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Posts by ferrety111

ferrety111's Profile → Posts

I see no reason not to at least try this. Expect a Vanilla level made in a couple of hours by someone who's barely made 2 levels.
I didn't think I'd get even 60th place on this. The advice'll be helpful for when I make more levels, too. Also congrats to the top 3!
Originally posted by MarioFan22

I had a problem with ferrety111's "Autumn Dragon" level:

What the fuck happened here?! I couldn't proceed any further meaning this level is unplayable. :(
Such a shame since what I was able to play looks nice too.

I feel like a huge idiot right now. The level you enter on the overworld is 11D - the title screen - instead of 11E. If you want to play the actual level, a quick Lunar Magic edit should be doable.

I'm not exactly expecting a high place right now.
This is Hail the King, my first semi-serious effort to actually make a full hack. I'm hoping to have around 40 levels or so, hopefully. Bear in mind that, despite appearances, it isn't vanilla. Right now I have three levels done, which won't appear in the final hack as the first three levels; more like first, third and fourth.

The first level. I don't really see why people think 'First Level' means 'Dull'...

...So why not put some Cave segments in?

More Cave.

And more outside parts.

The second level:

A rather calm-looking cave entrance.

I should probably have got more screenshots with enemies in them.

This has elements of a water level. How exciting.

And the Third level:

A water fortress with some cave tiles.

Rexes inhabit the castle...

As do Thwomps.

I have a playable IPS with these three levels, as well as a preview of a fourth (intended to be the first level of World 3) if anyone wants to try it; I'd love some feedback on level design. Please note that the fortress currently has no boss, and that the preview ends quite abruptly with a wall.

Thanks for viewing!
Originally posted by Austin
Two questions I usually ask: "WTF lava in water?" and "where are the enemies?". Also in the second level the FG palettes are strange. Although it's looking fine by the screens, so I'll play the demo now and see how your level design is going.


Your level design is awesome, but as I said, the levels miss enemies (except the castle, it's fine), and your HDMA has very little scanlines. By the way water in lava looks a wierd idea, but this castle is amazing, you made a cool use of this gimmick. Congrats.

Looking back, I agree with the lack of enemies thing. I'll put some more in. As for the HDMA, they were actually put in through Generators in the sprites section. I guess I could try to figure out how to make it a smoother gradient (I assume that's what the criticism was along the lines of), but it's not my top priority.
If the Water in Lava thing really bothers you, just think of it as a Fire/Ice level that melted.

On the subject of Ice, I have a few screens of the first level of World 3, the level that's preview was included in the download in the first post (I'm making the levels out of order, based on what ideas I get).

The start of the level. Not much to say.

Ninjis! They've lost their natural camouflage they had in the original SMW, but they fit in surprisingly well.

The Koopas here wear Parkas! Don't expect me to abuse ExGFX, and bear in mind the main levels will likely remain mostly Vanilla (or at least look Vanilla).

I'm planning to make the second level after I finish this, which will (hopefully) introduce Vertical Levels, Spinies, Yoshi and small puddles of Lava.
First Overworld! A WIP, but it's basic structure won't change.

Also, a touched-up version of a screenshot of the ice level. I didn't really need the FG Clouds, and I changed the colour of the BG Clouds slightly.

Any better? The second and third levels are hidden, by the way. I haven't finished making the rest of them reveal themselves. I'm fed up of overworlds for now.

Third time? This has a lake in the middle.
I have two levels that are about two-thirds complete each and two probably-incomplete overworlds! Isn't that great.

The start of the second level, a vertical level with spinies!

Not really much to say about this. There's a Koopa there I guess?

Difficult, pixel-perfect platforming required here.

The second level of World 3! Or, to be more precise, one of the two possible second levels of World 3. You get here through a secret exit.

Dino-Rhinos and Dino-Torches exist in this mysterious cave.

Second world overworld! I know it's kinda flat, but to be honest, it is a desert.

...And the third OW. I understand the first three worlds are a little generic, so I'm definitely leaning towards making the last overworld not be a lava cave. I actually have a decent idea...

Oh yeah, and the Bonus Game looks kinda fancier.

Comments would be appreciated, especially on the overworlds, despite how much suffering they'll likely cause me.
I'm interested in a Mountain level, if you don't mind.

You have been assigned the following:
SUBLEVELS: 13C, 13D, 13E, 13F, 140, 141
SECONDARY EXITS: 0FC, 0FD, 0FE, 0FF, 100, 101, 102
MAP16: 1000 - 104F (FG), 4E00 - 4E4F (BG)