WYE: At first I wrote to $2105 directly. This only affected the Status Bar BG mode, though. Than I noticed there actually was a mirror for it, $3E. So I wrote to that and changed the actual level BG mode. It was as easy as that.
@iRhyiku: Looks pretty nice. The level design's pretty simple and straightforward, but that's perfectly fine for a first level. I'm liking the GFX and music choice, too. My only real complaint would be the overworld - the border looks a little plain (changin the palette could help already), and the whole map flashes when events occur. If I recall correctly, that's because the first color in each palette row has to be completely black. Change it back to that, and the events should look fine again. ;)
@RPG Hacker: Heh, cool. Did you just write to $3E, or is there a bit more to it?
Also, here's a new video of Pokey's Adventure. Please don't complain about the quality - I know how much it sucks, but I don't feel like wasting another hour preparing and uploading stuff. ._.
Hey, moltensnow: what music is that? The OW music, I mean. It mould be cool for my mushroom theme.
Anywho, I was practicing making level themes and came up with this:
It turns out that the grassland tileset naturally complements the tileset, without an extra palette. I used an extra palette anyway, though, to create the "grass/moss" effect. It's meant to be the castle for my "overgrown jungle" world, which has been abandoned by all animal life (meaning all the enemies are plants! The boss is the "piranha plant hydra").
The vine ends were done by Tails_155.
There are windows in the Layer 2 BG too:
I filled the entire level with this BG. Normally using up every piece of Map16 would cause a LoROM buffer overflow error, but I blanketed entire screens with the left brick and overlaid it with the right brick in a checkerboard pattern, then pasted the windows on top.
It also has a Layer 3 Castle BG and a custom-made HDMA gradient.
moltensnow: First of all, the level's palette is a meh. I really don't like it but I guess it is okay. Second, there is numerous amounts of minor cutoff everywhere. Mostly where the ground, pipes, and cement blocks meet with the water. The level also seems really bland without a BG. I suggest adding one. It would really make the level look somewhat better. Something else that I found odd though was that you added new pipe graphics, but not new sideways pipe graphics. And one very tiny thing to note, your midway point has cutoff at the bottom. This would fix that. </nitpicky>
And the level design is decent. Overall, a fine level for your hack.
Also, interesting how during the time the forums are down 22 hacks were submitted and none accepted not because we don't have forums, but because none of them were any good.
A level in my hack made by CommieYoshi. Usually, I don't show off levels by other people, but he asked that I do. Oh yeah, and I will change the music. Got any ideas?
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5X7rD0AkF90&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/5X7rD0AkF90&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Hey, my hack was probaly forgotten due to lack of forums, (the hack is Super Mario Bros. Coruppted (or SMB:C)), but I do want to say that World 1 is done, for those who remember. Most of the levels aren't that long (really.)But there fun and challenging, and I've been starting to take more ExGFX in to conisideration (but I still like vanilla levels with nice palletes.)Sorry for no screenshots (I want to wait for the forums for that.)
Ooh, there could be a Donkey Kong Country-styled hack where you play as like Donkey Kong or something. And instead of riding Yoshi, Diddy gets on you but it plays the same.
I agree there, the rip is amazing, but the original SMW graphics just dont fit at all. Maybe redrawn graphics/more detailed graphics would look better.
Logup, I hope you're going to change the player graphics if you use those. While those FG graphics look very nice, they just don't fit the Mario style. It clashes and looks bad when combined like that. Good job on the rip, though.
@Aqualakitu: Wow! Very nice palletes. Also, the SMW clouds and SMB3 Mountains BG is a nice combination. The stone platform was also very beautiful. Congratulations!
@anonimato: Pretty cool this character! Maybe Ana is a good name?
Now my turn: I've finished to rip the Arctic Abyss from DKC2. The FG uses 4 pages ExGFX and BG 2 pages. It was not as difficult as the Bramble Blast, because it is not so huge.
As you know, comments are always appreciated and gives me more energy to rip new graphics. ;-)
@Volke: I love the Duck Hunt GFX! Now for somebody to make a laughing dog sprite...Laughing Dog...sounds like a Native American name lol.
How's everybody doing during this downtime? Are you managing to find something to do with yourselves?
Just so you know, the Team Joke Hack is more or less suspended until the forums are back up and running. Disregard any deadlines previously set forth; we will knock the dust off of it and resume when everything gets back to (relatively) normal.
I guess I'll repost this since the first hack showoff news post forum thingie was deleted. Anyway:
<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eCyjLgy_FsQ&hl=en_US&fs=1?rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eCyjLgy_FsQ&hl=en_US&fs=1?rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object> Unexpected end tag (</param>) at 290, expected </b> Unexpected end tag (</param>) at 341, expected </b> Unexpected end tag (</param>) at 396, expected </b> Unexpected end tag (</embed>) at 647, expected </b> Unexpected end tag (</object>) at 656, expected </b> Tag (b) was not closed.
Leo137: That's some very good design you got going in the level. Extend the ground after the Goal Post so Mario doesn't walk into the right edge of the screen constantly. Also, the platform at 0:53 looks weird falling through the lava. Finally, I really like the FG and the BG palettes!
Probably the back of the porcu-puffer fish. Looks like there might be a bit of the urchins in there too, but I can't tell.
Also, TLMB, I suggest using the underwater background to make some pyramids/sand dunes in the background, or something like that. You can also use the squigly line next to those tiles for clouds, or the dots below them as stars.
Yes, imamelia. Kieran told me the story of how he started the site once. The reason he made the forums was because the people at acmlm were "elitist" as he put it, so he wanted to have forums where everyone had a chance. Anyway, this is kind of getting off-topic of hack showoff. If you want to know more, ask Kieran or something.
*wipes tears from face* Hey, Blumiere, I know we're not allowed to whine about being ignored, but may we whine about the slow rate of things getting moderated?
K3fka: Oh? Odd...what was SMWC like before the forums, then? Did it just have the resource sections and nothing else?
Hey guys, quit complaining about not having forums for a little while. You know, SMWC USED to not have any sort of user system at all, and then Kieran decided to be nice and make forums, so don't complain. After all, we could have just never had them in the first place, so we're lucky Kieran actually made them at all!
Wish I had something to show off. But this is pissing me off. Someone tell Kieran to stop playing Starcraft 2, come on here, make him tell us what percent he's at, and WORK ON IT!!!!!
Here is the first level of my new Kaizo/Puzzle hack, it requires heavy glitch abuse and has some really precise jumps in it. It doesn't need frame advance but i recommend playing with some slowdown. (1/2-1/4 max)
Only for experienced Kaizo/Puzzle-players!
Please report possibly breaks to me. Thanking you in anticipation (Don't know if this is the right choice of words...)
HF&GL - Opossum
I've been working on a Super Mario Bros hack, working from a disassembly directly.
Here are my changes so far:
I have conveyer belts added.
Bullet Bills vertically home in on the player and use the framecounter for a horizontal velocity. You can kill them with fireballs now.
Bricks, question blocks, conveyer belts, and coins are all animated.
Stomping on stuff sends you high up and has a new animation.
Mario can always shoot fireballs, and they go straight.
Goombas can throw hammers now.
And other random crap...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRCIr1sOycM <-- A stupid video of a level
Oh, and check my filebin for the latest version. I'm including the assembler, linker, and a batch file to make it easier. Yay for loopholes in the site's rules! :3