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Submission Guidelines

The pages here detail all of SMW Central's submission guidelines for all resource sections and for submitting hacks. They contain information on quality expectations and important points regarding the site's core values.

Music Tags

Tag Guidelines for the Music Section

This page contains the tags you can use on your submission form. Please make sure to use only the proper tags, any other tags will be removed during moderation. Don't put tags such as your or other people's names, game titles, jokes/memes, or anything else irrelevant.

If you find a submission is missing a tag that isn't shown here, please send a message to one of the Music moderators, so that they can add the missing tag.

Primary Tags
Place/Environmentabstract, airship, beach, carnival, castle, cave, desert, fire, forest, ghost house, grassland, ice, industrial, jungle, mountain, night, ruins, sewer, sea, sky, snow, space, swamp, temple, town, urban, underwater
Setting/Contextbonus, boss, chase, credits, cutscene, final, menu, overworld, title
Mood/Vibeathletic, ambient, calm, chaotic, dark, mysterious, sad, spooky, tense, upbeat

Technical Tags
environmentalSongs that contain environmental ambience within the song, such as animals or machinery.
retroSongs meant to deliberately mimic pulse-based retro sound hardware.

Miscellaneous Tags
game overFor songs that play when the player gets a game over. Note that the original song lasts about 5 seconds.
goalFor songs used when a level is cleared. Note that the original lasts about 7.5 seconds.
keyholeFor songs played when the keyhole sprite is activated in-game. Note that the original lasts about 3 seconds.
missFor songs played when the player loses a life. Note that the original lasts for 3.5 seconds.
nintendo presentsFor a sound effect meant to be played at the Nintendo Presents screen, the very first screen of the game.
p-switchFor songs that play when a P-Switch is pressed. Note that, by default, the P-Switch lasts about 12 seconds.
starFor songs played when the player collects a Starman. Note that by default, the Starman lasts for 15 seconds.
yoshi drumsFor songs that have the option for Yoshi drums akin to the original game.