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YI Memory Map

Displaying 5 out of 305 addresses.

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RAM Address Length Type Description Details
$7F0000 22238 bytes Empty Unused RAM, cleared (with $00) via DMA during reset as well as before and after Nintendo logo
$7F56DE 438 bytes Object Palette Blue channel of background gradient ($2132 COLDATA)
Covers entire sublevel (NOT just screen) from top to bottom, one byte per entry, representing every eighth X pixel row in sublevel
$7F5894 876 bytes Object Palette Green & Red channel of background gradient ($2132 COLDATA)
Covers entire sublevel (NOT just screen) from top to bottom, two bytes per entry, representing every eighth X pixel row in sublevel:
Byte 1: Green Channel
Byte 2: Red channel
$7F7E00 512 bytes Level Data All screen exit data for current level, in screen region order ($00-$7F), 4 bytes per exit:

L = Destination Level (between 00 and DD)
X = Destination X-Coordinate
Y = Destination Y-Coordinate
E = Destination Entrance Type (this follows the same format as $7000AC, Yoshi state)
$7F8000 32768 bytes Layer 1 Tilemap Table that holds all foreground MAP16 tile data for the entire sublevel currently loaded. Split up by screen ID's then further into row-major tile #. Data is word-sized MAP16 indices.