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Posts by LadiesMan217

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Fanatical like a Demon
Hey guys!(Hope this in the right place #ab{:S}) I'm new to SMW Central and this is pretty much my 1st post EVER on the internet....but does anyone know how to change Reznor's fireball on a per level bases? I know if you change the address at 012378 from AD 9B 0D to AD 80 80 the fireballs will be the Reznor's OAM tiles but it also affects the small fireballs used by every enemy. Is there any way to have this done ONLY on a per level bases? I've searched through the forums but couldn't find any question similar to mine :(. Any help appreciated, thanks guys!
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Thank you so much Ladida! I'll try this as soon as I get home, and I'll give level.asm i try too, thank you so much!
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Okay, so I was testing out on changing the Koopaling's palettes in the credits (which is great now!) when I saw the Reznors in the credits....They're all glitched lookig, using the 1st GFX page instead of the 2nd. I've tried messing with the addresses in that part of the credits but to no avail :(. Can someone please tell me where the address is for that, or what is the problem. Here's a pic.
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Before this thread can be closed, does anyone know the addresses for Reznor's Fireball hit range, because it's range is still the small fireball's radius hit, I wanna change to have the big fireball radius, thanks guys!
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Please guys, is anyone willing to help me out here? I've been struggling on this problem for about a month now #ab{-_-}
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
I used the addresses found here at Anyways, when I saw the problem, I checked my backup, which was unchanged with any addresses in the credits, the problem was still there. Does anyone know where the address is to display the GFX in this part of the credit(scene 11). Thank you WhiteYoshiEgg for being the 1st to reply after a LONG week of patience!
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
No, I only changed the values starting at 0x6360D to 0x637A0, and I only changed the Palette/GFX values, either way, that can't be the problem b/c I checked all my backups, and they all have this problem. Man this is driving me nuts! I compared the credit scene addresses with the original unmodified SMW rom, and I couldn't spot 1 difference! Where is that sneaky address hiding?!?! #w{|o} In the addresses for that credit scene the order of values the that I have observed where in the order: x-position of tile, y-position of tile, tile number, and then movement of tile when appearing then disappearing, then the order repeats for the other tiles, I can't find the the GFX/palette out of those 105 bytes #w{x(}. I thought it'd be the 4th byte but it wasn't.(least I think)
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
okay, since there was no way I could fix this, I decided to start from scratch, having to port EVERYTHING. I checked the credits, everything was fine. Then, I imported my levels from my dirty rom to my new one, checked the credits, and the Reznors were gone! Only the layer 3 text showed. I can't export/import levels without the Reznors glitching up, I even tried importing levels from a fresh clean rom and the problem still persists! Has this happened to anyone? If so, how did you fix it? I'm down right desperate now guys, I'll try ANYTHING at this point.#smw{T_T}
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
It ONLY glitches that part of the credits. It has NOTHING, I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with hex values being changed at all as the problem still persist on fresh roms having levels imported from any SMW roms, even if it's a fresh rom having imported levels from another fresh rom, I even check the hex values and there're no differences which is weird. You see what I'm saying? Sorry if I sound rude, but I'm just using capitalization for emphasis here #smw{^_^;}.
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
can someone please help, this is so fustrating and unfair #ab{>_<}. I changed the only GFX00 file I had to match like GFX25, but the image still remained the same! I can't make another rom bc if I import levels, that scene in the credits glitches terribly! I'm willing to give the ips so someone can try fix it, even ALL 169 levels to see what's wrong, even the savestate so someone can pinpoint the rom addresses or something, even the patches with that I used with the freespace i used.....anyone willing to see it? Please guys, I beg of you#fim{TT_TT}
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Okay guys! I found an easy fix for this, but I'd like to try another way 1st. The easy fix is swapping GFX00 and GFX25, but then that'd require all levels to to use GFX25 on SP1, so before I actually permanently do this would any of you guys happen to know the sprite GFX loaded for the credits? I know the addresses that displays The End screen and bosses, but where are the others located. I checked the all.log but I guess I missed it. Anyone know where it is? Thanks in advance guys!#ab{:D}
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
The latest Layer3ExGFX patch doesn't seem to be compatible with any of the AddmusicK Betas. It either screws up the overworld, or it doesn't even let you start the game with a black screen of never ending intro music. Should this be reported in the AddmusicK thread or am I doing something wrong?
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
You must have the wrong sprite GFX index on. Press #lm{gfxby} and on Sprite GFX, make sure it's on index B (Switch Palce).
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Another alternative I think would be levelASM. What would code would I have to put to have Layer 3 use GFXBB instead of GFX2B?
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Hit #lm{MARIO69}. On SNES Registers and Level Mode scroll to 10, this will replace the level with the This is a Boss Level Cannot Render. Then on #lm{sprhead}, make sure the Sprite Index is on 10. Hope this helped #w{=D}
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
It says in the Layer 3 ExGFX patch link that requested URL wasn't found, any chance you could PM the code to me? The 1st link works though! Thank you so much!
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
I still need help on this, does anyone know what's wrong? I've checked the rom map but I can't change which GFX file is used for the Reznor scene in the credits. Anyone know?
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Originally posted by JackTheSpades
Did you, by any chance, edit the original GFX file, which would contain the reznor graphics?

Nah, I haven't.
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Found the problem, it was the BossExGFX patch, since most SP3 slots were at $00, I guess the credits used that instead of $25. Anyways I changed the unused slots from $00 from $25, and boom!, problem fixed, this can be closed.
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Fanatical like a Demon
Alright guys, hopefully a lot of you ASM pros will respond to this (hoping), I've downloaded the disassembly for Sprite A0 need help to add difficulty to him. How would I add certain generator to appear only during certain sections such as having fishin' boo for the 1st phase of the fight then disappearing as Bowser retreats for the fireball attack? This is one of the few things I have ahead of asking, when it's answered I'll move to the next question to prevent multiple answers.(Is this in the right place?)
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
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