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Posts by Lordlazer

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This reminds me of what the ranter in Sheep in the Big City and what he might have been like if he was uncensored; however, I remember that ranter to be a tad more amusing...then again, it could have been because he spoke "funny". *shrugs*
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Eh... >_>

Wasn't planning on leaving my image up anyways, you've seen what I look like now - for better or worse - enjoy? lol...if you're still curious I'll PM you a link.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Go to the SMWiki and browse the tutorials section to find what you're looking for. If anyone helps you outside of the tutorial, they'll basically recite it, be it exact or reworded.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
It really isn't that difficult...honestly, I find it much more enjoyable than doing the actual level design. ^_^
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
My guess would be if the trojan was executed via javascript you'll have some "fun", otherwise you're likely alright, as long as it wasn't downloaded; however, in the future use the addon (for Firefox) Adblock Plus, and if that doesn't make you feel secure enough, try out NoScript. Personally, I use Safari 3, it has an auto-popup blocker and such, but I'm not sure if it is as "safe" as Firefox with the NoScript addon, because with it javascript is by default disabled...then again, I don't worry about such things being on OSX. ;D

Edit: You're really note going to know until you boot your computer up...sorry to say. :_(
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
It really looks great, but assuming he/she/they work(s) out all the problems (enemy AI, screen progression, etc), I highly doubt many of us will enjoy such a luxury. Perhaps I've been out of the N64 emulation scene for far too long, but I've yet to see one work as good as the console (ex: ZSNES/SNES9x vs SNES) and I know that I won't be able to stand a glitchy Zelda OoT, even if it is multiplayer.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Suggestion: Add what you did - "Testers may refuse to test your hack. If so, please try another tester." - at the top and bottom and perhaps in bold (maybe even italicized) so the skimmer will see that faster. ;D
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Have you tried the miracle cure for Windows, restart? I think I had that happen to me once and that fixed it for me.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
The graphics look promising, are you going to change all the graphics? For the style you seem to be going towards, the sprites would look better if they were stylized in a similar fashion as the tiles. Keep it up! :)
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Originally posted by Haaaaaach
Originally posted by Schwa
Swear words in hacks isn't good.

But I like the idea of Mario swearing... Hope it's not that much of a big problem, 'cause Mario will probably say "Shit" and "Fuck" later on. XD

You might want to reconsider if you want this game enjoyable for as big of a target audience as possible. Swearing in drama (theatre, movies, games, etc) in most cases is added because of one of two reasons, (1) some uncontrollable incident occurred (usually thought of as getting hurt badly) or (2) it is a character trait for that person to swear; though Mario may be in many uncontrollable incidents, people over the years have come to know that Mario's character trait isn't swearing, it is being amusing/whimsical. With this in mind, unless Mario is thrown into something no less than a survival horror, it will detract from the actual immersion that the player will have because Mario swears (even in the never-ending project "I, Mario", the swearing has been agreed it would be used only if tasteful - yes, that project is a survival horror).
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Don't worry about it, there technically is no original stories these days. The creativity in storytelling now is that the author must do their best to tell the story in a (if possible) new creative way, or rather, if not new, creative nevertheless.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
To comment further on what RedWood was saying, try cycling to the last event (so that all event paths have been laid) and then delete all that belong to the original ROM (Nintendo's paths, not yours). A long time ago I once had it so when I was loading one of the events I created, it was loading another - I also had it happen where a later event overwrote a previous event that I did (which wasn't my intentions). Also, try copying existing tiles instead of creating your own, or if you're doing that, try creating your own (what I mean by that is take the 8x8 tiles and group them into the 16x16 path tile, instead of copying a already existing group). If that doesn't work, try out a clean ROM.

Anyways, that's my two cents...

P.S. It should work in both ZSNES and SNES9x.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
If the ad remove program doesn't work and you're semi-comfortable messing around with Windows settings, go to RUN in the Start Menu (I think the shortcut is Alt+F2) and type msconfig and look and see which startup processes you don't want loaded when Windows boots up. Also, if it keeps happening and it bothers you, you could always format the HD... ^_^;
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Can you explain in more detail? Are you saying you start in Yoshi's Island? If that is the case you have the change Mario's location (by selecting Sprite Mode I think) if you want to start on the big overworld. As for why Mario is invisible, did you replace that part of Mario's GFX with negative space? Also, if you have Mario start on a place where there are no paths for Mario to follow, it will glitch.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Okay, check these things out and get back with me if none of these are the problem.

1) Check the Level Tile Properties to see what you have set for exiting the tile upon completion of the level - does it have Mario take an exit direction that doesn't have a Mario Path?

2) Delete the Level Tile and place a new one with no exit direction set inside the Level Tile Properties. If the problem continues, I'll do some research, but I could almost swear that this should fix the problem. :-/

Of course, you'll set the proper exit path when you have a Mario Path for him to follow.
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Alright then, try using a clean ROM and do a few slight changes, add/move the pipe, redirect the level # in the Level Tile Settings and then see what happens. Maybe you have a corrupt ROM, because it doesn't make any sense (to me at least) as to why it would still happen.

Edit: Oh! Are you making sure to start a new game every time you make changes to the overworld? That would cause all the problems you're having, assuming you fixed the problem and forgot to start a new game. ^_^
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
I'm pretty sure this is VERY possible - with the use of EVENTS...or at least it is possible to replace the existing level with a "dummy" level (see the destroyed castle tutorial if you're confused, mainly focus on the second paragraph). I'm going to make an example using fictitious numbers (meaning the numbers I use aren't the ones you have to use).

1) create your overworld layout

2) EVENT 0x2 unveils the pathway to level-02 (level B)

3) EVENT 0x3 unveils the pathway to level-03 (level D)

4) EVENT 0x4 places a level tile over the existing one. (level C)

Note that I took your A, B, C, level example, so level D would be technically the forth level, not a typo or weird starting point on my part... To map it out:


The upper path is the level progression and the lower path is the replacement level #. Anyways, I hope this helps ya. :-/
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
I don't believe there is any other 'Central. Over a year (or so) ago there was plans to make many 'Centrals to focus on many games (Megaman, Zelda, etc), but that idea seems to have faded I would think...
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
Here is a novel idea, don't put the pipe on the sub-screen boundary (put some innovative level design to avoid this problem). ;)
A Defender of newbies, Slayer of n00bs!
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