- What is Map16?
- Map16 is the list of all the different tiles loaded in a level. Click to open the Map16 editor to view and edit tiles, or click and navigate to Direct Map16 Access in the drop-down menu to place these tiles directly.
- What is the purpose of editing Map16?
- To make tiles with different behaviours and looks. This can create new gimmicks, piece together new graphics and decorations, and much more.
- What is safe to edit?
- Editing pages x3-x7F for the foreground and x82-xFF for the background have no consequences. x2 can be tileset specific but isn't by default in a new ROM: press Ctrl + F1 in the Map16 Editor to toggle on/off whether or not page x2 is tileset specific. x0 and x1 are SMW's default foreground tiles, and x80 and x81 are the original background data.
- How do I change how a block looks?
- On the left side of the Map16 editor, the Flip X/Y buttons will mirror the block's graphics horizontally (X) or vertically (Y). The Palette dropdown controls the palette of the block. The Priority dropdown determines whether the player and sprites will go in front of the block (off) or behind it (on). The four numbers in the 2x2 grid determine the four 8x8 tiles that make up the block - press in the Map16 editor to see the usable tiles.
- Can I flip the graphics for half of a block, like in the [!] blocks?
- Each 8x8 tile that makes up a full block can be separately flipped, colored or prioritized as above. Press in the Map16 editor to edit individual tile pieces.
- How do I change how a block acts?
- The number in the Acts As box defines the behaviour of a block, with the number referring to another Map16 tile.
- Is there any easy way of knowing what numbers act like what?
- Open . Look at and mouse over the tiles, and read the tooltips. Here are some diagrams for common tiles: Basic ground tiles, slope tiles, underground-specific slope tiles, and ceiling tiles.
- How do I import and export Map16 data?
- exports the current Map16 selection. imports Map16 from a file. and both work the same, but handle all of the Map16 in the ROM or file.
- Why aren't my Map16 changes showing up when I play the ROM?
- Don't forget to press in the Map16 Editor too.
- Can I get the pipes to stop changing colors from screen to screen?
- Yes. Copy and paste the pipe Map16 tiles onto a page from x2-x7F and choose the palette you want for them and use the new pipe tiles. Alternatively, click in the Map16 editor and change the pipe tiles to your liking (note that this affects all levels).
Frequently Asked Questions
Don't worry, we all need to start somewhere—if you're a beginner and still need to find your way around, chances are the F.A.Q. will answer a lot of the questions you may have. Before asking in the forums, it's wise to check this page first!
If you have suggestions for the F.A.Q., feel free to contact a staff member.
- Main
SMW Hacking
- Getting Started
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- Level Entrances and Exits
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YI Hacking
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