That looks very good! I can't think of any valid critisism so your 2 hours definately payed off!
Posts by Anti-matter Drone
Anti-matter Drone's Profile → Posts
This will be tough. Maybe someone who knows how to make OW objects can help you.... If they can't then I think you ought to misplace it. If you really don't want it, you could always have Mario go out of the way to get thier (i.e. you make a big loop) or use a curving path, like the one a little to the right of the the second level on that screen.
I fixed it! Read here. If it still gives you problems then I don't know what to do.
This is why you mark your code with comments.
LDA $19 ;Load Mario's power-up status. CMP #$00 ;Compare it to 0 BNE Return ;If it isn't equal, go to "Return" PHY ;Add to the Y stack. PHB ;Add to the data bank stack (I don't understand this part....) LDA #$02 ;Load 2, into the accumulator PHA ;Add to the A stack PLB ;Subtract from the data bank stack LDA #$00 ;Load 0 into the accumulator JSL $028663 ;I forget what this does right now.... ;PLB ;You can't do this! There is nothing to pull! LDA #$02 ;Load 2 into the accumulator STA $9C ;Store it into the "Generate New Block" adress JSL $00BEB0 ; PLY ;Subtract from the Y stack BRA Return2 ;Skip the code below until Return2 Return: ;This is a symbol LDY #$01 ;Loads 1 into Y LDA #$30 ;Loads 30 (48 in decimal) into the accumulator STA $1693 ;Stores it into the Block # Return2: ;This is a symbol RTS ;Return
This is why you mark your code with comments.
Character: Stafy
Game: Densetsu no Stafy
Why: It's a rather easy marine platformer (This is the only series to have such a genre.) in which you explore, trying to help out the locals. The latest 2 are worse in my book because of health bars instead of health counters. They also took out a lot of enemies, etc..
Game: Densetsu no Stafy
Why: It's a rather easy marine platformer (This is the only series to have such a genre.) in which you explore, trying to help out the locals. The latest 2 are worse in my book because of health bars instead of health counters. They also took out a lot of enemies, etc..
Originally posted by Anti-matter Drone
That goes in your header.
That goes in your footer.
<table border="" width="100%"><tr><td width="75%">Sample Post.
That goes in your header.
</td><td rowspan="2">Sidebox</tr><tr><td>Signature</td></tr></table>
That goes in your footer.
I edited it so it will work. Anyway, if you want something more like WhiteYoshiEgg's (I remembered it this time!) layout, you'll need .divs. If you want them, I'll go whip up some code. If you are happy, as is, that should fix it. (Remove the bars from the top and bottom though, they look ugly.