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Posts by Mad Lad

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Hey, thanks for visting my hack thread, hope you enjoy it.
It's going to be a short (8 levels) vanilla hack, with custom palettes and custom music. The difficulty is going to raise with every level but the levels are still meant to be played savestateless (there will be midwaypoints and enough powerups). Almost every level got some puzzles, which are getting more complicated in later levels. I don't think the hack will have a plot, it will just be a hack with some fun levels. The first three levels of this hack have been created in 2013, after that I took a long SMW hacking break.

First Overworld:

A pretty basic grassland map.

Level 1: Koopa Plains (finished):

The first level with simpel level design. It's very easy and has no real gimmick. By the way every level has five yoshi coins,
which adds a little challenge. Also I'd like to know what you guys think about this palette.

Level 2: Sunny Route (finished):

The second level is a bit harder. It has short water segments and some tricky jumps (don't worry, it's still pretty easy).

Level 3: Puzzle Cave (not sure about the name) (finished):

One of my favourite levels, a lot of different enemy types and hidden bonuses. The puzzles are still pretty simple but the jumps
are getting trickier.

Level 4: Cloudy Hills (finished):

This level has a lot of alternative paths and is pretty hard. Somethimes you have to perform a hard jump to get to the next platform.

Level 5: Rusty Castle (in progress):

Currently I'm working on the one and only castle level, the palette is just a placeholder for now.
I plan on having a layer 2 spike wall part and a few other gimmicks. By the way I want this level to be quite long actually.

Another Overworld:

Won't be telling what kind of world this will be.

Last level: (not name yet) (in progress):

I don't want to spoil to much yet, but the whole level will be huge puzzle.

Feedback would be great guys, thanks :).
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Hey thanks a lot for your comments.
@Minimay: I'm glad that you like it. I don't want my levels to be linear and with less enemys, but I understand what you mean and I especially removed some enemies in the last level.
@Trollope: Thanks for your comment as well, I removed some boos and gave the player a bit more space. No this is not my first hack, I started hacking like about three years ago (might even be longer), but I took a big break. I started working on this hack again this mounth.
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Thats an amanzing overworld, loving all the details and decorations. I agree with 1UPdudes, the usage of the vanilla tree is really creative. Can't wait for more.
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Wow this looks so amazing, I always loved the huge mazes of the Metroid games. Can't wait to play that level.
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So I got some new progress to show, but first I'm going to reply to your comments.
@KTBHacking: Thanks man, I'm not new to SMW hacking, I started like three years ago but lost interest. But finally I wanted to create some levels again.
@MercuryPenny: I completly redid this palette.

Is it better now?

I also continued working on the castle.

That's all for now, feel free to comment.
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Not bad, the lava looks cool but it's a bit monotonous. Other than that it looks great.
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Has anyone got some music suggestions for a title screen (it's a dark castle).
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First of I marked the most important errors and stuff that looks weid on your main map:

The haunted cave map palette looks quite good but your upsidedown level looks empty, try adding some more enemies.
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@MercuryPenny: The thwomp is actually one tile higher, but it was triggered to go down, just like the yellow spike near it. Btw thanks for your comments.
First of sorry for not updating this thread very often, the progress is slow, because scool started again.
I am currently working on the layer 2 part of the castle.

Also I did create a short puzzle.

I won't tell, what you have to do. Can you figure it out ?
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I just finshed the space world and I can tell you that this easily could become one of my favourite hacks ever. It's amazing that like every level got a different gimmick, just like the graphics which are awesome as well. However I think that the pokekmon styled level was a bit flat and had way to less enemy types. The tetris level was really simple but still fun to play. But I think that the metroid level was the best overall, it had so many secrets and so much variation, the only thing I dind't like was, that the midway point was way to early. I died close to the end of the level andd it took me about four minutes to get to the same spot againn (also the spikefall in the vertical part was pretty unfair).
Keep on making such good hacks, can't wait for more updates (going to play the beach world now).
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So I just finished the other world of the demo and it's also pretty well done. Since I want to keep this post a bit shorter than the last one, I'm just telling you that you should incrase the time in most levels, especially nonlinear levels. Also goldrush express is a pretty empty and boring level (way to less enemys) and you can get way to many coins. Overall a really well done demo.
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Why are there no comments so far. I can't believe this is your first hack, everything looks really well done. The main map looks quite, but there are some perspective errors and lines missing (but that's really nitpicky). The levels all seem to have solid level design. Some palletes could still use some work like the grassy castle. Also I think it would be a good idea to realease a small demo, as you can get a better view on the level design. Good luck and please don't cancel it because you put so much work into it.
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I'm still working on this hack and I'm trying to finish it 'till C3. But first of let me responce to your comments:

@S.R.H.: Thanks for your comment, I redid the palette:

Do you think it's better? (btw I really suck at creating palettes for the castle tileset #tb{:p})
Also you're first way impossible as the wall is too far awy, and for the second way I replaced the yellow shell with a green one.

Kaisaan Siddiqui: Yep, that is the intended way.

Xyspade: Thank you, the overlapping spikes are a layer 2 spike wall.

Also could someone please tell if it's possible to make the layer 2 wall to be in front of layer 1, and if yes, how?

I won't post any new pics here, because the release will be very soon, and I don't want to spoil every level yet. Also the levels
are meant to be played more than once, as there is a lot of hidden stuff (yoshi coins and 3-up moons).
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Finally it's released, I'll play it really soon. Also loving the variety of the levels, no level looks like another. Well done.
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I'm really loving your art style, everything looks so detailed and well drawen. But the levels also seem to be designed quite nicely,
I'll defenitly try out the demo soon (there is so much awesome stuff to try out :D). Also have you got a work in progress thread,
as I'd like to follow the progress of this hack?
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So I finished playing the demo and I like what I played so far. The level design is simple,
but you had some creative ideas and secrets to keep your levels interesting. Also I don't think the cave graphics fit to
the art style of the other levels, other than that I'm looking foward to see more progress of this hack.
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So first of thanks a lot for visting my first C3 thread. I'm realeasing a demo of my vanilla hack that I started in 2013, but canceled it after loosing interest in hacking. This year I my interest in SMW hacking finally came back and I continued working on my hack. Well I never wanted it to be very long, as I was sure that I'll cancel it sooner or later, so I wanted the hack to have 1-2 worlds, with interesting levels with a lot of puzzels and things to collect.

Well I'm almost done with the hack and there's just one level left till completion, but since I dindn't want to rush the last level, I'm releasing a beta of my almost finished hack.

There are 6 levels to play for you guys with custom palattes and custom music. I should mention that the hack will get hard pretty soon, because it's so short, but it's well playable savestateless.


I hope you like what you saw if you want to try out the beta click on THIS link.

If you want to know more about the hack and want to see some more (outdated) screenes go here.

That's it, I would enjoy to see some feedback from you guys. Have a nice day :D
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So far I completed world 1 and I can tell that this is a pretty good start for a hack, the difficulty is perfect and your level design is quite nintendo-ish, which is for me a good thing. The first level was quite flat, but had some nicely hidden secrets, just like the first part of the second level. The second half (underwater) was way to short and a little bit uncreative. The third level has a really good gimmick, but some enemies are no harm for the player at all. The next level was my favorite one, with a lot of tricky sections and nice ideas. Iggy's castle kinda' felt like a slightly edited original level, especially the second half with the layer 3 smashers.
In conclusion it's a nice start, but some levels are too flat or feel like blatant edits, btw I also recommend you to post some screenshots.
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Aye that's pretty cool. I'd like to request a userbar for my hack Mario's Challenging Adventure, with this screenshot being used.

Thanks in advance.
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Why only 1 comment, this hack definite deserves a lot more attention.
It's amazing how much work you put into this hack, but believe me I think it's worth it. For me it's one of my favourite hacks, the changed physics make this hack feel like it's an entire new game. I'll play the new version soon.
Also guys, play this hack, or you'll miss a one of the best hacks since a long time.
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