Check these out, they most likely are what you are looking for.
16 bytes
Sprite tilemap related
Goomba Wing alignment, X position. First 8 bytes are for the alignment when the goomba's hopping left, the other 8 when he's hopping into the right direction.
2 bytes
Sprite tilemap related
Palette/GFX page/Priority/Flip of Goomba Wing Tiles
4 bytes
Sprite tilemap related
Sprite tilemap: Goomba Wings
4 bytes
Sprite tilemap related
Size of Goomba Wing tiles
Your layout has been removed.
Oh! Hahaha sorry about that.
But yes; the open tile is in GFX01 nest to the goal bar, and the closed is in GFX00 near a piece of a springboard and some stars.Your layout has been removed.
Well the easiest way is to just load it in Tweaker. The manual way I have no idea about.Your layout has been removed.
The moving coin is sprite number 21.Your layout has been removed.
Using a hex editor jump to the offset [in Translhextion, Ctrl+G] x07A78 - it will be D0. Change to 80.Your layout has been removed.
Main Entrance (1 door button) > Layer 1,2 Initial Position.Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by LunarMagicFreak1
I'm new to Lunar Magic. How do I make the level markers appear? Whenever I play my modded ROM on ZSNES, I can travel to other levels and everything is right, except when I land on a "level" there is no marker on the ROM, however it shows up on Lunar Magic. WTF??
By marker I assume you mean the level tile? Like the little dot that marks where levels are?
In that case, you need to activate/unhide them them with events. Check out chainfire9001's overworld tutorials for an in-depth guide. You can also look at his other stuff for different things, he is one of the best that I have ever seen for LM tutorials.Your layout has been removed.
You must have inserted the graphics on to a different Map16 page than the one Luigi-San used. Open the background editor (leaf button) and press the Page Up key; It will direct the BG to a different source page, and should show what you want.Your layout has been removed.
What Map16 page did you put the background on?Your layout has been removed.
1 byte
Sprite number
Sprite that the Blue/Silver P-switch, Portable Spring Board, Throw Block Sprite and carryable stunned enemies will turn into when they reach the goal point.
In a hex editor, go to that address and change it to something invalid.Your layout has been removed.
Oh shoot I totally didn't see MSA x( My bad.
But why wouldn't that help? Wouldn't nothing just spawn if you made 0x07D40 a non-existent sprite?Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by Alcaro
Besides, setting it to something invalid will crash the game.
Ah okay that was what I was wondering.
Originally posted by Alcaro
As the ROM map says, that hex edit only affects the Blue/Silver P-switch, Portable Spring Board, Throw Block Sprite and carryable stunned enemies.
Originally posted by Ymro
How can I disable stunned items/enemies to turn into a powerup after you carry them past the goal post?
...isn't that what he wanted?Your layout has been removed.
The most I've ever slept at once was probably like 18 hours, and it was all night and then most of the next day because I got insanely sick for a day and a half. It wasn't too fun, to be honest. I absolutely hate being sick, and the worst part is that I know when it's going to happen, I can feel it. Yet there is nothing I can do.Your layout has been removed.
So this stemmed from something in B&G, and I thought it deserved it's own thread for responses.
How do you feel about being sick? (And don't just say "bad"; that's not the question.) What I mean is, does it bother you a lot, are you indifferent about it, etc. Additionally, do you have any weird/out of the ordinary symptoms when sick?
Personally, I absolutely loathe being sick. The worst part for me is that for some reason I can always feel when I am going to become sick, so I start dreading it even before I really am sick.
Also, whenever I am sick I have really strange dreams. Like, I will dream the same thing over and over, but when I wake up I can't remember it, all I have is this strange feeling of dislike towards nothing, and that for some reason cannot be blown off. (I'm thinking this may be related to the fact that when I am sick I tend to play a lot of video games, so that may affect dreams, but I am not sure on that.)
I also always manage to get sick right before something important. For example, I got really sick 3 days out from state. Yeah. Great.
Anyway. How about you?Your layout has been removed.
Outside, mostly I have swim workouts. Yeah no indoor pool for me haha. But I rarely do anything else; I live in an awkward place in my city that I can't really walk anywhere, so I end up driving and that doesn't really count as outside. Sometimes I'll go on a run if we have the day off from swim, but rarely.
Oh and well my school is outdoors (I mean, not the classrooms, but there are no halls - buildings, and you enter all rooms from outside) so that counts I suppose.
Usually swim tires me out so much I don't really want to do anything else haha.Your layout has been removed.
SMW menu right, the best there is.Your layout has been removed.