YI Memory Map
Displaying 50 out of 305 addresses.
View: moderated | waiting (27)
RAM Address | Length | Type | Description | Details |
$7E0C44 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Previous camera X value used by fuzzy generator | |
$7E0C46 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active Poochy | |
$7E0C48 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active bat generation | |
$7E0C4A | 2 bytes | Misc. | Current generated bat count | |
$7E0C4C | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active unknown special sprite | |
$7E0C68 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active Fire Lakitu (at least 1) | |
$7E0C6A | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active Flutter generation | |
$7E0C6E | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active Nipper Spore generation | |
$7E0C70 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active balloon with pokey ball generation | |
$7E0C72 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active balloon with missile generation | |
$7E0C74 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active balloon generation | |
$7E0C76 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active yellow platform generation | |
$7E0C78 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active Slime Drop generation | |
$7E0C7C | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active unknown special sprite 3 | |
$7E0C7E | 2 bytes | Misc. | Flag: Currently active unknown special sprite 4 | |
$7E0C80 | 2 bytes | Player Physics | Tongue X position, relative to Yoshi | |
$7E0C82 | 2 bytes | Player Physics | Tongue Y position, relative to Yoshi | |
$7E0C98 | 24 bytes | Sprite Number | Sprite table, 24 entries, one byte per: A copy of all sprites' states during camera events. Used as flags to not despawn sprites during camera events (like stairs) |
$7E0CB0 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Camera Y offset from shaking (either large or small) | |
$7E0CB2 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Falling wall is on-screen flag. Because the game puts two walls five spaces apart (one for the left and another for the right side), this one prevents the game from having two walls being occupied in the same spot. In addition, they use HDMA to draw their graphics and so two separate walls can't co-exist at the same time due to this reason. | |
$7E0CCC | 2 bytes | Timer | Damage recoil timer, disables left and right if not zero. | |
$7E0CEC | 2 bytes | Timer | ! switch timer, starts off at $0280, counts down | |
$7E0CFD | 2 bytes | Misc. | Timer for offset-by-tile level modes Controls for example moving platforms in 6-4 |
$7E0CFF | 2 bytes | Misc. | Amplitude of fuzzy offset-per-tile sinewave | |
$7E0D01 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Positional offset of fuzzy offset-per-tile sinewave | |
$7E0D03 | 2 bytes | Timer | Current time value for fuzzy palette morphing effect | |
$7E0D05 | 1 byte | Boss | Raphael Boss fight rotation value $00 to $FF (whole loop) |
$7E0D09 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Background gradient Y scroll, lower part | |
$7E0D0B | 2 bytes | Misc. | Background gradient Y scroll, upper part | |
$7E0D0F | 1 byte | Misc. | Message box state: $00: no message box $01: init $03: black box growing (opening) $05: init message $07: message fading in (from black) $09: opened, player reading $0B: message fading out (to black) $0D: black box shrinking (closing) |
$7E0D19 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Message Box: size of transitional black square as it grows | |
$7E0D21 | 6 bytes | Misc. | During stage clear transition/wipe, rectangle mask's screen coordinates: Word 1: left X (low byte), right X (high byte); Word 2: top Y Word 3: bottom Y |
$7E0D37 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Background wave effect (fuzzy): amplitude of horizontal wave | |
$7E0D39 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Background wave effect (fuzzy): amplitude of vertical wave | |
$7E0DAE | 2 bytes | Timer | Frame counter for holding up while on ground, used for Baby Mario's animation frame, increments by 2 when holding but then on release decays by halving each frame | |
$7E0DB0 | 2 bytes | Timer | Frame counter for holding down while on ground, used for Baby Mario's animation frame, increments by 2 when holding but then on release decays by halving each frame | |
$7E0DF9 | 2 bytes | Misc. | Amount of wooden planks (sprites 0x5E and 0x5F) running. | |
$7E0E2F | 1 byte | Misc. | 4 Red Toadies: counter of how many have grabbed Baby Mario | |
$7E0E31 | 1 byte | Misc. | 4 Red Toadies: counter of how many are currently active/spawned | |
$7E0E33 | 1 byte | Misc. | 4 Red Toadies: Currently active (at least one) | |
$7E0E37 | 16 bytes | Coordinate | 4 Red Toadies: Each Toadie's X positions (4 total) relative to the 4 Toadies base sprite, one toadie per entry: Byte 1: Subpixel Byte 2: Position Byte 3: Screen # Byte 4: Spillage from carry add for screen |
$7E0E49 | 16 bytes | Coordinate | 4 Red Toadies: Each Toadie's Y positions (4 total) relative to the 4 Toadies base sprite, one toadie per entry: Byte 1: Subpixel Byte 2: Position Byte 3: Screen # Byte 4: Spillage from carry add for screen |
$7E0FBD | 2 bytes | Timer | Mirror of $701974 (frame counter) only when Green spiked platform (sprites $15F) is active. | |
$7E0FBF | 2 bytes | Timer | Mirror of $701974 (frame counter) only when Red spiked platform (sprite $160) is active. | |
$7E105C | 1 byte | Boss | Raphael the Raven: Y coordinate (relative to moon surface) | |
$7E105D | 1 byte | Boss | Raphael the Raven: X coordinate (relative to wrapping around moon) | |
$7E105E | 2 bytes | Boss | Bigger Boo: scale Raphael the Raven $7E105E: how far Yoshi is from Raphael (X coordinate around moon) Raphael the Raven $7E105F: current AI state ($00 - $14) |
$7E1060 | 1 byte | Timer | Raphael the Raven: timer value - used to control timings of AI events. Decrements each frame, gets reset to either random values or specific values on state changes. | |
$7E1062 | 1 byte | Boss | Raphael the Raven: Facing - $00 for counterclockwise, $02 for clockwise; Baby Bowser: hit counter, fight ends when the low byte reaches $03 (or any value from $03 to $82). |
$7E1066 | 1 byte | Boss | Bigger Boo: flag for taking damage (growing) | |