Sometimes, for a reason unknown to me, folders or files will just not delete - Windows will tell me it is in use, even if it isn't. A reboot always fixes it for me.
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tmercswims's Profile → Posts
header lorom org $05CDD8 db $80 org $05CDE4 NOP #01 org $05CC42 NOP #31
0583E | $00:D63E | 1 byte | ASM | Change from 10 to 80 to disable Spin Jump. |
05845 | $00:D645 | 1 byte | ASM | Change this from "1A" to "60" to disable spin jumping. Unlike 0583E (SNES $00:D63E) from "10" to "80", changing this address does not make the "A" button do the regular jump, but it disables spin jumping altogether. This way, you can use the "A" button for something else without it jumping automatically. Note: Still allows you to spinjump out of the water and dismount Yoshi. |
0AC5C | $01:AA5C | 1 byte | ASM | Change from BEQ [F0] to BRA [80] and Mario will not be able to carry items by holding X or Y. |
05845 | $00645 | 1 byte | ASM | Change this from "1A" to "60" to disable spin jumping. Unlike 0583E (SNES $0063E) from "10" to "80", changing this address does not make the "A" button do the regular jump, but it disables spin jumping altogether. This way, you can use the "A" button for something else without it jumping automatically. |
header lorom incsrc freespace.asm org $02ADBD JML LabelZ reset bytes org !Freespace22 db "STAR" dw End-Main-$01 dw End-Main-$01^$FFFF Main: LabelZ: LDA $16E1,x CMP #$0D BCC JumpAndDex JML $02ADC2 JumpAndDex: JML $02ADC5 print bytes End: