Originally posted by King DededeWell, for now I take a pause because hacking is only for fun and doing to much... well, breaks the fun. But the biggest factor is that I tried Golden Egg (YI editor) and I love it. By the way, do you know why, when entering the first level, Yoshi stays infinitely in the black screen? It happened when I changed the sprite tileset for the one from "Visit Koopas and Parakoopas" to use Koopas.
Nope, sorry. I don't know too much about Golden Egg yet, I've touched it a little, but i'm about as serious with it as I am with LazyShell and Toad's Tool(I only mess around for fun...), I don't quite know that yet. Well, at least Golden Egg got me back into YI Hacking, (EggVine was kind of hard, and, being the visual kind of person I am, like to see pictures of what i'm placing). I'm guessing it might have to do with the level header or something.
P.S. Yeah...I know exactly what you mean, if you work too hard on something, it stops the fun sometimes. Thats why I take requests and mess with other editors. I think i'll learn more about Golden Egg right now...
Eh, sure. Why not? Kaizo hacking doesn't seem too ha-aaaaaaand I broke the ROM.