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SMW Memory Map

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RAM Address Length Type Description Details
$7E0000 16 bytes Misc. Scratch RAM, is and can be used for a big number of purposes. The general purpose is temporarily preserving a value for later use in a routine.
Of note is the following address, used in LM ASM hacks:
$7E:0003 (16-bit) - Block number from LM Map16 editor. Also used in the custom Map16 tile change routine.
$7E0010 1 byte Flag If the value in it is not zero, run the actual game; otherwise, loop forever. It's set to a non-zero value during NMI, and it's set to zero after the game mode has been run, so that the game runs exactly once a frame - one NMI trigger per frame.
$7E0011 1 byte Flag Used to distinguish IRQ #1 from IRQ #2's code. (Inside the Morton/Ludwig/Roy room, where IRQ is used twice, although it can be used in other areas that run IRQ as well.) #$00 = IRQ #1; #$01 = IRQ #2.
$7E0012 1 byte Graphics Stripe image loader - value must be divisible by 3. Valid Values
$7E0013 1 byte Counter "True" frame counter. Increments once per frame, except when the game is lagging. Note that $7E:0014 is better suited for most purposes.
$7E0014 1 byte Counter "Effective" frame counter. Stops when, for example, RAM addresses such as $7E:009D are not zero (lock sprite flag, usually indicates the player is dying, grabbing a powerup, or something similar). Inside sprite code, this address is often preferred over $7E:0013, especially in graphics routines, as graphics will not be updated when the player dies if this address is used as an index to the tilemap.
$7E0015 1 byte I/O Controller buttons currently held down. Format: byetUDLR.
b = A or B; y = X or Y; e = select; t = Start; U = up; D = down; L = left, R = right.
$7E0016 1 byte I/O Controller buttons newly pressed this frame. Format: byetUDLR.
b = B only; y = X or Y; e = select; t = Start; U = up; D = down; L = left, R = right.
$7E0017 1 byte I/O Controller buttons currently held down. Format: axlr----.
a = A; x = X; l = L; r = R, - = null/unused.
$7E0018 1 byte I/O Controller buttons newly pressed this frame. Format: axlr----.
a = A; x = X; l = L; r = R, - = null/unused.
$7E0019 1 byte Player Current player powerup status. Valid Values
$7E001A 2 bytes Hardware mirror Layer 1 X position, current frame. Mirror of SNES register $210D.

For autoscrolling Layer 1, see $1462 instead.
$7E001C 2 bytes Hardware mirror Layer 1 Y position, current frame. Mirror of SNES register $210E.

For autoscrolling Layer 1, see $1464 instead.
$7E001E 2 bytes Hardware mirror Layer 2 X position, current frame. Mirror of SNES register $210F.

For autoscrolling Layer 2, see $1466 instead.
$7E0020 2 bytes Hardware mirror Layer 2 Y position, current frame. Mirror of SNES register $2110.

For autoscrolling Layer 2, see $1468 instead.
$7E0022 2 bytes Hardware mirror Layer 3 X position. Mirror of SNES register $2111.
$7E0024 2 bytes Hardware mirror Layer 3 Y position. Mirror of SNES register $2112.
$7E0026 2 bytes Misc. If Layer 3 tides are disabled, this is the X offset of Layer 2 from Layer 1, calculated as $1466 - $1462.
If Layer 3 tides are enabled, it is instead the X offset of Layer 3 from Layer 1, calculated as $22 - $1462.

Used for handling interaction with Layer 2/3.
$7E0028 2 bytes Misc. If Layer 3 tides are disabled, this is the Y offset of Layer 2 from Layer 1, calculated as $1468 - $1464.
If Layer 3 tides are enabled, it is instead the Y offset of Layer 3 from Layer 1, calculated as $24 - $1464.

Used for handling interaction with Layer 2/3.
$7E002A 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 Center X position. Mirror of SNES register $211F, + #$0080.
$7E002C 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 Center Y position. Mirror of SNES register $2120, + #$0080.
$7E002E 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 matrix parameter A. Mirror of SNES register $211B.
$7E0030 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 matrix parameter B. Mirror of SNES register $211C.
$7E0032 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 matrix parameter C. Mirror of SNES register $211D.
$7E0034 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 matrix parameter D. Mirror of SNES register $211E.
$7E0036 2 bytes Misc. Mode 7 rotation. Its values are calculated and stored into the respective Mode 7 parameter mirrors at $7E:002E through $7E:0035.
Values #$0000 through #$01FF are all different values, after that it's the same pattern - that is, if you add this 16-bit address with #$0200, there is a 360 degree rotation.
Furthermore, this address is used in the brown chained platform code as an index to the sine and cosine tables at $07:F7DB.
$7E0038 2 bytes Misc. Mode 7 scaling; that is, making Layer 1 shrink or grow. Its values are calculated and stored into the respective Mode 7 parameter mirrors at $7E:002E through $7E:0035.
The first byte - $7E:0038 - is used for horizontal scaling, whereas the second byte - $7E:0039 - is used for vertical scaling.
Default value is #$20. The closer to #$00, the more the layer grows, the further from #$00, the more the layer shrinks. Value #$10 makes the layer twice as large as value #$20, value #$40 makes the layer twice as small as value #$20, etc.
$7E003A 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 Layer 1 X position. Mirror of SNES register $210D.
$7E003C 2 bytes Hardware mirror Mode 7 Layer 1 Y position. Mirror of SNES register $210E.
$7E003E 1 byte Hardware mirror Background mode select applied with IRQ below status bar (so the area above IRQ is not affected by this). Format: 4321pmmm.
4321 = Layer 1/2/3/4 uses 8x8 tiles when clear, 16x16 tiles when set; p = Layer 3 absolute priority (only in background mode 1); mmm = background mode # (0-7).
Mirror of SNES register $2105.
$7E003F 1 byte Hardware mirror OAM Address, low byte. Also known as the mirror of SNES register $2102. High byte is at $00846B. Is sometimes used to alter priority of various sprite tiles, such as with the sprite backgrounds in the boss rooms.
$7E0040 1 byte Hardware mirror CGADSUB settings. Format: shbo4321.
s = 0 for adding color layer, 1 for subtracting color layer; h = half-color enable; b = backdrop enable; o = object (aka sprite) enable; 4321 = enable Layer 4, 3, 2, 1 (Layer 3 is only affected below the status bar). Mirror of SNES register $2131.
$7E0041 3 bytes Hardware mirror Window mask settings. These control which window is for which layer active as well as whether a window is inverted for that layer.

Format of each register:
A/a: Enable window 2
B/b: Invert window 2
C/c: Enable window 1
D/d: Invert window 1

Lower case apply for BG1, BG3 and OBJ (layer 1, 3 and sprites) and upper case apply for BG2, BG4 and COL (layer 2, 4 and colour 0 / fixed colour).

$41 (mirror of W12SEL $2123) controls BG1 and BG2
$42 (mirror of W34SEL $2124) controls BG3 and BG4
$43 (mirror of WOBJSEL $2125) controls OBJ and COL
$7E0044 1 byte Hardware mirror Color addition select.
Format: ccmm--sd.
cc = clip colors to black before math
mm = color math prevention
s = add subscreen (replaces fixed color)
d = enables direct color mode for 8bpp graphics (modes 3, 4, and 7)

For cc and mm, the values they are set to determine when they apply: 00 = never, 01 = outside color window only, 10 = inside color window only, 11 = always.

Mirror of SNES register $2130.
$7E0045 2 bytes Camera Column/row of Map16 tiles to use for VRAM upload when layer 1 is scrolling left/up. Its value is equal to $7E:001A (or $7E:001C if vertical) divided by #$10, minus #$08.
$7E0047 2 bytes Camera Column/row of Map16 tiles to use for VRAM upload when layer 1 is scrolling right/down. Its value is equal to $7E:001A (or $7E:001C if vertical) divided by #$10, plus #$17.
$7E0049 2 bytes Camera Column/row of Map16 tiles to use for VRAM upload when interactive layer 2 is scrolling left/up. Its value is equal to $7E:001E (or $7E:0020 if vertical) divided by #$10 (16), minus #$08.
$7E004B 2 bytes Camera Column/row of Map16 tiles to use for VRAM upload when interactive layer 2 is scrolling right/down. Its value is equal to $7E:001E (or $7E:0020 if vertical) divided by #$10, plus #$17.
$7E004D 2 bytes Camera Last X/Y value of layer 1 where VRAM upload of Map16 tiles was performed when scrolling left/up.
The low 4 bits are forced to zero (AND #$FFF0) in order to get scroll values on a 16 pixel boundary.
It is used to determine if a VRAM update is necessary during scrolling.
$7E004F 2 bytes Camera Last X/Y value of layer 1 where VRAM upload of Map16 tiles was performed when scrolling right/down.
The low 4 bits are forced to zero (AND #$FFF0) in order to get scroll values on a 16 pixel boundary.
It is used to determine if a VRAM update is necessary during scrolling.
$7E0051 2 bytes Camera Last X/Y value of interactive layer 2 where VRAM upload of Map16 tiles was performed when scrolling left/up.
The low 4 bits are forced to zero (AND #$FFF0) in order to get scroll values on a 16 pixel boundary.
It is used to determine if a VRAM update is necessary during scrolling.
$7E0053 2 bytes Camera Last X/Y value of interactive layer 2 where VRAM upload of Map16 tiles was performed when scrolling right/down.
The low 4 bits are forced to zero (AND #$FFF0) in order to get scroll values on a 16 pixel boundary.
It is used to determine if a VRAM update is necessary during scrolling.
$7E0055 1 byte Camera Direction of scrolling for Layer 1.
#$00 = left (or up); #$02 = right (or down).
Used to index the various camera tables at $7E0045 to $7E0048 and $7E004D to $7E0050.

When handling routine $00F70D, it is set to $00 if the player's on-screen X position is less than the value of $142A and $02 otherwise. This is used to determine which side to enable spawning sprites depending which side the player is on compared to $142A.

It is also temporarily set to #$01 during level load for loading onscreen sprites.
$7E0056 1 byte Camera Direction of scrolling for Layer 2.
#$00 = left (or up); #$02 = right (or down).
Used to index the various camera tables at $7E:0049 through $7E:004C and $7E:0051 through $7E:0054.
$7E0057 1 byte Blocks Used in the level loading code. It's the position within the subscreen.
Format: yyyyxxxx, where yyyy is the Y position (units of 16 pixels) and xxxx is the X position.
$7E0058 1 byte Empty Empty. Cleared on reset, titlescreen load and overworld load.
$7E0059 1 byte Blocks Used in the level loading routine as an indicator for the size of the object, or extended object type depending on what object is being loaded. Could be used as scratch RAM (except in ObjecTool and similar codes).
$7E005A 1 byte Blocks Used in the level loading routine as the object number. Could be used as scratch RAM (except in ObjecTool and similar codes).
$7E005B 1 byte Misc. Screen mode: CD----Vv.
C = Collision with either Layer 2 or Layer 3.
D = Disable collision with Layer 1.
V = Vertical Layer 2.
v = Vertical Layer 1.
- = unused.

For the most part, this address is managed by a table at $058417, which is indexed by the level mode setting. The only exception to this is that the C bit may also get set if Layer 3 tides are active.
$7E005C 1 byte Empty Empty. Cleared on reset, titlescreen load and overworld load.
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