Guys i need a tutorial to use romview, he keeping close, i need help thanksYour Layout Are Taking Vacations
Guys i really Need a tutorial to rip the snes pallets i need upload my graphics but i don't know how i rip the pallets!!!Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
Just a thing use other mario gfxYour Layout Are Taking Vacations
guys i need help all the exgfx in my hack gets glitched all their no load in the map16 page!!!Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
THE MAP16 PAGE IS GLITCHED TOO!!!Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
guys how i convert 4bpp files to 3bpp files?!Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
Its extract the gfx, insert the gfx, extract the exgfx, put the exgfx on the folder: ExGraphics, and insert the exgfx?Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
Guys how i make a sample post? Is with the sample tool?Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
How i post screenshots of my hack on the hack discussion?Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
You're using the Super mario advance 2 Luigi sprites?Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
Screenshots of my hack
If you guys like, put in the coments!
EDIT: i want some hackers to help me in some level designsYour Layout Are Taking Vacations
its because my other thread is closed Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
MY OTHER THREAD IS CLOSED!!!Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
its because the smb3 bg is very hard to find in the map 16 page so some things in the bg is glitched Your Layout Are Taking Vacations
so here have more screenshots of the first level of the hack and a new screenshot of the intro
oh i forgot. and finally the title screen!!!
i know you guys see the glitchy on the mario logo
but i go fix that don't worry everyone!
EDIT: a prototype of the 2nd level Your Layout Are Taking Vacations