SMW Memory Map
Displaying 25 out of 2431 addresses.
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Hijack Address | Length | Type | Description | Details |
$008023 | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Modified by ZSNES incompatibility notice. Jumps to the main code. | |
$008027 | 4 bytes | Code | Hijacked by the Free up RAM $7F:8000 patch by DiscoTheBat and Ersanio. Inserts a SEP #$30, to set the processor status to 8-bit A and X/Y, and a BRA to skip the code that uploads the OAM clear routine to $7F8000. The BRA jumps to $008052 if !UberASMTool = 0, and to $00804E if !UberASMTool = 1. |
$00804D | 1 byte | Opcode | Not modified, however is used by Lunar Magic as an RTL for calling routines that end in RTS in bank 0 with a JSL via stack magic. So don't modify it. | |
$00804E | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by UberASM Tool. JML, jumps to the routine that initializes the freeram used by the tool and executes the global init code. |
$008052 | 3 bytes | Jump (JMP/JSR) | Hijacked by AddmusicK. Inserts a JSR to the custom UploadSPCEngine routine inserted in the $008079 area, replacing the original JSR. |
$00805E | 3 bytes | Hex Edit | Modified by AddmusicK. Inserts 3 NOPs to skip a JSR to a routine that uploads samples to the SPC700. |
$00806B | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by UberASM Tool 1.x. JML, jumps to the routine that executes global main code. This hijack has been removed as of v2.0. |
$008070 | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Modified by 16-bit frame counter. Jump to code that increases both $13 and 16-bit frame counters. | |
$008072 | 3 bytes | Jump (JMP/JSR) | Modified by the CPU Usage Meter patch. Jumps to the main code of the patch in a free area at $00FF9C. | |
$008072 | 3 bytes | Jump (JMP/JSR) | Hijacked by the Lunar Magic's "VRAM Patch" Optimization patch, by Kevin. JSR, replaces the main game loop call with a call to a custom routine in bank 0 freespace, which allows the stripe image modifications to take place outside of NMI after the game loop has run. |
$008075 | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by AddmusicK. JML to the main AMK routine inserted in the $0E8000 area. |
$008079 | 209 bytes | Code | Modified by AddmusicK. Replaces the original SPC data upload routine with a custom one. |
$008176 | 6 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by UberASM Tool. JML : NOP #2, jumps to the routine that executes all possible "nmi" labels: global (removed as of v2.0), level, gamemode, and overworld. New to v2.0, if no resources use the "nmi" label, this hijack is removed and the original game code is restored. |
$008179 | 49 bytes | Hex Edit | Modified by AddmusicK. BRA + : NOP #47 : +, skips over original NMI audio code that's already handled in AMK's routines. This is inserted in case neither $008179 == $5C nor $008176 == $5C. |
$00817C | 46 bytes | Hex Edit | Modified by AddmusicK. BRA + : NOP #44 : +, skips over original NMI audio code that's already handled in AMK's routines. This is inserted in case $008176 is $5C (JML), to make it compatible with a LevelNMI (UberASM) hijack. |
$00817D | 45 bytes | Hex Edit | Modified by AddmusicK. BRA + : NOP #43 : +, skips over original NMI audio code that's already handled in AMK's routines. This is inserted in case $008179 is $5C (JML), to make it compatible with PowerTool. |
$00818F | 18 bytes | Code | Hijacked by the No Title SFX patch. A piece of code that mutes every SFX in the title screen. |
$0081AA | 8 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Modified by Ice Man's 'HDMA v3.5' patch. Hijacks NMI and calls the main routine. [JSL : BRA : NOP #2] | |
$0081AA | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by the Retry System (+ Multiple Checkpoints) v2.06b patch by worldpeace and LX5. JML, it jumps to the code that turns off HDMA during level transitions (including room respawning). |
$0081AA | 5 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by the HDMA Bugfixes patch, by Ice Man. JML : NOP, clears the HDMA enable mirror on specific game modes. |
$0081AF | 3 bytes | Code | Modified by Fix HDMA Flickering patch by anonimzwx. BRA $01 : NOP, removes the line [STZ $420C] from NMI. |
$0081C6 | 5 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Modified by the Easy Mode 7 Patch by ExE Boss, HuFlungDu, and mathie. JML : NOP, makes SMW use the Mode 7 mirrors in any Mode 7 level instead of just boss levels. |
$0081D5 | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Modified by "Mode 7 Game Over Screen" patch. Check for game over game mode and update mode 7 image. | |
$0081E2 | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Modified by Lunar Magic as part of its VRAM modification patch. | |
$0081EC | 4 bytes | Jump (JML/JSL) | Hijacked by multiple patches. Overworld Counters hijacks this to upload the various counters during NMI. Overworld Border Plus hijacks this to upload the border tiles during NMI. |