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Posts by Anti-matter Drone

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xkas "places" ASM into your ROM at an adress specified and everything. Make a back-up and try it onto this ROM. If that doesn't work then get a clean ROM. Also, you can export and import most things, which would reduce transferring over to monotony. (I know about the spelling.)
Hold on! I'll do the ASM in just a second, O.K.? (I posted this so you would know that someone is on it.)

EDIT: Let's see....
LDA $19
CMP #$03
LDA $140D
CMP #$;Insert here whatever value would say that he was spin jumping
BNE Undo
LDA #$01
STA $19
BRA Loop
LDA #$03
STA $19

I know it's not the best of code because it makes Mario lose the fireball power-up altogether when spin jumping but it works. Maybe someone else can make better code for you later.
Speaking of being forum banned, I'm forum banned, only, not. What I mean is, I can't do anything in Talk but it doesn't say I'm forum banned. Isn't that wierd? Anyway, don't change it.
Sometimes, private messages will be flagged as read, even though they hadn't. Is that a bug or does the "mark all forums read" button set everything to read?
Go to the Japanese site to download the latest version (1.1.2b). Anyway, I think that if you melt wall (maybe mixed with fuel or water), you get part of water mixed with fire. I've forgotten what it was exactly. Anyway, water with fire is very interesting, because igniting it is about as hard as quenching a fire!

EDIT: Now I remeber how to get liquid wall! Select wall and mix it with inflow!
Oh, right! Anyway, you need BCC, I think. If not then try BCS. Also, the LDA and STA are nessecary.

EDIT: I'm real good with wording, ain't I?
Actually, I can do it! I don't know what values would work for Mario's X speed, so somebody would need to tell me, but, here it is!
LDA $7B ;Load Mario's X speed.
CMP #$02 ;Enter here whatever the correct value would be. I think it's 02 if you don't care how fast he's running.
BCC D ;If it's less than that, then jump to D!
LDA $1497 ;Load the invincibility timer.
INC ;Increase it by 1.
STA $1497 ;Save it to the invincibility timer.
RTS ;end of code
D ;If it's less than the value I put in, it jumps to here!
RTS ;This will end the code!

He was talking about the site that he said he thought it might be because and he thought it was bad. While he wasn't flamming, yes, he could have been more polite. (He not being Huzzoy....)
Mario's Adventure is a great SMB3 hack..., or is that Mario Adventure?
You add them by using this code, replacing the % with the adress of your image.
<img src="%" />

Modify the part of the screen that the screen loads at. It's hard to explain, but there should be a menu that lists C0, 60 and 00. Make sure the BG and FG settings are the same. Play around with it! Also, this is more of a n00b question.... Did you click the wrong forum?
Better still is Gas + Jet and Mochi + Rice. Anyway, ZForce, about the thing you said eariler, you are wrong because it can't be lit on fire, nor is it a liquid.
In addition, that amazing flying hammer bro. and his platform should be moved up so it can't force Mario into the abyss.... Lastly, this should not have anything to do with Game and Watch games if you are using these graphics. The style clash would be to great.
Is it? Is it pointless? Why is the banning useless since you waste bandwidth using it? Do you see where I'm coming from?