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SMW Memory Map

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Hijack Address Length Type Description Details
$008F73 6 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijack for the left aligned coin counter.
$008F7A 10 bytes Code Hijacked by the MessageBox in Minimalist Status Bar + Goal Customizer patch, by Isikoro and Ladida.

Replaces the vanilla coin display with its own coin display.
$008F86 111 bytes Code Hijacked by the MessageBox in Minimalist Status Bar + Goal Customizer patch, by Isikoro and Ladida.

Replaces the end of the status bar routine with its own to handle the item box, dashmeter and bonus stars.
$008F86 3 bytes Jump (JMP/JSR) Modified by Course Clear Coins, by MarioFanGamer.

JMP, bypasses the routine that draws the large bonus star numbers on the status bar. Conditionally enabled.
$008F8F 3 bytes Code Hijacked by the Yoshi Coin Counter Patch, by Darolac.

Modifies the status bar number drawing routine to draw the number of levels in which all Yoshi coins were found instead of bonus stars.
$008FC8 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Modified by SMB2-Styled Health Bar, by Demonsul and KilloZappit.

Jumps to a routine that changes the Mario/Luigi text in the status bar to the health bar.
$008FD8 5 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by the Per Level Yoshi Coins Amount patch by Kevin.
JSL : NOP, changes how many Dragon Coins are displayed on the status bar in total for the current level.
$008FD8 5 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Modified by Fire Power Timer patch. Handles fire power timer.

Modified also by Nimono's '3 digit coin counter' patch (5 bytes). Jumps to the main routine. [JSL : NOP]
$008FE4 14 bytes Code Modified by the Numerical Dragon Counter patch, by Neosz. This hijack clears the "Draws Yoshi Coins in the status bar" routine.
$008FEF 3 bytes Code Modified by SMB2-Styled Health Bar, by Demonsul and KilloZappit.

Writes the dragon coin counter in its new position in the status bar.
$008FF9 1 byte Opcode Used by the Advanced version of the Super Status Bar patch by GreenHammerBro and Kaijyuu. Not modified, but the patch expects an RTS opcode at this location.
$009012 51 bytes Code Modified by the 8 Digits Score patch by Isikoro.
Replaces the original "6 digits Hex-Dec" routine with an "Add points routine" (ends in RTL), which adds the 16-bit value in A to the score, and returns with A in 8-bit mode. To add score when using this patch, you can call this routine with a JSL.
$009012 44 bytes Code Modified by Optimize Score Display by Fernap.

Changes a part of 24-bit hex-to-dec into a score addition routine, using BCD format.
$009014 3 bytes Opcode Hijacked by the MessageBox in Minimalist Status Bar + Goal Customizer patch, by Isikoro and Ladida.

STA !score,x or NOP #3, either stores the score to the given tile instead of $0F29 or disables the score.
$009034 3 bytes Opcode Hijacked by the MessageBox in Minimalist Status Bar + Goal Customizer patch, by Isikoro and Ladida.

STA !score,x or NOP #3, either stores the score to the given tile instead of $0F29 or disables the score.
$009051 128 bytes Hex Edit Modified by "Remove Status Bar" patch. Removes status bar functionality, including stars and reserve item, marking it as freespace.
$00907A 1 byte Data Modified by $02xx OAM Remapper. This is the table with the OAM index for the item box's sprite.
$00907A 1 byte Data Modified by More Extended Sprites, by Isikoro.

$CC, changes the reserve item OAM index.
$00907A 1 byte Hex Edit Hijacked by the Extended No More Sprite Tile Limits patch, by DiscoTheBat, Kevin, Roy, imamelia and worldpeace.
Moves the item box OAM index to $02FC outside of Reznor, Morton, Roy, Ludwig and Bowser's battles.
$009095 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Modified by Item Box GFX Fix, by Kenny3900.

JML, bypasses the default "draw item box GFX" routine to utilize expanded properties table.
$0090AE 1 byte Hex Edit Modified by the Advanced version of the Super Status Bar patch by GreenHammerBro and Kaijyuu. This is the X position of the item in the item box. It's set according to the !ITEM_X define in the patch, whose default value is the vanilla X position.
$0090B3 1 byte Hex Edit Modified by the Advanced version of the Super Status Bar patch by GreenHammerBro and Kaijyuu. This is the Y position of the item in the item box. It's set according to the !ITEM_Y define in the patch, whose default value is the vanilla Y position.
$0090B8 1 byte Hex Edit Modified by the Advanced version of the Super Status Bar patch by GreenHammerBro and Kaijyuu. This is the YXPPCCCT property byte of the item in the item box. It's set according to the !ITEM_PRIORITY define in the patch, whose default value is the vanilla property byte.
$0090CC 1 byte Hex Edit Modified by the Advanced version of the Super Status Bar patch by GreenHammerBro and Kaijyuu. This is the size of the item in the item box. It's set according to the !ITEM_SIZE define in the patch, whose default value is the vanilla size.
$0090D0 1 byte Opcode Modified by the Advanced version of the Super Status Bar patch by GreenHammerBro and Kaijyuu. This is the return instruction of the status bar item drawing routine, which is converted to a JSL routine.
$0091A6 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by the Retry System (+ Multiple Checkpoints) v2.06b patch by worldpeace and LX5.
JML, it jumps to an initialization routine.
$009216 9 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Modified by undefinied3's New Super Mario Bros Wii - Level Intro patch. It calls the main code through JSL, NOP once, then jumps to a conditional check through JML.
$00925B 2 bytes Opcode Hijacked by the patch Free $7E04A0 by spooonsss.
LDA #$00 changed to LDA #!FreeRAM>>16. (hdma bank value)
$009263 19 bytes Code Hijacked by the patch Free $7E04A0 by spooonsss.
Changes the window RAM clear routine to clear the newly designated free RAM area instead of the original.
$00927C 7 bytes Data Hijacked by the patch Free $7E04A0 by spooonsss.
Changes to window pointers.
$00928C 2 bytes Opcode Hijacked by the patch Free $7E04A0 by spooonsss.
REP #$10 changed to REP #$30.
$009291 23 bytes Code Hijacked by the patch Free $7E04A0 by spooonsss.
Changes full screen window code to use !Freeram.
$0092AB 2 bytes Opcode Hijacked by the patch Free $7E04A0 by spooonsss.
REP #$10 changed to REP #$30.
$009322 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by UberASM Tool.
JML, jumps to the routine that calls the "main", "init", and "end" (in v2.0+) labels for game mode code.
$009326 3 bytes Code Hijacked by UberASM Tool.
RTS : NOP #2. Facilitate returning from the main game mode hijack. This is new as of version 2.0.
$009391 3 bytes Code Hijacked by "No Title, No Intro, No Problems" by Kevin.

STZ, Sets to screen brightness.
$009394 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by the Intro Logo Patch, by Roy.

JML, handles the Nintendo Logo drawing via DMA.
$009397 26 bytes Code Hijacked by "No Title, No Intro, No Problems" by Kevin.

STZ : BRA, Sets the screen to dark, skips drawing the nintendo presents logo and layer 3 clean.

The skipped code is used as freespace to load overworld-related stuff such as SRAM and the player's OW position.
$00939A 36 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by the 128x128 Nintendo Presents Logo patch, by Kevin.

See details, draws the tiles of the Nintendo Presents (top left position and object tiles size in bank $00, the rest in freespace).
$00939A 8 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) First hijack of Roy & ghettoyouth's 'Nintendo Presents Logo Expansion' patch (LDY #$3C : LDX #$0F before the JML).
$0093B4 12 bytes Code Second hijack of Roy & ghettoyouth's 'Nintendo Presents Logo Expansion' patch. Handles an OAM loop before the JML.
$0093C0 5 bytes Code Modified by AddmusicK.
Changes the "Nintendo Presents" song number, and changes "STA $1DFC" to "STA $1DFB" (since it's changed from SFX to song).
$0093C5 2 bytes Opcode Hijacked by "No Title, No Intro, No Problems" by Kevin.

BRA, Skips a bunch of code and heads straight to loading gamemode $02.
$0093C6 1 byte Hex Edit Hijacked by the 128x128 Nintendo Presents Logo patch, by Kevin.

db !intro_time, sets the time for how long Nintendo Presents stays active.
$0093D4 6 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by the 128x128 Nintendo Presents Logo patch, by Kevin.

See details, uploads a custom palette for the Nintendo Presents screen if a custom palette is enabled.
!custom_palette = 0 !custom_palette = 1
$0093D7 9 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Modified by Nintendo Presents Custom Palette, by Roy.

JSL : NOP #5, replaces the palette load and background color settings for the "Nintendo Presents" object.

Hijacked also by undefinied3's New Super Mario Bros Wii Level Intro. It calls a routine that determines when to upload custom palettes for the level intro preview. Two NOPs are written after the JSL. [JSL : NOP #2]
$0093E6 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Modified by "Mode 7 Game Over Screen" patch. Upload palette for mode 7 image.
$0093F7 5 bytes Code Modified by Lunar Magic.
$00940F 4 bytes Jump (JML/JSL) Hijacked by the Intro Logo Patch, by Roy.

JML, handles the fade-in and fade-out of the Nintendo logo.
$009417 2 bytes Opcode Hijacked by "No Title, No Intro, No Problems" by Kevin.

BRA, Branch to the hijacked code at $009397.
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