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Posts by Kinoko4Tsuki

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Hello! Notice that I haven't used my account in seven months and I'm just showing up now. Amazing, stunning I think I deserve applause. No? Fine.

Anyway, I am an avid SMW ROM hacker, and yet the hacks I make probably suck. (Too much custom stuff I think, Trying to work on that.) Also, I suck at playing Super Mario World because reasons I am unaware of. Yeah, Great. (Attempting to beat it, just doesn't work.) People will come to my front door and yell at me. Hopefully not. (Notice how this person is trying to be funny while failing all the same.)

My name IS technically Aaron, but just Call me Kino, Kinoko or Kinoko4Tsuki whatever tickles your fancy. Usually, I prefer not using my real name. Just don't call me some stupid name. Please. I hope to fun with the community here and enjoy and the stuff that goes round.#smw{:peace:}
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
So yeah, this is kinda what Noel Yoshi did several years ago, ask a random question that probably is just weird.

If the world were going to end in one hour, I would say my goodbyes to my family.

Pretty cliché I know, but "Family first"?

EDIT: The world would end by an asteroid hurling towards earth, And you can stop it, but tell me how you would do that. #ab{:P}
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
My birthday was April 26th, it still is but it's kinda late :P
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
What would your form of capturing a beautiful sunset at the beach or a cold winter flower be? You choose. #smw{o_O?}
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
I do the same as Mayrio now, just using N/A colours but me is male.

#smw{-_-2} .ESAELP ,srettam redneg yhw tuoba klat t'noD

Surprise! I'm using the forums.
...How would you design it?

I'm calling this new thing I'm doing in the forums, Kino's Question of the week or KQOTW for short.

I like asking random questions that spark discussion, even if they are short-lived.

So, you just got chosen in a raffle by Nintendo to help with the newest Mario game!

You can make it ANY kind of game your want with the rule that it must have Mario characters and ONLY Mario characters unless you want to make new ones.

It can be a first person shooter, a sequel to a game, an RPG or possibly a horror game? But, anyhow you are basically the designer.

Another rule to challenge yourself is to make it family friendly, as the franchise is based on that. I guess.

The latter rule you don't have to follow while the former you must.

Have fun!
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
Originally posted by Samario
...have one be a vanilla 1.9 server and one a modded 1.7 server that runs, say, FTB Inventions or something, so we don't have to actively update the modpack.

I agree with this all the way.
But I do think the server could be like beardcraft, (A server I have heard of, search it up.) Beard craft just have verifying prevention and that's pretty much it. I can get the whitelist, don't want too many peoples.

I think that the vanilla mine craft server should have a few mods that affect gameplay a little but not too much so that it's overwhelming.

I think we should have a whitelist application thingy too.

These are just MY ideas, they don't have to be used.
Or we just could y'know, have a poll?

Do I need to mention that I'm interested?
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
Another KQOTW today.

This thread is just your favourite of something.

Favourite food, games, thing, place, friends.
It's all here!

I'm doing KQOTW every Tuesday from now on.

So now you know! Every Tuesday. Every week.
That feels like a weird fast food commercial.
And I know some of you are doing question on the forums more often.
Conincidence? I think not. Or maybe it is.

First off to kick off the conversation, What is your favourite video game of all time?
Don't worry, most people won't judge you.

I think...
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
Originally posted by K.T.B
This question has been asked in threads so many times at this point it would be worth it to make an entire sticky dedicated to it. ....However, the same thing could be said about "hay wat is ur favurite..." threads, so I definitely like your idea with this thread.


I didn't know that there would be threads along the same idea but it is to be expected. I have to say, after reading some rules sections I was like "Oh, Let's not do something like 'KQOTW - What is your favourite...'"
So I tried to make it broader so that's it's not too restrictive. Just for the sake of trying to make something more open to people saying like "Hey why don't we talk about this now.".

Keep the ideas coming people.
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
Originally posted by Deputy BS
if you're doing this KQOTW stuff it might be better to just keep it in one thread than make a new thread each time.

Hmm. I guess.

Though I guess it would be considered spam if I do it every week with a new thread, I guess I'm just used to it.

I might as well try it for July. I'll see how it goes.
Surprise! I'm using the forums.

Things you do in your spare time. Favourite things you do in your spare time.

Surprise! I'm using the forums.
And another useless thread with weird answers that I like to read because I really have nooo life whatsoever and really just like to see what other peoples opinions on things are as I am that kind of person.

Today we have a KQOTW with the question : "What you hate in a category of ________"

Our week's category is....


SO rant all you want because I want to see how many people will hate each other for hating a movie they love.


(Note: Categories change on the fly so don't embarrass yourself by putting a totally unrelated thing)
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
I am very confident someone has already asked this.

But, I will still continue with answers. But I will still look lazy for not checking.

I am attempting to switch the Mario palette in the level editor with the Luigi palette.

As I am way a little too lazy to use a reference image or to copy and paste it, I need a way to do this.

I just need a quicker way to do it.

And no, I am really not going to use a reference image or copy and paste. I just want to switch the palettes. Not including the fire palettes btw.

Thanks for your help!#smw{^_^}
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
Right.. I remember that now.

I feel stupid.

Thanks though.
Surprise! I'm using the forums.
Damn, I wouldn't have realized something like this would have happened. Especially not really knowing eXcavator really that well it is a shame.

May your spirit be one with us again, eXcavator.
Surprise! I'm using the forums.

jk that was pretty dumb #smw{._.}

Surprise! I'm using the forums.
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