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Hall of Fame

Main Page

Established in 2023 to help answer the question: “What should I play?”, we have come together to curate and showcase what our community has to offer. Here, we recognize the hacks that made our community talk, the hacks that friends would recommend to their friends, and the hacks that we would put in a time capsule for the future to know what this year was like in SMW hacking.

Hall of Fame hacks are chosen each year by a committee of SMW Central staff members, and experienced players and makers of hacks. In addition to being featured here, recognized hacks will be designated as “Hall of Fame members” in the database so you will be able to quickly find and enjoy them. Authors of recognized hacks will also receive a special trophy (the “Chuckie”) for their SMW Central profile.

Click the links in the sidebar to view each year's inductees.

Enjoy, and congratulations to our hall of famers!