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Posts by natnew

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first post! not sure if that's good of bad...

level: ropes and bullets

name: natnew

notes: believe it or not, mario may or may not make it in one try. I am unsure why, but sometimes he wins, other times he doesn't. he'll make it eventually, though.
also, the level is named "press B" as in a "press b to start" thing.
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I don't really see a problem w/the clouds, but the muncher level was going to get an edit anyway, so it's changed.

plus you can see the bottom row easier with SNES9X, so fixing that too...
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the goal tape doesn't reset the bonus game
and I had no idea how to fix the invisible mario thing, so I gav up and tried to work with it
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Originally posted by BurgerMan333
With the Mario Bros. one, how its supposed to me Mario Bros. House? If the letter at the left of the house says Yoshi? I know he's a new hacker, but editing graphics is pretty easy, especially for newbies, anyway, YY-CHR might help, check out this graphics F.A.Q if interesed

read da message box

"Welcome to the
mario bros' house!
exit to the side.
Also, the mailbox
is for yoshi. He's
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that makes 3 hacks that I think are alright while everyone else hates them (first mario at yoshi island, which I can see, then creative mario world, which I strongly disagree with, then this...)

EDIT: wtf where did the cutoff come from? and I didn't even change the palette
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