Originally posted by Minish YoshiVLDC6 Version 0.8
This is the newest version of VLDC6, which is very close to completion. codfish1002 has finished the main map, so all of the overworld is complete. I have made the credits (which are now accessible from Yoshi's House) and a few usernames have been updated.
Another sizable change is a new two-exit level that was added, "EXTREME LAVA CAVE!" by TLMB. This was apparently a VLDC6 entry that I think only one judge wrote about and is mentioned pretty much nowhere. It was not in the list of VLDC6 entries on the submission page, nor was it in the results. I wasn't even able to find a post of the creator submitting the level (perhaps it was deleted). I found it on smwdb.me after noticing it was in Six Pack. I am consdering it a disqualified level since it didn't have a score.
The small-ish issues mentioned in the first post are all that need to be addressed before this is completed.
thanks for this new release. I'll start fresh with a brand new save for this one - it'll take me about a month to complete all 3 save slots with all levels, moons & big coins collected
edit 1/4/24 - uh-oh, I found a problem in this 0.8 version. beating Lemmy Koopa in the upper path AND taking an alternate path to the goalpost exit
both count as a "normal" exit in the "Great Koopa Gate" level (and the second exit is never counted nor found in this level).
in the 0.7.5 release of VLDC6 for Great Koopa Gate, taking the path to Lemmy and beating him counts as a normal first exit, while taking an alternate path to the goalpost exit & touching that goalpost counts as the second (keyhole) exit instead. in older releases before 0.7.5 (like 0.7, 0.6, 0.5.5, etc.) the behavior was like the 0.8 version where both exits counted as the normal exit.
fix this one asap, Minish Yoshi