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Posts by DarkBones

DarkBones's Profile → Posts

Sorry for the bump, but at least I have something to add, its not my work, but here is a data map for Kirby Superstar (SNES, not Ultra)


Its incomplete, but probally enough for hex edits, maybe not an editor though...Hope this is helpful!
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by two_headed_yoshi
@10204307 that looks really cool almost like a vanilla dirt cave type level. great palette btw.

@Hobz I saw this in the IRC its looking good. I still think the background could be darker but its still good now.

showing off a town in my hack

Yeah I haven't even picked a background yet so pic 3 is kinda bland.
any suggestions or comments?

That looks pretty good, my suggestion for a BG (if it's supposed to be as high up as I think it is) would be clustered clouds around where the area Mario walks around and as the BG goes up, they get more scattered. You could even do that with Vanilla if you needed to.

Oh, and what's the IRC?
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
@flareblade Wow...just wow...just clicking on this and seeing why it had so many question was answered, good job!

P.S. You drew those Pokeys yourself?!

@GoldenSonic15 Screw BSNES, screw the new rules, AND SCREW THE SNES! ...okay, maybe not the SNES...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
You know that sprite I made not too long ago, well I was wondering if there was a way to make the changed value stick, for some reason the RAM value resets. For example, Mario grabs a treasure and it shows up in his inventory, but only for that level. After the level you go back, and it doesn't appear. Where did it go? Well, the byte might signal a counter sprite that only appears if the byte is set in a "hub level". That is the effect I would like to make.

Also, is it possible to check multiple values with BEQ? Like, if the value is equal to 1 or 10 or 100, do this, if its anything else do that?
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by yoshicookiezeus
Originally posted by DarkBones
Also, is it possible to check multiple values with BEQ? Like, if the value is equal to 1 or 10 or 100, do this, if its anything else do that?

Since the CMP command doesn't actually change the accumulator, this is as easy as putting multiple compare-branch statements after each other:

LDA !someRAMaddress
CMP #1
BEQ dostuff
CMP #10
BEQ dostuff
CMP #100
BEQ dostuff
;code continues here

;more code

Okay, thanks. Now, does anyone know how to permanatly store values in the RAM per save file?
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by Iceguy
Now, does anyone know how to permanatly store values in the RAM per save file?

Hijack the save routine at $009BCC and save your stuff there. Something like this:

LDX $010A
LDA !Ram_1
STA !SRam_1,x	; Store to SRAM. Could be from $700800 onwards.
LDA !Ram_2
STA !SRam_2,x
LDA $9CCB,x	; This is the hacked code.

Then hijack the load game routine and load the values from SRAM back to RAM accordingly. You will probably have to expand your SRAM to more than 8kb or so, you can do that by setting 0x81D8 to some value from 03-07. Also, you might have to initialize your RAM Addresses to 00 when the game loads for the first time.

Hmm, come to think about it, using this patch would probably be a far better idea.

Uh...I AM using that patch, how do you use the new freeRAM?

...and I'm having quite a bit of trouble with a custom block, for some reason, it freezes the game, but I don't know why.

Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
I'm having trouble with this custom block I'm making, I can't figure out why it crashes:

Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by undefinied3
CMP #$100? You have to active 16 bits mode to use this, and it would be CMP #$0100. But I don't know if this is the problem...

That was just an example to help say what I wanted to do. Sorry if it sounded like thats what I was checking
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
If it got to that point, I would probally just use another byte, unless I was really tight on space.

Anyway, can anyone help figure out why this block crashes:


I'm trying to modify the speed Mario drops at, is there a way to even do this?
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by Kaijyuu
CMP #$00
BEQ Return
CMP #$100
BCC Slowdownup
CMP #$30
BCS Slowdowndown
LDA #$100
LDA #$30

Both the bolded parts will make the game crash.

You can't go above #$FF. You can using 16 bit registers, but explaining that will probably confuse the hell out of you, so just stuck with numbers between $00 and $FF.

So THATS it, I was thinking in decimal again...

Originally posted by DarkBones
Uh...I AM using that patch, how do you use the new freeRAM?

Would anyone PLEASE tell me how to store/load values to SRAM?
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
On topic: Wow, that demo was awesome! I didn't see any errors anywhere! You must be one of the few people who knows ASM and good level design. However, that Castle level had about every design error in the book (except for floatng/stacked munchers). Since you haven't done that in any of your other levels, I'll consider it as beta. Hope you continue on this hack!

Off topic: You're officially on my list of people to imitate when SMW Hacking ...lets see, thats you, S.N.N., yoshicookiezeus, and Nintendo...not a very large list, is it?...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
This is a GFX set I'm working on, I enlarged it so you can see it better! ...and to avoid theft...

I know, there's not much variety, but I want to know if you like the style. In case you say something like "It looks like a child drew it with crayon!" My level is going to be called "Crayon Canyon"...yeah...<sarcasm>REALLY creative name...</sarcasm>
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by edit1754

Here's some more progress on the YI-styled Snow FG I've been working on for the ice level I'm hoping to be able to claim. All that's left to draw are the ceiling graphics.

Anything else I should add? objects such as a fence or ice crystals? maybe some log platforms sticking out of the edges? Sloped varients of the logs in order to be different from YI?

It looks like a hybrid of Yoshi's Island and Paper Mario games, I like it!

Originally posted by me, in another thread
This is a GFX set I'm working on, I enlarged it so you can see it better! ...and to avoid theft...

I know, there's not much variety, but I want to know if you like the style. In case you say something like "It looks like a child drew it with crayon!" My level is going to be called "Crayon Canyon"...yeah...< sarcasm >REALLY creative name...< /sarcasm >

Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by leod
DarkBones: doesn't look good at all.
It really looks way too bad/childish/simple, even for a level named "Crayon Canyon" and it would clash heavily with everything else in the base rom.

Dang, I just can't get ANYTHING right, can I?
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Any better I getting ANY better at this?

Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by leod
What is that gradient for, if I may ask?

Just sand...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
I've seen a bunch of users talking about the IRC. I have 2 questions: "What is it?", and "Where is it?".
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.

Is this any better? (old by new for comparison)

I desperatly want to contribute SOMETHING to this, and the only thing that I'm good at (ASM), they have much better coders for.

Originally posted by leod
Those are supposed to be graphics?
It just looks like a massively zoomed in gradient to me (why do you make them that big anyway?).
Sorry, but compared to just a gradient of colours, even SMW's graphics would do better.

And where's the outline or any detail..?
I mean, look at the other tilesets, none of them consists of just lines of colours; for a reason.

I zoomed it out so you could see it better. Huh, now that you think about it, it would look better as part of a BG. Just make that part of my BG, and no one will ever know...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by 1UPdudes
I actully like the sand. Just give it an outline, sorta like the cloud tileset in the orignal SMW.

Badda bing, badda boom...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.
Originally posted by leod
I'm shocked that this 16x16 tile took you that long.
And it doesn't even fit..

Originally posted by leod
You're really not good at this...

Oh, ya think?

Originally posted by leod
If, as you say, your strong point is asm (I've actually seen you make progress on asm quite fast), then, by all means, don't try to draw, but code!

If I learn to actually make new enemies, I might consider that...
...except for the fact that when I take requests BAD (read: VERY VERY BAD) things happen...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.