SMAS Memory Map
Displaying 50 out of 1220 addresses.
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RAM Address | Length | Type | Context | Description | Details |
$7E0000 | 8 bytes | Miscellaneous | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Scratch RAM for many subroutines | |
$7E0000 | Unknown | Miscellaneous | Super Mario Bros. 1 | TODOs: - Fix inconsistent SMB1 sprite table sizes - Consistent naming (player instead of Mario, Y Position instead of ypos, and the likes) - Find out what kind of sprites there are in SMB1. How many types of extended sprites, and so on. - SMB3/Global addresses need context re-assigning. |
$7E0008 | 1 byte | Empty | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Unused scratch RAM. | |
$7E0009 | 1 byte | Counter | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Frame Counter | |
$7E000A | 3 bytes | Flag | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Player action data. Note that these flags are not mirrors of SNES controller flags. They merely signify which states the player is experiencing. For example, the Jump flag can be set by whatever button maps to jumping. Also, the flag is set only by the controller of the current player. |
$7E000A | 1 byte | Flag | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Bit flags: JD000000 J - Jump button D - Dash button |
$7E000B | 1 byte | Flag | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Bit flags: 0000UD00 U - Up button D - Down button |
$7E000C | 1 byte | Flag | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Bit flags: 000000LR L - Left flag R - Right flag |
$7E000D | 1 byte | Flag | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Saves the value of $7E:000A (jump/run flags) from the previous frame. | |
$7E000F | 1 byte | Player Action | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Player's current action (Entering pipe, fade to image before level, vine, etc.) TODO: verify "Number of subroutines to run in game engine on next frame" |
$7E0010 | 8 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Sprite onscreen flag. Bit 7 = never overwrite sprite slot of current index. Bit 0 = Onscreen flag. |
$7E0010 | 1 byte | Counter | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Frame Counter | |
$7E0011 | 1 byte | Stripe Image | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Layer image upload | |
$7E0012 | 1 byte | Position | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | Which screen number the player is in. TODO: Verify, editing this seems to screw with the level drawing | |
$7E0014 | 1 byte | Player | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Player's X-position, high byte. | |
$7E0014 | 1 byte | Flag | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | Level completed flag. | |
$7E0015 | 9 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Sprites' X-position, high byte. | |
$7E0015 | 1 byte | Counter | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | Frame counter. | |
$7E0016 | 1 byte | Hardware Mirror | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | Brightness. Does not affect the statusbar on the overworld. | |
$7E001C | 8 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Sprite number | |
$7E001C | 1 byte | Timer | Intro & Game Select Screens | Number of frames to show intro logo. Is initially set to #$81. At #$61, the logo will flash. |
$7E001E | 1 byte | Player | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Player's Y-position, high byte. | |
$7E001F | 9 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Sprites' Y-position, high byte. | |
$7E0022 | 1 byte | Level | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | How many screens the level has. | |
$7E0022 | 1 byte | Timer | Intro & Game Select Screens | Amount of time to wait until the "Super Mario All-Stars" text flashes. | |
$7E0022 | 1 byte | Timer | Intro & Game Select Screens | Timer for various things. 1. Number of frames to show each flash state during intro logo flashing |
$7E0023 | 1 byte | Counter | Intro & Game Select Screens | What step we are in, in the flashing "ALL*STARS" text in the hall screen. | |
$7E0024 | 1 byte | Flag | Intro & Game Select Screens | Flag for various animation timers. When set, the animation timers will begin. 1. Flash animation for intro logo |
$7E0025 | 1 byte | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Sprite number which came out of a question block. | |
$7E0027 | 1 byte | Flag | Intro & Game Select Screens | Is #$10 if the start button has been pressed by either controller, otherwise #$00. | |
$7E0028 | 1 byte | Player | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Player's X position, low byte | |
$7E0029 | 8 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Sprite state. TODO: Find a list of values |
$7E0029 | 9 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Sprites' X-position, low byte. First three bytes also used for movement of bonus slots. 00 = stop, 01 = slowing down, 02-FF = not slowing down. | |
$7E002E | 3 bytes | Pointers | Super Mario Bros. 3/Main gameplay | 24-bit pointer to the level map16 layout in RAM. (Note that this is used for both the low and high bytes; the game changes the index to switch between them.) | |
$7E0031 | 3 bytes | Pointers | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | Pointer to current current level's sprite data (SNES Address, Little endian) | |
$7E0032 | 1 byte | Player | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Player's Y-Position, low byte | |
$7E0033 | 2 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Fireball states TODO: Find out about the values |
$7E0033 | 9 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Sprites' Y-position, low byte. $7E0038-9 is speed of bonus slot 1's images. $7E003A-B is speed of bonus slot 2's images. | |
$7E0035 | 2 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Bounce block state TODO: find out the states |
$7E003C | 1 byte | Speed | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Speed of one of bonus slot 3's images. Also used for player's speed. | |
$7E003D | 9 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Sprite X speed table. $3D is also used for speed of the other of bonus slot 3's images. | |
$7E0042 | 2 bytes | X Position | Super Mario Bros. 1 | X-Position of screen | |
$7E0042 | 2 bytes | X Position | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Horizontal X coordinate of left side of the screen - 16-bit value. Used for rendering certain sprites and sprite particles at their proper position. |
$7E0043 | 2 bytes | Overworld | Super Mario Bros. 3/Overworld | Low byte of the player Y position on the overworld. Byte 1 is for Mario, byte 2 is for Luigi | |
$7E0043 | 1 byte | Miscellaneous | Super Mario Bros. 3/Main gameplay | Player X position in the level, high byte (i.e. screen number) | |
$7E0044 | 9 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 3/Global | Sprite X position, high byte. TODO: Verify length |
$7E0045 | 2 bytes | Overworld | Super Mario Bros. 3/Overworld | High byte of the player X position. Alternatively, this can be considered the submap number of the current world the players are on. The first byte is for Mario, while the second is for Luigi. | |
$7E0046 | 1 byte | Player | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Facing direction of player $01 - Right $02 - Left |
$7E0046 | 1 byte | Player | Super Mario Bros. 2 | Player's Y-speed | |
$7E0047 | 8 bytes | Sprites | Super Mario Bros. 1 | Sprite direction $01 - Right $02 - Left |