I don't see any versions of PC88 smb.
I've started one. However want some input.
Keep original nes graphics? Or use nsmb graphics? New enemy's or same old ones?
There is already a nes version some one made.
Also I made a really colorful shy guy nsmbish hack if any interested ill submit.
considering the game is twice your age iam sure you do think so.
however smb special is the true smb 2 and needs a salute.
prehaps iam troll and an asshole: )
however I was pist my first post was insulted.
but anyway it looks like some one did indeed already reme it as was pointed out. I will try playing it to today.
I ll probley make a master quest, include wind different enemies . I already nerfed running some. and will have ice fire bro etc..
not sure if any are interested but 2 worlds of my 8 bit redo of this game is done also there have been added smb 3 style and e reader style levels made with smb 1 graphics.
powertool is holding me back from release. but that is for another post: )
hi I recently installed powertool. it works great. however I noticed small and super mario gfx are moved, or rather shown twice. I noticed in marine pop and kuribo shoe power ups marios gfx show up over the power up gfx.
I figure I must need to change some asm to point to gfx powertool uses.. no hm that wouldn't work.
need to know if I can use powertool to insert them amd how.
I tried but the rom crashed.
I used the small and super options. made the gfx for the shoe. I think having powertool load kuriboshoe.asm is what made te crash.
sorry this is a disoragnized post my brain is frazzled after hours of messing around with these files!
ok i'll investiagte on patch. i cant seem to find which orig rom it is to be patched.
i dont emulate on my computer i use my wii. savestates make a weird pic format.
but will look into that.
my hack patch apperently cause garbage graphics for others.
which excact rom are you all using for hacks?
i would have to agree it is more in alpha stage.
I have fixed titlscreen and other issuses mentioned.
there were no sprites a I had not finished those levels.
I had not realized a demo must be more polished and will strive for that next release.
I. still struggling with powertool and it seems to have glitched my players pallette which I can't fix..
I even imported my levels to a new rom.
iam still randomly have luigi look like mario and vise versa randomly.
does any one know why and hoto fix this?
I have replaced gfx 10 and still have glitche sprite going north.
I fear powertool has glitched asm in levels.
I want the smb 1 custom.
the link is broken any one have this laying Around?
Hi aim trying to get the yoshi flutter jump to work.
It is from noobishnoobicles mario gimmicks patches.
It says to set free ram and free space.
I did look on on free ram map and plugged 3 of those addresses in.
Both same results :
64: unknown command . Stz tifj
65: same. Stz FC
66: same. Stz fjr
110 : same. Dec tifj
115: same dec fjr
"Same" is unknown command.
Aim not sure if I set free ram right or even how to set freespace.
Also using asar 1.33b
;@xkas was added in.
Thanks in advance really hopping to make this work.
Unfortunelty I did add it at the top :/
Thanks, will try right now
Yes it works now. I'll will watch for these in the future
If you didn't mind what arguments now need ! In front?
Can sample music be done with this it seems that it can.
Iam trying to add some YI soundtrack. No luck however. I've inserted bnk files before no props.
Maybe wrong folder? I put them in the samples folder both in and out of the original folders they came in.
Works. Thank you.
I successfully inserted. How it sounds like screeching. Maybe my emulator doesn't support
I added #am4 to top should I have left that alone?
I used asar to patch the ground pound patch.
It says change free ram and space but I didn't as I believed asar finds its own?
The actual ground pound works but the blocks don't.
Did asar find different ram than the blocks are looking for?
Ok will try that. Thank you.
;@xkas was at the top.
I get the free space now do the tutorial. Finding free ram is a matter of using the map and hex edited to free addresses correct?
Also was strange the ground move worked. But the blocks didnt function .
Yah if any had the asar version that would be great. But I'll continue with the xkas for now
Yeah I did notice amk 2 at the bottom thats what prompted me to ask.
However, I used the txts as you made them and 1.01 successfully got them in. They sound great.
Does anyone know of a flutter jump sfx.
I am using noobicles flutter jump that uses the cape sound. I don't mind replace it as I will not use the cape anyway.