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Posts by Knight of Time

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Okay, I think I recall seeing a topic on the old SMWCentral for making custom ExAnimations in the OV, can anyone tell me about it, and if it's possible, please?

Thanks in advance.
You could always use ExGFX to change their palette, if you wanted a specific one of different colours, it's the way to go.

The acid cave levels in the fourth world of my hack have green Blarggs (to match the colour of the acid), as an example.
Hmm, about my only guess is that there are two blocks of space between Mario and the giant smashable bricks, there have to be only one normally, but I think I remember the possibility of knocking enemies off the giant smashable bricks in SMB3, unfortunately, I have no time to look right now.

But in any case, looking forward to seeing these released.
Hey, nice to see all these YI sprites making their debut for anyone who wants to use them in their hacks, I have yet to try any out due to my college work, but could you possibly make either of the two sprites below, please?

-the 32 x 32 circular, spiral shaped line guided platform that slowly moves in the direction according to what side the player is on (e.g. if they are on the right side, it moves right, and vice versa), but can also speed up or slow down if it goes down or up a slope respectively.

-the yellow (medium speed) line guided platforms, and red (fast speed) platforms; they should be tweaks of the line guided platform that doesn't start to move until jumped on (sprite 63 in LM), hopefully that won't be too hard for you, I mean, Carol has them in Brutal Mario, and they would work wonders in my sixth world, which is probably going to have at least one line guide area due to the theme being sky.

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work with the sprites, can't wait to see more new ones arrive on the scene.
You don't necessarily need a custom block to make a tunnel for small Mario only, all you need to do is have a spiked or upside-down Muncher ceiling, and the player, if big, will be forced to shrink to get into the opening, and if they have an item in reserve, it would be pointless to get it back, and as such, that's just another way to make an area only reachable if you're small.
Nice list of custom sprites Mior made, are we allowed to use them as long as we credit him in our hacks?
Originally posted by Boing
Last time I checked, Carol's YI line-guided platforms were incomplete.

Carol's YI line-guided platforms are incomplete? Why is that?

I've played a level on his hack where in the last area, you ride a red platform to collect coins and Dragon Coins along the way, and I thought it worked fine, does this mean there are bugs in it that he might not have gotten to yet?
Originally posted by LWares
***Please Note, the Following post is OFF-TOPIC!!!***

Originally posted by Troopa Pride
Only trusted users are allowed to know about the site and MiOr himself needs to email you about it.
Unless you actually catch MiOr's attention in a good way, you wont be able to get his site adress.

"Trusted Users" are only allowed to know about the site? OMG, it's only a website. It isn't like it's password protected or something!

Gee, I'd be surprised if it had all his/her work on the site which would want to make people drool over the excitement.

Anyway, how would MiOr get in contact with anyone on this site because, he/she isn't a registered member and mikeyk was given permission to show off some of his sprites as he was the creator of Sprite Tool.

Mior actually is registered on here, but he's got the username of ****** instead (basically, same guy, new username). If you ask him nicely by PM, I'm sure he'll give the URL of his website once it's up again.
Sorry to butt in to this topic, but about this air meter mikeyk is making, does anyone know if he's making the version where you just take damage when the air meter reaches 0, or the version where you take damage then die when the air meter reaches 0?

I'm referring to the ones found in Super Mario Odyssey and one of the Japanese hacks made either by KT or Anikiti, respectively.
Guys, I just want to apologize for revealing Mior's new name here. Normally, I try to answer someone's question with a helpful response as often as I can (when I can't, I don't reply, just like any of you wouldn't if you didn't know how to answer someone else's question), but I admit, I did go overboard this time. I already apologized to Mior by PM, so I hope he (and you guys too) can accept my sincere apology.

'slowly turns away from everyone, including Mior if he posts here again'

Could I request few blocks, please? They are:

1. A series of On/Off switch blocks and Switchable Blocks, all in four separate groups like in Brutal Mario (so in other words, On/Off switch 1 blocks would only affect Switchable Block On/Off 1 blocks, On/Off switch 2 blocks would only affect Switchable Block On/Off 2 blocks, and so on up to 4)

2. A block that you can only pass through if you have exactly 99 bonus stars (I want to use such a block for a big secret later in my hack), and just incase, a block that gives you 99 bonus stars (just for testing purposes if anyone can make the former block here).

Thanks in advance, and I'm really glad they are added to the first post, that will definitely make blocks/sprites easier to track.

Originally posted by MrCheeze
Here is a sprite that should give you 99 bonus stars:

dcb "INIT"
dcb "MAIN"
STA $0F48
STA $0F49

If that doesn't work change the 99 to 63.

I appreciate your help, MrCheeze, but this is actually for a block, not a sprite. I'm just basing it off of the similar blocks HyperHacker made that are passable or impassable when you have a set number of bonus stars, or more.
Originally posted by MrCheeze
That's just for testing.

Originally posted by Knight of Time
and just incase, a block that gives you 99 bonus stars

For that, a sprite works too.

My mistake, you had me confused for a moment, but still, thanks, MrCheeze.

Hey, just out of curiousity, but is it possible to make custom blocks of line guides, or other tileset specific objects unique to certain areas, so that they can be used anywhere else?