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Posts by Anti-matter Drone

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Originally posted by blue_rabbit
Nice to meet you all.

ill post an ips tomorrow if anyones interested.

btw, ive been looking on the forums and i cant find any solid info on the way pallettes are used, anyone got a link?

[edit] @ scorp... it's called irony. :)

Actually it's called taking things literally. Anyway, do you have any screenshots? Also, is there any other info you can post about it?
But then he couldn't do the "Recursive Acronym Game".
If you have a website, put it there. If not, then make a few more levels (at least complete a world) and submit it as a demo. By the way, do you have a name for it?
Does that mean that they have a monopoly? Anyway, the one annoying thing about things where you need everybody to change in a group is that everybody will think that if they don't it won't matter, so then it really does matter. Also, why does anybody care about the talking furniture? The shows tend to be stupid and provide no entertainment value. Additionally this is the result of regulation. The more we regulate (especialy the government) the more freedoms we lose. I quote my self on this,"If one is to be free, one is not equal, and if one is to be equal, one is not to be free."
You want an idea for what to do for the boss battles?
You could put in invincible enemies like ball and chains. I could take place on a set of moving platforms for bosses like Iggy.... Perhaps you should add a bunch of Podobos that come out at different times if thats possible. Perhaps a Banzi Bill that's to high to stomp? If you think this would do some good you could use the enemy only blocks.... Imagine Iggy landing on one of them. Poor Mario has to keep stomping him or he'll die (just use a step formation or an 'L'). I'm not interested it this hack but maybe when I'm done with my others I play.
-Why did you just tell Super Derek to be friends with his evil self? Isn't that like saying, "Hey, Sat, how've ya been?"
-Can you give me reasons for all the other answers you've made (there is only one, right answer)?
-What are your top ten favorite games?
-Have you ever drawn a Ninja Guy?
-What would you accomplish by blowing up an atomic dud? (inside joke)
-Which is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?
May I make an unoffical sequel? Speaking of unoffical sequels, how was Demo World 3 a sequel? It has the exact same level design as Demo World! Of course, Super Demo World: The Legend Continues is an entirely different story. Speaking stories I've just read my textbook. It was boring in the linear algebra stuff, but I learned a bit at the matrices part. By the way, does anybody know why that movie is named after it? I've never watched, but I don't want to. Speaking of things I don't want to do, I don't want to take my growth hormone shots every day. Well, actually I do, but I don't. This reminds me of Golden Sun, when the gang wants to chase after Felix, but they also want to help Hsu. Speaking of Golden Sun I haven't played that in forever. Some other games I haven't played in forever are, Mario Adventure, Super Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Mario Land. Wait a second..., those are all Mario games! Is this a conspiracy? Is it coincidence? The world may never know. That remind me of the Tootsie Pop ads. My sister managed to do it though. She counted 598. Maybe it was 1,827,219, but I'm prety sure that it was 598. Oh! Now I remember, I was thinking of a different time. She counted 666. It was chocolate instead of peanut berry pecan..., or was it grape flavor? Anyway, 666 is the devil's number. Did you know that? Wait a second, why am I asking you questions? Anyway, that just goes to show you that chocolate is evil. All though it isn't as evil as communism. Speaking of communism, have any of you read Animal Farm? Gahh! Why do I keep asking you questions? I did it again! That reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with the Knight who say Ni. Speaking of Monty Python, why doesn't anybody know about the show? Argh! I'm asking you questions again! Anyway, my favorite one was "The Philharmonic Orcestra goes to the Bathroom", how the chocolate guy has the "crunchy frog" which actually has a frog in it! I still wonder why the Philharmonic Orcestra had to play in bathroom. Well acually they didn't have to but they did. That always annoys me. Everybody thinks that 'can' means 'may'. Doesn't it annoy you, too? Can I stop asking you question already!?!?!? Apparently not.... Arrggh! Why can't I remember where that's from? Will I just stop asking you questions?!? You know, it's strange. Whenever I want to stop, I don't and when that isn't what's concering me I stop. This just goes to show you that Murphy's Law is true. Oh! By the way, I recently learned that Murphy's Law was based on bread always falling butter side down. If you don't want that to happen you should bat it away at 1.6 meters per second. This reminds me of a joke. A poor guy walk up to a raabi. He says,"You know how the poor man's bread always falls butter-side down and the rich man's bread always falls butter-side up?" The raabi responds,"Yes?" The poor then says,"Well today my bread fell butter-side up. Does that mean I'm going to be rich?" The raabi ponders it for a while and then says,"No, I think it means that you buttered the wrong side." Anyway, talking about all that bread made me hungry. Of course, since I don't like butter it didn't make me that hungry. Speaking of food, I can eat way more than most people. I can out eat my 18 year old brother and I'm only just 13. In fact, I ate a whole rack of baby back ribs and still asked for a big slice of Caramel Apple pie. I feel about it though. Our waiter payed for it because I ate all of my baby back ribs.... Speaking of staff, what is the diference between an Administrator and a Super Mod? Oh, boy! Now I'm getting distracted. So have any of you checked out the mathematics thread? I love math and I'd love to have a mathematical arguement. By the way, I just barely made it into the Johns Hophkins Grand Ceremony. That requires atleast a 28 in math or reading. I only got a 23 in reading. For a senior percentile, that would only the 64th percentile. They said I was ready for college, but they have no idea what they're talking about. I mean, I don't even know trigonometric concepts (although I do know the trigonemtric functions. Hey why am I typing in parenthases? I'm you questions again?) There, I ain't typing in parenthases anymore. You know what really gets on my nerves? That is beside me asking you questions. People have rejected ain't as a word and sometimes use amn't. I sure hope no of you guys do that. That reminds me, contractions actually started out as slang. It still bugs me that they take priority over possesives.... You know, fag, gay, queer and manuer were orignially much... kinder words? No! I must not ask you another question! Speaking of kinder, why does everyone use curse words? Wait.... I just said I wouldn't! Gah! I mean, there isn't any point if they provide no additional content that a stress/bold couldn't handle. It's just annoying. I've vowed to never use them.... I almost did once but I stopped myself. Speaking of stopping one's self, there was this guy on the highway that drove right by us on the right on a ramp when we were in the right lane but there was a left one. He just had to do it on the right and not the left. Nope. The left lane was illegal or something. I was so scared after it.... Speaking of things I get scared of, I'm afraid of spiders. I used to not be but when learned they could be poisonous (and I'm a real worry wart) so I was scared of them. It sort of sunk in, so when I learned that most aren't, I had already gone to far and was doomed to be scared of them.... You know, fear is a really wierd thing. I mean, you can be scared of something just because you were and then you can be scared of it with reason. You know, I find a lot of things people do reasonless. I mean, what about the economic issues? Wait.... Why should I ask you anyway? They sell, even though that if everyome stayed, they would lose less money! Of course... you can trust your fellow men to do the same.... Say, that's something that irks me. Everyone uses peoplekind instead of mankind, etc.. It is dirrived from the German word for person! Then again, person has 'son' in it and they refuse to use woman because of the 'man' in it.... It's sort of like someone jumping of a cliff instead of a skyscraper. It's no more brilliant. Of course, people think that brilliance is anything that sounds different than the blatantly stupid. I mean, I could say complete drivel and they would agree with me. Talk about stupid. Of course, when I say people, I mean the average human, not you (or atleast you inparticular). Then again, some people are brilliant. I wish Jeeves was real. He's the best character ever! I don't read much fiction either. I sometimes wonder why, but then I remember that these books are better than half of the others combined. You know, there was a book contest where you had to write the worst book ever. One of the descriptions was, "The sun oozed over the horizion." That was so funny. Speaking of the sun, Suns? May I do an unofficial sequel? Please say yes. I really want to! I mean, you don't have to say yes but since you are nice and all plus you didn't make one yet and it's tiring and technically you can't stop me... I'm assuming you will! I won't do it yet though! It annoys me so much when people don't wait for a stinking answer! Why can't people wait 1, single minute? It's like, they must do it or they'll die! Could it be any wierder? (Argh! Stop me, please! And make me end these parenthese too!) Ah! Thank you! Wait.... I did it all by myself! No credit for you! I mean, why should you get credit if you did nothing for it? I'm asking you something again! Save me from these questions! Of course, a lot of people do that even though they actually needed (and got) help.... It bugs me to no end. You know, that phrase is really strange. Why bugs? I mean, what is the reason for the word bug? Gah! I'm asking you stuff again! I really shouldn't.... Anyway, the thing that irks you the most is always the smallest of things, right? Oh shoot! One word away from not having a question! Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot!

EDIT: Now with the new long (abbriviated) edition!
May I join? I'm good with medium and medium-hard hacks and I have never used save states. I'm mainly concerend with gameplay but I could ajust myself if you are making a different themed hack. I dislike a lot of music so that's the one I can't adjust to (unless you're using classical music).
Nope. For example, what about all the demos. And of course let's not forget ones that will never be released, like my single block hack. (I just lack motivation and patience) Still, it might be possible to do all the others. It would just be this site only with the bad hacks as well.
Originally posted by Sind
I've always had a very weird and complex view on this...

I think One's destiny is written, but you don't know what it is.
God(If he exists) already knows your whole life. But you don't, so you can't just say say you don't give a damn about it, and give it up. God already knew you'd ask yourself this question now. if you pick to form your own destiny, he already knew you'd pick that option, and if you chose to not give a damn about your life, he'd knew you'd pick that option. In other words, I think life, and destiny, is already written, but at the same time, you're the one who "writes" it...

Actually he doesn't. Why else would we have free-will? If he knew what would happen then we wouldn't have free will. In addition, if such were the case he might as well just code us to love him. I get into deep theological discusions with my parents and it is a very iffy thing because in the Gospels Jesus talks about Peter betraying him thrice before the cock crows. However, what would be the point of the bible if we were all damned except for a very few who had to go to heaven? I find it stupid that people think they are in control of thier own lives (because we only have a sliver of control), but I don't in destiny.
1. What is your favorite movie? - What are those? (Actually I haven't watched enough to have one.
2. Do you like chocolate? - Eww! No.
3. Which do you enjoy more: hacking SMW or playing SMW hacks? - playing
4. Have you played Touhou? - What on Earth is that?
5. Do you have a Wii? - My brother has one....
6. Which SMW hacking tool (aside from Lunar Magic) couldn't you do without? - I can't hack for my life, so not even Lunar Magic.
7. What number question is this? - 7
8. How much longer do you think it will be before SMWC is wiped again? - 5 years and counting.
9. What do you think is the most important aspect of a SMW hack? - Gameplay/level design. A hack with bad graphics but good level design is better than a hack with good graphics but bad level design.
10. Same as above, but excluding level design. - nothing
11. If you had to pick another username, what would it be? - Anti-matter Drone
12. What, if anything, do you like to watch on TV? - I don't watch TV
13. What grade are you in? - 7/8
14. Do you think that someone will disobey fabio's rule? - Duh! Of course!
15. do the levels wrap around at 100 - Not unless you mean sit at 99.
16. Who do you think will answer next in this thread? - somebody
17. How many questions do you think this thread will reach? - 283
18. Have you ever used this site's IRC room? - nope
19. Who do you think will reach 5000 posts first? You, Bombette
20. Have you ever spoken something in real life like blueredmario64 would say it? - I have no clue.
21. Do you think that the next hack that you make will become featured? - Since I'm incappable of making a hack, I would have to say yes (I got a great idea that I can't use).
22. If you could add one section to this site, what would it be? - The nothing channel.
23. Have you ever made a "time-trial"-styled SMW level? - No
24. Have you seen any movies in a movie theater recently? - I have no idea what a theater looks like, even.
25. How often do you drink water? - 4, 16 oz. glasses of water a day.
26. When did the last dream that you remember occur? - about 5 years ago
27. Do you exercise regularly? - Nope.
28. Do you like game shows? - What are those? (Actually I know an example. You bet your life on it.
29. Have you ever visited a public pool? - Only private ones.
30. Do you think that summer is too hot? - Of course it is!
31. Have you found a hidden message within these questions? - Nope.
32. If you could promote one person, who would it be? - I have no clue.
33. Which do you prefer: Soda or Diet Soda? - Soda.
34. Is it just me, or is Daboys121's avatar hilarious if you animate it at twice the normal speed? - It is not just you.
35. Should blueredmario64 be made staff? - I have no idea.
36. How hot is summer where you live? - It goes up to about 38 each year.
37. How cold is winter where you live? - It goes down to about -12.
38. Do you enjoy watching Japanese game shows? - Never seen one.
39. How late do you usually stay up? - I go to bed at 12 and fall asleep at about 1:30.
40. TOUHOU TOUHOU TOUHOU???? - What on Earth?!?!?
41. Who is better: Bombette or Anti Guy? - You are both the same but I like the name Anti-Guy better (unless you meant in PM in which I would have to say Anti-Guy)
42. Have you ever used the meme 'OVER 9000' and had people laugh at you as a result? - What is a meme?
43. Same as above, but in IRC. - I stand by my previous statement.
44. Do you get the point of memes? - Nope.
45. Is my layout awesome? - It was before you became Bombette.
Worst comes to worst, you could make the second letter's background look wavy. Gosh, I wonder what swiming pokey will be like.
I find it also happens in Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World if you stay on one to long. It's probably a glitch but I haven't gotten there yet.