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Posts by Anti-matter Drone

Anti-matter Drone's Profile → Posts

Mother is an awesome game.

I don't think so....
Come on pieguy1372! Start the game already!
Wow! I know there are loads of sprites that list the names of each as well, so I didn't expect you to do that! Kagami, he's the ultimate boss, and says he's the dark night of Vanada. Yes he is an optional boss. You should probably go check somewhere else, instead though.
He takes care of Paper Mario, the Infinite Battles? Sind is taking care of Mafia and Business needs one more person to start. It would be stupid to be the only one taking care of a whole board....
*You get a Pina Colada*
*Inserts a mutant potato*

Also, it wasn't past the first page. In fact, this Fourm was focused on a very few games.
*Presses the tiny black button*
This resets the universe detonation controls.
*Uses an orange to give comicmischief a comic look (orange on head)*
AtomicShroom, when the Dry Bones is right under you, you fall on him and hold the jump button. It's really not that hard. Anyway, the tension is building up as this gets closer to being done. Also, Master Peguin, there are 2 submitted, and 4 in progress.
I don't have any.... I'm interested in it, but I can't do it. I wouldn't mention it though, I read up to 3 and 1/2 hours before I touch video games. For some reason, this thread has "revived" my interest in it.
Hello? Butter Bridge 1 anybody? I didn't know that no one had figured it out, so, good job Ice Man!

EDIT: Apparently, it's a different command.... Hey, I don't know anything about hacking (well, prety much).
Actually, that wasn't the problem. I just couldn't put more then one block down before giving up in frustration. I've just started, and I might even do a full hack eventually (even if there is no ASM, HDMA or ExGFX)! I've at least made a formation. I realized that I could talk about my siblings. My brother and sister aren't interested in video games that much. I think that sums it up relativly nicely.
Originally posted by MwC Fo LiFe
Happy Birthday Trelic! </div></div>

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Unexpected end tag (</div>) at 156, expected </small>
Tag (small) was not closed.
Tag (big) was not closed.
Tag (div) was not closed.
Tag (div) was not closed.
I might be able to do a level. Is this going to be a never ending SMW hack? In other words, even after it is done, will people be able to add to it? I pretty sure the answer is yes, but I need clarifacation on that.
Originally posted by Justin Case
Also, position ideas:
Name: Politican
Side: Citizen
Function: Each of his votes, count as 2.

Name: Soilder
Side: Citizen
Function: When attacked during the night, he has a 25% chance of killing the Mafia instead of being killed. Godfather has a 50% of being stopped instead.

Are these viable? Also, are we just going to use the current positions, or are we going to recycle the old ones?

Currently viable positions:
*Unleashes the ultimate attack on Alice Margatroid, the singularity*
Since you are powerful enough to dodge an atomic explosion, you can't be weak enough to dodge this. The more matter you are, the more it pulls. It pulls on every thing, regardless of distance. It never dies. It will hunt you down. It grows in strength from any matter and it is impossible to miss.
*Disables Alice Margatroid's ability to aim anywhere within one nanometer of her*
*Teleports the rest of us to the dimesion where you placed them, along with all of our bodies, excluding yours*
*Parties, because we don't have to deal with stupid, cheap attack and we can now use original attacks (everybody else joins in*
*Fires a Big Bertha at McW fo Life, which fires him into our dimension*
That sounds great! Although, considering it would be one time the items would have to be unlimited use or "use-less". Maybe a key to the final level would require all or a relatively large amount of them. That would increase the difficulty factor while still being able to play through quickly. It would be sort of like the expert levels in Mario vs. DK. Of course, there could be other uses, like an item that increases the range of the cape slightly, etc..