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Posts by erpster2

erpster2's Profile → Posts

I think I'll just wait until Christmas eve or Christmas day to download/update to the newest version.

no need for me to update if I'm not experiencing any serious problems with the one I'm playing (currently I got the Nov. 20 version, I will skip the Nov. 24 & Dec. 2 versions and will wait for something newer than those and then update on Xmas)
Originally posted by Minish Yoshi
VLDC6 Version 0.8

This is the newest version of VLDC6, which is very close to completion. codfish1002 has finished the main map, so all of the overworld is complete. I have made the credits (which are now accessible from Yoshi's House) and a few usernames have been updated.

Another sizable change is a new two-exit level that was added, "EXTREME LAVA CAVE!" by TLMB. This was apparently a VLDC6 entry that I think only one judge wrote about and is mentioned pretty much nowhere. It was not in the list of VLDC6 entries on the submission page, nor was it in the results. I wasn't even able to find a post of the creator submitting the level (perhaps it was deleted). I found it on after noticing it was in Six Pack. I am consdering it a disqualified level since it didn't have a score.

The small-ish issues mentioned in the first post are all that need to be addressed before this is completed.

thanks for this new release. I'll start fresh with a brand new save for this one - it'll take me about a month to complete all 3 save slots with all levels, moons & big coins collected

edit 1/4/24 - uh-oh, I found a problem in this 0.8 version. beating Lemmy Koopa in the upper path AND taking an alternate path to the goalpost exit both count as a "normal" exit in the "Great Koopa Gate" level (and the second exit is never counted nor found in this level).

in the 0.7.5 release of VLDC6 for Great Koopa Gate, taking the path to Lemmy and beating him counts as a normal first exit, while taking an alternate path to the goalpost exit & touching that goalpost counts as the second (keyhole) exit instead. in older releases before 0.7.5 (like 0.7, 0.6, 0.5.5, etc.) the behavior was like the 0.8 version where both exits counted as the normal exit.

fix this one asap, Minish Yoshi
Originally posted by erpster2
more problems with certain levels that I found in v0.6 & v0.7-

In the Great Koopa Gate level, taking the upper paths to Lemmy and beating Lemmy
as well as taking the alternate paths to the goal tape & goal post all count as
a normal exit only. no "special goal" nor keyhole exit was defined nor set in
that level, even though its overworld status indicates that level is supposed to
have two different exits. suggestions to set the "goal tape" at the goal post to be
counted as a "special" goal or alternatively replace the goal post & goal tape
with a key & keyhole exit and let just the Lemmy boss fight count as the only normal

a similar problem also occurs with "A Haunted House" level in the best levels world (VLDC VI) OW map; like with Great Koopa Gate, "A Haunted House" level also has no defined "special goal" nor keyhole exit as the goal post exit and beating the Big Boo Boss in that Haunted House level both count as a normal exit only.

In the Forest Stroll level, after reaching this hidden 3up moon section

entering that yellow door leads to this (a later but "corrupted" section of Forest Stroll)

where Mario falls at the bottom of the screen and dies

all these specific problems are also occurring in the 0.8/0.8.0 version as well but not in the 0.7.5
version, as I've recently completed the other levels like A Haunted House in the 0.8 release.

I may have to skip the newly released 0.8.5 version if only the goal tape in Great Koopa Gate level was updated in that version but not the goal tape in "A Haunted House" level, which that one and beating the big boo boss will both count as a normal exit
Originally posted by erpster2
ok I played most of the levels in VLDC6 and I have found a few problems, especially with this particular area in Boo's Forest level.

entering this green pipe in that section of Boo's Forest while carrying a koopa shell or goomba (or any other object that can be carried) results in the Big Boo Boss not appearing at all when entering his area and the player will be stuck there and have to wait until the timer counts down to 0 (almost the equivalent to a softlock). only entering this pipe without carrying something allows the Big Boo Boss to show up.

perhaps this specific green pipe should be removed and replaced with a door to enter the Big Boo boss area.

although this old problem has been fixed in newer versions of VLDC6, it is not fixed in Six Pack as it still has the "old" layout of that green pipe instead of a door.
Originally posted by Baleaf

I don't know if Jon's "nerfed" it in the past, but either way, these levels are WAY too oppressive right from the jump. I can't get past either Donut Secret House or Castle 2.

yea those parts from Donut Secret House & the 2nd castle aren't for amateurs (maybe for expert & super players they won't be an issue to them)
I've past those parts without getting hit though it took several attempts (and starting those levels with extra power ups in reserve and using a few save states)
Originally posted by Masa

although I think I missed a few E-Reader level codes (still got most of 'em though)

I have & found all 38 e-reader level access codes
Originally posted by LadiesMan217
Originally posted by erpster2
I have & found all 38 e-reader level access codes

Please don't post them.

I won't, of course

folks who want them will have to ask me in private...been kinda busy lately with my hectic schedule
well...start working on those improvements and let others like me test it out here before submitting a new version
well I did eventually find your game posted here in the "waiting YI hacks" section (looks like it's been there for almost 6 months now in that waiting section and hasn't been transferred to the official/moderated section yet)
since I'm done playing six pack a few days ago (and got all 622 exits in that one in all 3 save slots), I'll play test the new version of VLDC6 for a couple of weeks until the end of March

edit 3/30 - finished play testing on Sat. March 30 and obtained all 114 exits. no serious problems found in v1.1 of this game; all good on my end.
um, one minor issue that I found, Dark Prince.

from the message block in yoshi's house while bringing yoshi there, why does yoshi say that he's not home?
see pic below:

in the original SMW game, a different message appears when bringing yoshi at yoshi's house when hitting that message block.

wondering why that doesn't occur in the latest version of SMW Redone?

I did get a chance to play this game and I found a couple of minor problems.

first, in this yellow switch palace level (the "Treetop Climb" level), pressing the yellow ! switch to clear the level shows the message but does not show the dotted outline blocks & solid ! blocks inside that message as seen in this pic below:

another problem but in the world 5 castle level (Bottomless Pit Fort), after passing thru the 2nd or last midway gate and then dying & then restarting that level from the last midway gate almost near the boss door, the bottomless bit acts like a normal pit and falling into that "pit" the player dies - I think someone already mentioned that problem here.
thanks for the updated bps, Dark Prince.

I'm not experiencing the problem ExxorD recently mentioned; I can enter Yoshi's Island 1 from the OW map in the newest version of the game
Originally posted by nieveria
Great hack, however for whatever reason I'm entirely unable to find the secret exit to Donut Secret House. The P-Switch is still active, but the blue door doesn't seem to show up?

I don't know if it's a glitch or if you had just moved it somewhere. I'm on bSNES v115.

it's not a glitch, nieveria. see my solution here (takes a little longer to reach the secret door exit) - read my post there from about 2 years ago
Originally posted by bandicoot
I did see that coment, I'm preparing a update soon to fix it.
I'm not sure why the outline blocks arent appearing on the message box, I checked Lunar magic and everything was setup right over there.

I wonder if you are using the latest version of Lunar Magic. if not, try updating to the newest version before making a new version of the game.

also, encountered this minor "color" problem when beating the green switch palace level (Thorns on the beach)

yellow colored solid "!" blocks are coming out of the green switch palace in the OW map instead of solid ! blocks that should be colored green
Originally posted by erpster2

also, encountered this minor "color" problem when beating the green switch palace level (Thorns on the beach)

yellow colored solid "!" blocks are coming out of the green switch palace in the OW map instead of solid ! blocks that should be colored green

a similar coloring issue also occurred in another switch palace level - the red switch palace one in world 2 (Summit Spin)

as seen in the pic, blue colored solid ! blocks come out instead of the red colored ! blocks after completing the red switch palace level

not a problem with the other two switch palace levels (blue and yellow), which do show the correct color ! blocks flying out in the OW map after beating those other switch palace levels