I honestly believe it's an elaborate troll because:
a) That IPS link in the comments is from HackerOfTheLegend's file bin, not carol's site - I'm not saying HOTL is the culprit, but rather both that he's a victim of the troll and that his file bin is not a credible link.
b) The wiki page was made by someone who literally just joined to write it and he's the only one following it
c) Crappy page quality
d) This thing about carol and trust: I just don't think that, especially after his account theft, he's trusting enough that he'd give his demo, in private, to someone who turns around and makes it public. If he wanted other people to see it, again, why not just post it on his site or on a forum himself? Why does he need a "proxy" for feedback? It doesn't make any sense.
1. Carol did not put only 1 demo on his site.
2.Could be a really big Brutal Mario fan or something. Idk. I doubt he is the one who made the demo. Usually a lot of people on the Brutal Mario wiki don't have enough knowledge to make a smart edit of Brutal Mario.
3. English maybe not his first language. That really not proof that it fake.
4. This person could be his private beta tester. The last time I talk to Carol, he seem like he wanted feedback. Also Carol could have told him to give the demo out, because the person told me to report any bugs so he could report them to carol.
Also about the level being the same like Vip 6. Well, carol did have the same first boss like Vip 1. The rest I am not sure if it original or not. I never played all the VIPs.
Originally posted by Rykon-V73
I do have a problem with this level. In ZMZ, the level has NO sound at all and it can crash, if I go to a sublevel.
you have to use Zsnesx 8mb version.
To be honest I think we will never know that this is real or fake. I mean Brutal Mario is kind of random sometimes and hard to tell if it a fake. The reason that people think this is a fake because of all the other hoaxes that were made by twig boy and TheguywhodoesNoting.
This version seems a lot more legit, but who knows. I doubt it twigboy, I doubt he knows how to hack a rom or he would have done that as his first trick.
Originally posted by MercuryPenny
TheGuyWhoDoesNothing has said a couple of times that he's good with ASM but not with level design. The level that didn't crash in the 8MB SNES9x was pretty boring and repetitive...but then again, it had like 0 custom stuff besides the palettes changing every screen. I noticed that the boss at the end didn't work at all.
I say hoax.
Boss at the end? What boss?
Also the level is not done yet. It will be done sometime this month and not all of Carol Levesl have ASM. This one had a little,but not much.
Here is a level I find in the cave world. It is unplayable because the screen goes black. This seems to be some proof that the demo is real and carol is making progress remaking levels, What do you think?
Also the level seems to be 11D ( I look in a older version). Not sure if the number change in the newer version.
Well, let just wait till the demo come out in this month if it ever does.
Also this is the last world and Carol really I doubt will follow the rules. So I except the last world to be hard.
Originally posted by HackerOfTheLegend
Damn, according to slogger, in this new demo, there are only 0x43EFF3 bytes of freespace left. That's 25 banks.
That could be the reason why there wasn't really that much new ASM in the new demo. We will prob see a lot new ASM in The Final Battle and maybe a lot reused and new bosses in Luigi Castle.
I was just playing around with the game and I relize that some of the music sounds different. Well, improve like the Castle crush boss. Just go to the castle crush level and to the boss and listen to the music. It seems like this could be proof that this is legit.
Claim down people. If this is fake, it fake. If it real, it is real.
I really don't see anything fake about it. Why!?
1. Music redone. There are some music redone in this demo. One is the first level theme that can be heard in the last part of the level and the first level. The castle crush boss level theme sounds much better. If this was fake, I am pretty sure the troll would have made use of those songs.
2.New level. Go to the cave world and you will find a unplayable New level.
3 read what CM30 find about this . (http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=14492&start=100)
Seems to be a test level in the star world with the Seven Heros Boss still working. Also I tired it out and the Demo only one level is still there but it is now a test level. So I think It is legit ,but I could be wrong.
Here the person who sent me the demo just sent the Theguywhodoesnothing a message explaning what is happing to Brutal Mario and what is this new demo all about.
Here is the link http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=14492&sid=2b0381a94f5e682e371c91168fd964b8&start=125
Thank you for your questions. I'll answer them to my best knowledge.
Originally posted by Answers from Whodidyouthinkitwas
1. Of course. This demo was released for two reasons. To show how that the game is being worked on currently, and two, get feedback on a new level. Most of the level was made recently, but some levels are borrowed from previous demos, the water stage in the beginning is from Vip and Wall Mix, and before, was in the first demo from 2005.
2. From 2014, but it was finished Febuary but not released until this month. The level building only took one month due to freetime.
3. Fix the game up a lot. That has already began sort of. The game is English starting from Demo Only 1, and most if not all levels have been translated. The graphics need to be fixed, such like Mario's graphics, which are being drawn by carol. But in the next demo Mario graphics will not be finished, but the placeholder GFX is from SMB2. There's also planned to be a major overhaul of level design on old levels. The levels being replaced are the Forest Star, Cave Star, the sun level, Chomp Panic 2, Ultima's Keep, and Aquatic Special. Levels with level design change are the leaf shield levels, Darklich's Keep, Kirby Superstar, and Lift Go!.
4. We have not discussed yet.
5. No. But this two demos combined will be a demo 10.5, because there is 10 finished worlds and most of a 11th. Like how demo 7 had 7 finish worlds.
6. Not many besides an email which I have been told not to tell.
7. Focus on carol's personal life made this game a side-project. The reason why so much progress has been done is because of those personal issues dealt with currently.
8. Its not Luigi. It could be Mario fighting Mario, we don't know. It's not a thought right now, the only thought now is finishing the Hot Head Bop, Thunder Blues, and Beginning of the End levels and to make starting marks on King Luigi's Keep.
9. No, that was for Vip and Wall Mix part 3, and kept in because the level it was tested in happened to be the level which will become the final battle level.
Thank you for asking me so many questions. Ask more if you want. Excuse me if my English is rusty, I originate from Japan, but I know lot of English.
It seems like this answers our questions.
Originally posted by animeloverxX93
Thanks a lot for the information, Buried Alive.
I guess this means Brutal Mario will get finished at some point... great.
No prob. Also I uploaded new video of the demo on my channel. (Theonesuperx).
Originally posted by Macky
This looks fake as hell. I mean, why's the demo in English? Every level in this hack obviously has an Assembly gimmick, but it has none. For the background it looks like generator F3 to me. The port itself has problems, and why do you start exactly in the rock world? (That's how I call it) and the last part doesn't look like a level Carol would design.
Honestly, I think somebody messed around with Carol's work and claimed it as a 'new' demo.
Just read what Whatdidyouthinkitwas(Or something like that response) It will tell you why it is in English.
It is really hard to say this is fake now that we got somebody explaining it to us about what Carol is doing. Carol also knows some English. Demoonly1 is the first official Brutal Mario demo in English.
My question is that is Carol working on this hack with Whodidyouthinkitwas now or what? Brutal Mario seems to be on the road now that Carol got his problems over with currently. He is focusing on finishing some levels like hot head bop and the luigi world levels.
So this is very legit new info is very legit.
Originally posted by Masterlink
Originally posted by Buried Alive
It is really hard to say this is fake now that we got somebody explaining it to us about what Carol is doing.
Yeah, because a guy that came out of nowhere (especially with that kind of name) is totally a legit source of information. Seriously guys, I also want to see BM finished, but not at the extreme of believing in every single rumor out there.
First off, why in the world would Carol work with a random English guy instead of his Japanese friends from 2ch? He can do it alone, just see how far he went for the last playable demo (the one hosted in the hacks section), and in case he would ever need help, he would ask a Japanese guy that is close to him.
Second, anyone with enough free time can do a level that long, or you really think only Japanese guys are able to design that? Also, anyone can learn ASM, and if their perseverance is high enough, they can do really awesome things in a relatively short period of time without being Japanese (say hi to my friend anonimxwz).
I'm with Macky on this one, so I'll call this a total fake unless we somehow get a confirmation from Carol himself, rather than a random guy that popped out of nowhere.
Anyone can learn ASM!? I find that impossible to learn. I look at the youtube channel and I find it awesome and make me regret not knowing ASM.
Fine if you don't believe that the demo is real. My problem is why would there be remade music samples and a beta room of the demoonly1 level that leads to the sevenhero boss?
What keeps you interested in hacking.
I mean when I hack back than, I always thought it was cool, but now I find it pointless and very hard. The last hack I work on was Dark Side of the Kingdom and I enjoyed it at first. Well, you can say that I soon realized that you need to know ASM to keep your enjoyment of hacking SMW. I mean when you first start, you will just need to know how to rip GFX and add music. But once you keep hacking you will want to use your own resources. When you want to make your own resources, you have to learn ASM, and not many people seem to know that.
I know some of you say that ASM is not important or important at all, but for me I think it is very important. Like for one . It can add interesting level ideas. Add new enemies like Birdo. It don't have to be something like Carol ASM. It also help with hacks with different stories like a new villain, It would be a disappoint to have your final bosses to always be the same bowser battle or having the same easy boss battle. You would not even be able to make a new koopa kids or bowser battle.
I guess the only thing that would really keep me interested in hacking is the popularity my hack will receive
But what keeps you interested?
WOW! I love these drawings. So unique. Cool, keep it up.
1. I sometimes do my homework late at night.And sometime early.
2. Only at night, I watch hentai.(onlypics) .
3.I like anime better than western style cartoons because of how it looks, but I don't watch that much anime.
4.The only reason I have Skype is because of a game project that I was supposed to do with a group.(That never got done.)
5.When writing original stories, I will always based my story off a religion. I will mostly based it off of the Bible although I am a Christian.
6.I do very good at Engilsh class ,but don't can't type English very good. I am also very good at History.Same with Bible.
7. I love f*** up things like the original Epic mickey art and dark mobid things. (As long as fiction)
8. I listen to reverse/backwards music for fun or when there is nothing to do.
9.When I was very young, I thought link was girl and when he gets the master sword he turns into a boy.. Yeah,I know,strange.
10.When I was very young, I thought that Half-Life 2 was infinite,and that I just needed to cheat my ways to new areas. (Gmod help me with that.)
Originally posted by S.R.H.
That's because you must aim for something higher. When you start SMW hacking, you aim for something (like; I want to be able to make good choconilla hacks!) After you finally get good enough, you will start to lose your interest cause you now are what you wanted to be. You should always aim for higher.
Also, ASM isn't a must in my opinion. You can make nice stuff, like interesting levels but it is not like you should do everything yourself, you can always get help, or if you get a teammate, he can do it for you.
Anyways, I guess I keep myself interested in hacking by looking at experienced hackers' levels. I somehow get interest from it. I try to be good as him/her. I try to learn new things from them.
Well, teammates are helpful, but sometime you have to worry about them leaving you or something. I do want to start back hacking,
but the limits are keeping me away.
Also trying to be like experienced ,well I guess for me would be Carol(Which would be impossible) Sorry, I don't know any other good hacks on here except TSRP2 and SMWCP2. The only hacks I been keeping up with are SMWCP 2 and Brutal Mario. I know that Brutal Mario is no longer a top hack on here.
I guess I will give hacking a other shot and see what can do.
I got a new reply from whodidyouthinkit was.
This is what I ask him
About the New Brutal Mario Demo.
Hello. May I have the New Brutal Mario Demo and I have some questions too.
1. Who are you and how did you get contact with carol?
2. How complete is Brutal Mario?
3.Is this a other hoax?
4.Are you a troll?
5Why Carol don't update his site anymore?
6. Is this level going to be in the final version of the game?
7 Is you helping with Brutal Mario.?
8.Is you from 2ch?
This is his reply
1. I am me...I got into contact with carol in 2004/2005 when he was first releasing Brutal Mario and working on levels for Vip and Wall Mix part 1. I dont usually help him with his game because I'm not as knowleged as he is, but I've been helping him in recently.
2. I dont have a percent, but by the end of this month all of Luigi World is complete besides the last 2 levels. Also carol must translate all of the game to English (mostly done), replace a few battles, replace bad levels, and add better level design to good levels with bad design.
3. No, but a guy on here told me there was a hoax with Kitiku Mario being released fully, sometime in 2014. I don't understand, but I don't care.
4. I don't understand.
5. He will when the next *official* demo is released. This demo and the next demo are just showing off individual levels, not showing off the progress of the game. Like Demo Only 1 where it had the Athletic Special.
6. Yes. All the levels in this demo and RestL will be in the final game. There are also already a few redone stages ready in RestL.
7. Yes. I'm offering criticism and helping carol translate the game to perfect English.
8. I was, but now I am not. I met carol on 2ch however
The strangest song I heard is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otx49Ko3fxw and maybe some reverse song like revelation 9 by the beetles
Hey, I am making a racing group on Skype.
This idea is that you have to race though a hack with a friend or somebody. It can be up to five people in a race (maybe custom amount)
You can add rules like 1. collect the most coins while racing the game,2 kill the most enemies while racing or just race. Their can be 100% precent races (find all secret exit and extra stuff and extras)
You can also have it save state or no save states.
Have any rules you want to make, feel free to make. If you want to join the Racing Skype group I made, just tell me or pm me your Skype and I will add you.
This can also apply to games like Mario 64,banjo-tooie.