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Posts by Anti-matter Drone

Anti-matter Drone's Profile → Posts

It isn't just about it, yes. However, that is a big part of it. I'm just going to stop here, because I,
A) don't want to get any further off-topic and
B) don't want us to be killing each other because we're trying to pierce every defence our foe can put up.
I suppose if we try to do the other person's standpoint we can go on. Otherwise, I'll wind-up "killing you in my sleep" because you just can't see my stand point. If either of us "surrender", the other one will get angry because it will seem like we are trying to defend our original cause.
I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to.
Maybe you should try and think of all the freedom you have?
All right! We have 6 players!
1) kokojo
2) Doomster
3) alexnobody
4) MwC Fo Life
5) Fuzzyfreak
6) pieguy1372

Please wait while I make the map (It never occured to me to acctually make the map.).

Also, thanks Dotsarecool, for editing the spacing!

EDIT: I'm leaving to soon to finish the table. I might not finish it until tomorrow. Sorry!
My secret one that I'm learing ASM for. I say this for the simple reason that I've actually done more to it than place one block in a level.
Originally posted by Daboys121
Sleep as much as you can. This will shorten the time.

No... that will cause sleeping problems..., unless you mean, just during the night. Trust me, this helped bash my sleep cycle out of wack. Not sleeping for 3 hours is horrible but it can get worse (like not sleeping at all). Anyway, try a Rubix's Cube. If you don't have one then try a 5 by 5 by 5, for more time consumtion, per arrangement. Then, all you have to do is close your eyes and mess it up (and if you don't want to be able to eventually figure it out then ask somebody else to mix it up thoroughly as well). It will frustrate you to no end, yet you'll be having so much fun with it that you'll try to do it at every chance. If it starts to slow down the excitment then you can try a figure out the amount of permutations (although I doubt it would work because most people don't find math fun). Lastly, books are the best thing you can do for yourself. They will pull you in! Get a book that interest you and go wild!
Will somebody else just make this thread already?!?
Let's see... if Pac made it it would be forgotten in the mists of time. If Ersanio made it... it would turn out to have buggy posts?

Go on! Also, I saved over the file accidentally, so I don't have the full thing right now. I'll just try to remember what I did. I'll make the next one in advance so I won't do this. Also, the thin bars represent stairs. It takes up one more space to go on every other time (starting at the first time).
Granted, but you will have to be completely inside of them to use it.
I wish I knew ASM and Hex enough to create the hack I'm trying to create.
Posting to allow Sind to post.
O.K..... I don't know anything about you but, Happy Birthday, KilloZapit!
pieguy1372, everybody shares one. It's just hidden.
Also, kokojo, you're #1. remember my antipenultimate post in this thread? That tells you which number you are.

EDIT: If you won't be able to post withing the next two days please tell me. I need to know, so I can skip your turn for that round.
Granted, but you don't have acess to the terminal that does it. If you do not acess it in 0.0001 jiffies, you die.
I wish I knew what I was wishing for.
That shows no footage, therefore it's O.K.. Maybe I'll save the no-savestate run for someother time (when I'm not doing this blindly). I guess I'll start a youtube channel....
A) Shouldn't you just make a thread for your hack? I think is is the third thread about it.
B) It sounds like it'll be fast scrolling level. Good concept although, there should be relatively low time required, because on the Autobahn, there is no speed limit.
Super Mario RPG: This game brought so many new features to Mario along with 2 new characters, a great plot (that is being overused) and can get somewhat challenging (try beating [color=000000]Culex</span> without any armor or weapons).
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings: This is a time consuming RTS game that seems to have infinite possibilities. You can choose to fortify your self and try to slowly expand, try to bombard your opponents with legeons of soldiers or build up your economy until you can dececrate your foes.
Extreme Tux Racer: I never know where I am and yet I always can find my way. The herring are a nice addition and the options can help change the game. It has a certain feeling to it that makes it very fun.
Super Smash Bros. Melee: This had so many things that made it more exciting than Brawl. It had the fun bonuses and clever events that seemed much harder than those in Brawl. The Adventure mode was short but sweet. It took longer to complete than the random classic mode and had quite a few secrets and bonuses. The trophies were great fun to unlock, even if you didn't know what to do. You would try everything to get them. The fast paced battles would boost the usefulness of certain non-glitch techniques. Even with the glitches being exploited, it's still one of the best games I can think of. (The others also being included in this post.)
1) A puzzle is a confusing bit that will not get you killed unknowingly. If you have to grab a Goomba, bring it down a pipe, jump over a few enemies and hit a "vine block" then that constitutes as a minor puzzle. If you have a bunch of doors, only one of which leads on, only if the others don't force you to be killed will it be a puzzle.
2) Have a gimmick. If you have a lava level, you might want to make it so that there is lava above (maybe occationally squirting down with a way to avoid it) for a gimick. Then, you might have upside-down blarggs with the same X value. Just make sure you give some space.
Why don't you just ask for everybody to give it to you? Then you can organise it afterwards. Also, what is the file for? I'm too lazy to go back and check....