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SMW Memory Map

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Hijack Address Length Type Description Details
$0E8000 28928 bytes Code Modified by AddmusicK.
First, an header is inserted, containing the following:
- The identifier characters "@AMK".
- Version number (which seems to be kept at $00 in all versions of the program).
- Long pointer to the table of sample groups pointers.
- Long pointer to the table of music data pointers.
- 21 "$00" bytes, probably meant for future expansions.

Then, the main code of the tool is inserted, which handles uploading music to the SPC700 and playing it, and the rest of the space is cleared out by filling it with "$55" bytes ("rep $7100 : db $55" done before inserting the custom code). The space is cleared out until $0EF0FF, since $0EF100-$0EFFFF is used by Lunar Magic.
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