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SMW Memory Map

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ROM Address Length Type Description Details
$008000 39 bytes ASM This is the starting address of SMW. This takes care of basic initialization such as disabling IRQ, HDMA, DMA, clearing the SPC ports, enabling F-blank, disabling emulation mode, disabling decimal mode, initializing the direct page, and setting up the stack.
$008027 43 bytes ASM This is code is responsible for uploading the OAM clear routine to $7F8000. The uploaded routine is essentially an unrolled loop which stores #$F0 to all of the OAM mirror($0200) Y positions.
$008052 25 bytes ASM This is the main part of the SMW initialization routine. SPC engine upload, sample upload, OAM setup, windowing setup, and RAM clearing all happens here.
$00806B 14 bytes ASM This is the main game loop of SMW. It is used to wait for V-blank to complete before executing the code of the next frame. One of the frame counters ($13) is also incremented here.
$00810E 15 bytes Subroutine (JSR) OW Music uploader.
$008134 37 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Uploads level music bank.
$008159 17 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Credit music uploader.
$00816A 522 bytes Misc. SMW's NMI routine. For more information, see here.
$008179 49 bytes ASM Handles transfers to and from the SPC700 (I/O). Changing all values to [EA] (NOP) or jumping over the code effectively mutes all sound.
$008293 1 byte Misc. How many scanlines the status bar uses during a regular level.
$00835D 1 byte Layer 3 How many scanlines the status bar uses during the battles with Bowser, Ludwig, and Reznor.
$008370 1 byte Layer 3 How many scanlines the status bar and ceiling use during the battles with Morton and Roy.
$008374 162 bytes Misc. SMW's IRQ routine.
$008449 44 bytes Misc. Code that transfer Sprite OAM mirror (sprite OAM table at $7E0200-$7E041F, a total of 544 bytes) to register $2104 to draw sprites.
$008494 52 bytes Sprite tilemap related Copies OAM's extra bits (size and 9th bit X position: %000000SX) data stored in $7E0420, and reformats, or “compacts” each 4 bytes of that into each byte to $7E0400 (%SXSXSXSX). $0420 and $0400 format
$0084C8 8 bytes Subroutine (JSL) JSL wrapper for the stripe image uploader (pointer lies in $12), which can be found at $0085D2. Because it upload tiles, it must run in either f- or v-blank (e.g. in NMI).
$0084D0 258 bytes Stripe Image Stripe image pointer table. Each 24-bit pointer here corresponds to a value of $12, but only multiples of 3 are used (the first pointer is for value $00, the second is for value $03, the third for $06, etc.).
$0085D2 40 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Subroutine which uploads the stripe image pointed by $12 to VRAM. The pointer is loaded from the table at $0084D0, and then the routine at $00871E is called. Afterwards, if $12 is #$00, the stripe image length at $7F837B is set to 0 and the terminator $FF is written to the beginning of $7F837D. In any case, $12 is reset to 0 before returning.
To call this routine from outside bank 0 you can JSL to the wrapper at $0084C8. This should only be done during a blank period (usually NMI).
$0085FA 86 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Fills the entire layer 3 tilemap with tile 0x0FC (transparent tile) i.e. the code "empties" it. Also wipes the OAM before returning.
$008650 119 bytes Subroutine (JSR) This is the routine that polls the controller and updates $15, $16, $17, $18.
$0086A0 (x8A0) - Change to [9C A0 0D AD A0 0D A2 00] to cause both player 1 & 2 to be controlled by controller 1.
$0086C7 24 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Subroutine that initializes the OAM table in Roy, Morton and Ludwig's rooms. It first initializes the first 100 tiles to be 16x16 (by setting $0420,x to #$02), then jumps in the middle of the standard OAM clear routine (JSL $7F812E).
$0086DF 27 bytes Subroutine (JSL) Pointer subroutine: Jump to a 2-byte pointer, the position of the pointer used is "Position after the JSL + 1 + (A*2)". The subroutine should always be accessed by a JSL.
$0086FA 36 bytes Subroutine (JSL) Pointer subroutine: Jump to a 3-byte pointer, the position of the pointer used is "Position after the JSL + 1 + (A*3)". The subroutine should always be accessed by a JSL.
$00871E 143 bytes Stripe Image Stripe Image Uploader. Uses $00-$02 as a 24-bit pointer to tile data. See this thread how the stripe image format works. Must be run during a blank, usually NMI.

To call from a custom routine, do this:
- Store stripe image pointer (24-bit) to $00-$02
- Push 24-bit return address (bank -> mid -> lo)
- PHB : LDA #$00 : PHA : PLB
- PEA $84CD
- JSL $00871E
$0087AD 617 bytes Subroutine (JSL) This routine is the DMA routine in charge of updating layers one and two as needed. This is controlled by the addresses $1BE4 and $1CE6 when they are a non-zero value.
$008A4E 43 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Clear RAM subroutine. This is part of the reset routine.
Specifically, it clears ram $00-$FF (direct page), $0200-$1FFF, $0681 and the stripe image table (by setting $7F837B to #$0000 and the start of $7F837D to #$FF).
$008A79 59 bytes ASM The routine that sets up certain VRAM-related registers in normal levels.
- $008A80: Default value for $2107 [23].
- $008A85: Default value for $2108 [33].
- $008A8A: Default value for $2109 [53].
- $008A8F: Default value for $210B [00].
- $008A94: Default value for $210C [04].
- $008AAB: Default value for $2130 [02], although it's actually stored to the mirror here (i.e. $44).
$210A is never set, since it is only ever used in Mode 0.
$008ACD 138 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Routine that updates the mode 7 matrix parameters mirrors at $2E-$34 using the rotation and scale parameters at $36-$38. SMW calls it every frame in mode 7 bosses (when $0D9B is >= #$80), and the "Easy Mode 7 patch" calls it every frame in mode 7 levels, but you may need to call it manually if you're using mode 7 in special situations (for example, on the Overworld).
On SA-1 roms, this must be called when running on the SNES CPU.
Call routine code
$008C59 40 bytes Layer 3 Tile array for numbers in bonus star counter.
$008C81 126 bytes Layer 3 Default status bar tiles info table. Format for each 8x8 tile:

*$008C81-$008C88: top line of status bar (4 top tiles of the item box)
*$008C89-$008CC0: Second line of status bar
*$008CC1-$008CF6: Third line of status bar
*$008CF7-$008CFE: bottom line of status bar (4 bottom tiles of item box)
Table of addresses
$008D8B 1 byte Timer Timer speed (USE WITH $008E2E)
$008D90 28 bytes Misc. These four tables indicate the DMA settings and the source address to use for the status bar tiles (the ones that are uploaded at the very beginning of the level). The tables get stored in the order of $43x0-$43x6.
$008DAC 59 bytes Layer 3 The routine that draws the status bar onto the screen. It uses DMA to write the Layer 3 tiles to VRAM.
$008DF5 5 bytes Layer 3 The tiles that make up Luigi's name in the status bar.
$008DFA 4 bytes Sprite tilemap related Tilemap of reserve item. First byte is mushroom, second is flower, third is star, fourth is feather.
$008DFE 4 bytes Sprite tilemap related YXPPCCCT of stars in the item box. It cycles between the four entries every second frame.
$008E02 4 bytes Sprite tilemap related YXPPCCCT data for reserve item. First byte is mushroom, second is flower, third is bypassed ($008DFF), fourth is feather.
$008E06 20 bytes Layer 3 Tile numbers for the bonus star digits in the status bar. 2 tiles per number, with the first being the upper tile and second being the bottom tile.
An identical table is found at $05CD62 for the score card.
$008E1A 480 bytes Layer 3 The routine that updates the values of all the addresses used for the status bar ($0EF9-$0F2F).
$008E28 - Change this address to AD to disable the timer.
$008E2E - Timer speed (USE WITH $008D8B)
$008E45 - Tile that each timer digit resets to after reaching 0. Can be any value from $00-$80. (e.g. Change to $0F: 100 -> 0FF -> 0FE ... 0F0 -> 0EF ... etc.)
$008E5C - Time is Running Out SFX. Change from FF to 00 to stop the music from speeding up when time reaches 99.
$008E6B - [22 06 F6 00] Change to [EA EA EA EA] to not kill Mario when the timer reaches zero. The timer will count down normally and stop at zero, but Mario will not die
$008EDB - Change this and/or $008F09 from 20 12 90 to EA EA EA to disable writing the score to the status bar when playing as Mario and/or Luigi, respectively. Useful if you want to place another counter in place of the score using Smallhacker's Status Bar Editor. Note: This alone will NOT stop writing blank tiles if the first N tiles/bytes at $0F29-$0F2E contains the value #$00 (the "0" graphic). To prevent that, consider using this patch.
$008EE3 - Change to BRA [80] to write zeroes instead of blank tiles to Mario's score counter. Use with $008F11.
$008F11 - Change to BRA [80] to write zeroes instead of blank tiles to Luigi's score counter. Use with $008EE3.
$008F2C - How many coins you need to get an 1up (USE WITH $008F37)
$008F2F - [EE E4 18] Change to [EA EA EA] to not gain a life after collecting enough for one.
$008F37 - Number of coins to subtract from the counter when you gain enough for a 1up (Default: $64 (100). Change to [01] to create a coin wallet effect - use with $008F2F.
$008F41 - (Use with $008F45) Maximum life limit, minus one. Warning: Changing this to anything higher than 0x7E (127 lives) will remove the life limit entirely! Also, if you have more than
99 lives, the life counter will appear slightly glitched.
$008F45 - (Use with $008F41) Maximum life limit, minus one. Note that if you have more than 99 lives, the life counter will appear slightly glitched.
$008F62 - Number of bonus stars required to enter bonus game
$008F67 - [8D 25 14] Change to EA EA EA to disable entering bonus game when player has 100 bonus stars.
$008F6F - Amount of bonus stars that will be subtracted when 100 bonus stars are collected. Change to [01] to make 99 the maximum amount of bonus stars you can get - to create a bonus star wallet effect, use with $008F67.
$008F7E - Writes coins to status bar. Changing to [EA EA EA EA EA EA] will disable the coins from being written to the status bar.
$008F95 - [09] The X position of the small bonus star counter in the status bar.
$008FC5 - [20 79 90] Change to EA EA EA to disable the item GFX in the status bar
$008FCE - Length of "LUIGI" text (Status bar)
$008FE7 - [FC](blank tile) Tile used on the status bar when there's no Yoshi coin in that spot.
$008FED - [2E](coin tile) Tile used on the status bar when there is a Yoshi coin in that spot. Change to [FC](blank tile) to visually disable collected Yoshi Coins.
$008F1D 30 bytes Misc. Routine that handles actually increasing the player's coin count and giving a life from 100 coins, controlled by RAM address $7E13CC.
$008FDC 1 byte Layer 3 [05] If the player has collected at least this number of Dragon Coins, the status bar will display $008FE0 Dragon Coins instead (none by default).
$008FE0 1 byte Layer 3 [00] Number of Dragon Coins to display in the status bar, if the player has collected at least 5.
$008FF0 2 bytes Layer 3 Location of the first Dragon Coin tile in the status bar. Diagram
$008FFA 24 bytes Misc. Table containing six 32-bit numbers representing hexadecimal powers of 10, used by the 6-digit HexToDec routine at $009012 used to display the player's score. The numbers are not direct 32-bit values, though, and are instead two consecutive 16-bit values that are directly concatenated together. For instance, the number 100000 (0x186A0 is hex) is represented here as [$0001,$86A0]. 16-bit values
$009012 51 bytes Subroutine (JSR) 6-digit HexToDec subroutine, used to write a player's score into status bar (note: although the score is shown in-game as 7 digits, the 7th digit is just a static 0 tile). This function calculates the digits by repeatedly subtracting powers of 10 (in hexadecimal) from the input number until no more can be subtracted.

- Y: Set to #$00
- X: Status bar position to write to (indexed from $0F15)
- $00-$03: Hexadecimal value to convert. Note that this is not provided as a normal 32-bit value, though, and instead should be provided as two 16-bit values, with $00 being the high word and $02 being the low word.
$009045 12 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Subroutine used to convert a hexadecimal value to 2-digit decimal (also known by HexToDec). A JSL to this routine can be found at $00974C.

-A: 8-bit value to convert
-A: 1s digit
-X: 10s digit
$009051 40 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Subroutine used to convert the player's bonus stars from hexadecimal to decimal, and then write them to the status bar. Note that this only writes them as single-tile 8x8 digits, though; the main status bar's code at $008FAF is responsible for later converting these small digits to the 8x16 numbers actually seen in-game.
$009053 3 bytes Layer 3 Change to EAEAEA to get rid of the small bonus stars. Use in conjunction with address $00:9068
$009068 3 bytes Layer 3 Change to EAEAEA to get rid of the small bonus stars. Use in conjunction with address $00:9053
$009079 88 bytes Sprite tilemap related Subroutine that draws the power up item to the item box on the status bar during levels.
$0090AE is the X position of the Item Box item.
$0090B3 is the Y position of the Item Box item.
Note: Those two positions are only graphical. It won't change where the item drops from when select is pressed. To change that, see $028052 and $028060
$0090D1 104 bytes Sprite tilemap related Tile numbers for 'MARIO START' and various similar messages.
$0090EE is for the top half of Time Up.
$009122 is for the bottom half of Time Up.
$009139 98 bytes Sprite tilemap related YXPPCCCT properties for 'MARIO START' and various similar messages.
Change $00913F from 30 to 34 and $009170 from F0 to F4 to fix the S in "Mario/Luigi Start".
$009156 is for the top half of 'TIME UP".
$0091AC 1 byte Misc. Number of coins needed to get an 1up from the green star block.
$0091DB 1 byte ASM Change it to D0 to switch the "Mario/Luigi Start"
$00922F 33 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Routine that uploads the entire palette from $0703 to CGRAM. Note that it first resets $0703 and $0704 to $0000 (i.e. turns color 0 to black).
This routine is called during various loading screens (Nintendo Presents, level load, overworld load, cutscene load, credits load) but not during gameplay.
$009250 51 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Routine that initializes the windowing HDMA parameters. It sets the window to use HDMA channel 7 (or 1, if using SA-1 pack v1.35+) and to use $04A0 as the source. It also initializes that buffer to all $FF00 (i.e. no window is shown).
This is only called on game reset.
$0092AE 2 bytes Misc. The scanline × 2 of the solid lava colour in the Iggy/Larry boss battle.

Change it to $A8,$01 (dw $01A8) to have it begin just where the sprite lava tiles end.
$009329 84 bytes Pointer 16-bit game mode pointers. Indexed by $7E:0100.
$009389 4 bytes Coordinate X position of the "Nintendo Presents" tiles
$00938D 4 bytes Sprite tilemap related "Nintendo Presents" logo tilemap
$0093A5 1 byte Coordinate Y position of "Nintendo Presents" logo
$0093B0 1 byte Sprite tilemap related YXPPCCCT properties for "Nintendo Presents".
$0093C0 5 bytes Sound effect Code responsible for the "Nintendo Presents" logo sound effect.
$0093C1 (1 byte) is the sound effect ID ($01).
$0093C3 (2 bytes) is the port ($1DFC).
$0093C6 1 byte Timer How long "Nintendo Presents" stays on the screen before disappearing.
$0093CB 1 byte Misc. Blinking Nintendo Presents (0F = 0 time, 1F = 1 time, 2F = 2 times, etc)
Also known as Nintendo Presents Brightness (Values use Brightness Register ($0DAE))
$009436 3 bytes Misc. Change from [AD 33 14] to [4C 17 94] to disable the circle fade in from Title screen. Use in conjunction with address $009AAD.
$00943B 1 byte Misc. How fast the circle right before the titlescreen opens. Default value is 04. The higher the value, the faster it opens. Don't go beyond #$19.
$009451 7 bytes Palette Back area colours to use for each castle destruction scene (One byte per movie)
$009459 7 bytes Palette Palette row (in the range 00-07) used by the castle in each castle destruction scene. 1 byte per scene.
$009461 7 bytes Stripe Image Stripe image (index to pointers at $0084D0) to load as the background for each castle destruction scene.
$0094A1 1 byte Music Music Bank that is used for the ending music.
0E = Overworld Music
48 = Level Music
59 = Ending Music
$0094B3 1 byte Music Boss castle destruction sequence music #1
$00950B 1 byte Debug DEBUG: Boss defeated scene select (30 = enable)
$00955F 1 byte Misc. GFX File loaded for Credits font
$009586 4 bytes Level number Which level to use for the Yoshi's House part in the credits. 'A9 28 A0 01'. Do not change A9 and A0. 28 is the low byte of the level (Note: Level number + 24), 01 is the high byte.
$00968E 32 bytes ASM This is the beginning of the code that is executed for game mode 10 (the black period between fadeout from the OW and Mario Start).
$0096A5 is which Layer 1 tile on the overworld will prevent the "Mario Start!" from appearing if the player is on it. (Default is $56, the Yoshi's House tile.)
Change $0096A6 to EA EA to make MARIO START! appear on the Yoshi's house OW tile number, or to 80 03 to make the MARIO START! never appear.
$0096AE 158 bytes ASM This is the code that is executed by game mode 03 (Load title). Game mode 11 (Mario Start) also uses parts of this code. The shared parts starts at $0096D5.

- $0096C4: music bank used for the Title Screen. 0E = Overworld Music, 48 = Level Music, 59 = Ending Music.
- $0096C7: title screen (level C7) music.
- $0096CC: title screen level number + $24.
- $009724: intro screen (level C5) music.
- $009725: changing it to [9C FB 1D] will allow you to change the music for the intro via Lunar Magic.
- $009737: Bowser scene 1 music.
$00974C 4 bytes Subroutine (JSL) JSL wrapper for the HexToDec routine at $009045.
$00980F 2 bytes Coordinate 16-bit X position of Mario when he starts at the Iggy / Larry room. First byte = X lo, second byte = X hi (this byte is not recommended to change).
$009A16 1 byte Coordinate Y lo position of Mario at the start of the Morton/Ludwig/Roy battle.
$009A1F 47 bytes Subroutine (JSR) Writes the Map16 data for Ludwig/Morton/Roy's boss battle room.
$009A40 is what tile the lava tiles in the Morton/Ludwig/Roy battles act like (by default: 05). Only Map16 page 00 is usable.
$009AAD 3 bytes Misc. Change from [A9 33 85] to [4C C0 9A] to disable the circle fade in from Title screen. Use in conjunction with address $009436.
$009AB2 1 byte Misc. Change to [03] to make all layers appear at the same time during titlescreen load.
$009ACB 76 bytes Subroutine (JSR) The cursor routine used in file selection, player selection, and erase file.
$009AD3 - If you change this to EA EA EA, the cursor arrow will never be shown in front of the game-start menus. (It will still act as though it were there, though.)
$009AE4 - SFX that comes up when you select a game at the title screen.
$009AFA - SFX played when you change an option at the title screen and overworld menus.
$009B1D 2 bytes Palette BG Palette for the File Erase screen. Original value is $39C9.
$009BBC 1 byte Sound effect SFX for saving the game.
$009BC9 74 bytes Subroutine (JSL) Save Game function. (Load Game starts around $009CEF. Last byte used in SRAM seems to be $70:0358.) Documentation
$009C1F 69 bytes Controller Mario's movement data on Title Screen.
Format: xx yy xx yy xx yy [...] $FF
The XXs is the value to store to $15, except that the Select flag (#$20) is instead used to tell if the XY flag (#$40) should be masked away from $16 (if it's set, that bit is stored to $16 unchanged; if clear, that bit is masked away. All other bits are stored to $16.)
The YYs is how long to keep that value there. Setting an XX to $FF ends it.
$009C6A 1 byte ASM Change to 80 to open save game menu without pressing a button or Title Screen Playing.
$009C82 3 bytes ASM Change to [EA A9 00] to remove title screen movement. Title screen will not loop.
$009C87 1 byte ASM Change D0 (BNE) to 80 (BRA) to never make the titlescreen loop.
$009C9F 4 bytes ASM Change from 22 00 80 7F to EA EA EA EA to disable sprites from disappearing on the title screen when pressing a button (opening file select menu)
$009CA9 1 byte Misc. Display following layers: ---o4321. o = sprite layer, 4 = layer 4 (unused), 3 = layer 3 (no effect however), 2 = layer 2, 1 = layer 1. Clear the corresponding bits for these layers to not make them display on file select screen load.
$009CAD 3 bytes ASM Change '9C 9F 0D' to 'EA EA EA', and, if you happened to have a HDMA effect in the titlescreen, it will not be disabled when you go to the File Menu.
$009CB1 1 byte Level number Determines the low byte of the intro level number. Subtract 0x24 for the actual low byte (by default, E9-24=C5, meaning level C5, or possibly 1C5 with Lunar Magic's Display Level Message 1 fix). Change to [00] to skip the intro level and warp to the overworld immediately.
$009CCB 3 bytes Misc. SRAM starting addresses for each of the three save files, high byte.
$009CCE 3 bytes Misc. SRAM starting addresses for each of the three save files, low byte.
$009CD4 2 bytes Palette BG Palette for File and Player Select screens. Original value is $7393.
$009CD7 4 bytes Sprite tilemap related Y displacement for tiles in the first shared GFX routine ($019CF3).
$009CDB 24 bytes Sprite tilemap related Properties for tiles in the first shared GFX routine ($019CF3). It's indexed by the value of $05 times 4.
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