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YI Memory Map

Displaying 50 out of 586 addresses.

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ROM Address Length Type Description Details
$028000 72 bytes Sprite Palette Yoshi colors used in-level. Arranged by translevel number.
$0280BD 108 bytes Sprite Palette Falling wall palettes. Palettes are stored in individual colours, in the order blue value, green value and red value. It is indexed by the table at $0280B7 which in turn is indexed by the sprite palette and is copied to $70404A.
$02FFD7 41 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$038000 1326 bytes Pointer Long pointers to sprite init routines in sprite ID order ($000 - $1B9)
$03852E 1326 bytes Pointer Long pointers to sprite main routines in sprite ID order ($000 - $1B9)
$038A5C 1326 bytes Pointer Long pointers to sprite head bop routines in sprite ID order ($000 - $1B9)
$038F8A 1326 bytes Pointer Long pointers to sprite riding Yoshi routines in sprite ID order ($000 - $1B9)
$03A364 300 bytes Subroutine Subroutine that spawns sprites
$03FEEE 274 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$0489B8 8 bytes Sprite Palette Shy Guy Colors (Green, Red, Yellow, Pink)
$04AC9C 29 bytes Subroutine Kill Yoshi Subroutine. This one kills Yoshi as he was killed by a spike.
$05C6FD 16 bytes Misc. Table of '?' bucket rotation effects
$05FFC4 60 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$06FEAA 342 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$07FF47 185 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$089FD0 48 bytes Empty Empty (filled with 01)
$09835F 477 bytes Super FX Super FX routine which draws Yoshi (copies tiles to OAM and sets the graphics pointer). It also draws Yoshi's tongue.
$09AF70 206 bytes Empty Empty (filled with 01)
$09EDCE 624 bytes Empty Empty (filled with 01)
$09F18F 687 bytes Empty Empty (filled with 01)
$0AEC2B 4 bytes Player Physics Yoshi max speed for acceleration to apply, for right and left.
$0B9787 121 bytes Empty Empty (filled with 01)
$0BF3B7 3145 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$0CDACA 24 bytes Sprite Palette Color of Kamek's first magic spell; 2 bytes per boss battle.
$0CDAE2 24 bytes Sprite Palette Color of Kamek's second magic spell; 2 bytes per boss battle.
$0CDAFA 12 bytes Music Music value used for each boss battle: $0A is x-4 boss music (or for level header music setting 7 or 8, $0A becomes the longer intro used in piranha & raven), and $0C is x-8 boss music
$0CFF69 151 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$0DFC83 893 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$0EA131 7 bytes Subroutine Barney Bubble init subroutine
$0EFF82 126 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$0FE056 6058 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$0FFC80 896 bytes Misc. Tilemap Tilemap for the Title Screen logo
$108B05 16 bytes Level Data Table (one byte entries):
The number of bits to copy for each piece of variable-sized header information, in level header order. The final $00 marks the end. Used by $108B15.
$108B15 72 bytes Subroutine Level header decompression routine: copies variable-sized pieces of header data into separate addresses in RAM starting at $7E0134
$11B0FB 4 bytes Bandit Mini-Game Table of distances that the Gather Coins cannon rotates
$11B0FF 4 bytes Bandit Mini-Game Table of distances that the Gather Coins cannon and platform will move along the white track
$11B103 4 bytes Bandit Mini-Game Table of speeds that the Gather Coins cannon rotates
$15FFD3 45 bytes Empty Empty (filled with FF)
$1681C7 766 bytes Level Data Level $00: object data
$17B781 384 bytes Map X-coordinates for checkpoints along Yoshi's walking path after beating a level; 8 bytes per level
$17B901 384 bytes Map Y-coordinates for checkpoints along Yoshi's walking path after beating a level; 8 bytes per level
$17BDAE 16 bytes Map X-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 1 map
$17BDBE 16 bytes Map X-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 2 map
$17BDCE 16 bytes Map X-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 3 map
$17BDDE 16 bytes Map X-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 4 map
$17BDEE 16 bytes Map X-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 5 map
$17BDFE 16 bytes Map X-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 6 map
$17BE0E 16 bytes Map Y-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 1 map
$17BE1E 16 bytes Map Y-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 2 map
$17BE2E 16 bytes Map Y-coordinates of each Yoshi on the world 3 map