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Originally posted by Erik557
Originally posted by Green Jerry

Im halfway through but do you REALLY want it to look like this?

I have made a updated version of the BG: Link
Now I want to make it repeat only horizontally. If the post is very long, above the BG image, make it repeat the light blue color.
Edit: Also make the code box text black.

Ignore that. I already have a layout.

Edit: disabled layout to make the code easier to read.

Put this code in a empty .asm file:

org $0093C1
db $09

Change the $09 to one of the following numbers:
00 - No sound
01 - Coin
02 - Hit a ? Block
03 - Hit a ? Block with a vine inside
04 - Spin jump
05 - 1up
06 - Shoot fireball
07 - Shatter block/Monty Mole popping from the ground
08 - Springboard
09 - Bullet bill shoot
0A - Egg hatch
0B - Item placed in reserve box
0C - Item falls from the reserve box
0D - Same as 0C
0E - L/R scroll
0F - Door
10 - Same as 09
11 - Drumroll start
12 - Drumroll end
13 - Lose Yoshi
14 - Unused? (In SMW2: Yoshi's Island it's the sound of a new level becoming available)
15 - Overworld tile reveal
16 - Overworld castle collapse
17 - Fire spit (Used by Yoshi and the Bowser Statues)
18 - Thunder
19 - Clappin' Chuck clap/bubble snap
1A - Castle destruction bomb
1B - Castle destruction bomb fuse
1C - Overworld switch palace block ejection
1D - Running out of time (combine this with the one in 1DF9, does not speed up tempo)
1E - Whistlin' Chuck whistle
1F - Yoshi mount
20 - Lemmy/Wendy lands in the lava
21 - Yoshi's tongue
22 - Message box/save prompt
23 - Mario moves onto a level tile
24 - P-switch running out
25 - Yoshi stomps an enemy
26 - Swooper
27 - Podoboo
28 - Enemy stunned/hurt (like Chargin' Chucks or the Koopalings)
29 - Correct
2A - Wrong
2B - Firework whistle
2C - Firework bang
2D - Podoboo (-100% pan) <- sound only comes out of the left speaker
2E - Podoboo (-71% pan)
2F - Podoboo (-43% pan)
30 - Podoboo (-14% pan)
31 - Podoboo (14% pan)
32 - Podoboo (43% pan)
33 - Podoboo (71% pan)
34 - Podoboo (100% pan) <- sound only comes out of the right speaker
35+- Mirror of $1DF9's sound effects, starting at the hit head sound

Patch the .asm with xkas or Asar.
Originally posted by NohrianScum
Originally posted by MarioFanGamer
use the non-guy version

What is that? Can I find it in Tools?
Thank you.

It's the file called "AddMusicK.exe".

Originally posted by Leiras
Sorry for annoying you with following dumb question, but even if I know SMW since 20 years, I´m a noobish newbie to SMW-Hacking:
Usually the Background is Layer2 or one of the "predesigned" Layer3 BGs (tilesetspecific: windows, fish, etc.). But for example worldpeace (just to mention that well known one) inserted that (usual Layer2) "Cloudy BG" as a Layer3-BG in his VLDC9-Level. I´ve tried this, too, but I failed (Layer3 was completely blank or it was just overwhelming glitchy). So, to help me, I would beg you to:

a) explain how I can insert Layer3 as a normal Background to my level (I already know that it has something to do with 2bpp and 4bpp and that I have to use YY-CHR


b) give me a link to a tutorial, where that issue is explained very detailed. I already browsed through SMWCs tutorial- and documents-sections but everything I read, wasn´t useful concerning this specific "problem".

I hope that you can help me and I apologize for my bad english and for asking that a noobish question, but for now I see no other way, to get a nice looking Layer3-BG inserted in my Level.

Thank you in advance

First, go to the level you want Layer 3 in. Then, open the overworld editor, press Alt+F11 (or go to "File > Layer 3 Level > Load Layer 3 of Level"), and click yes. Now you have the Layer 3 of the level loaded, and can edit it the same way you would the title screen, credits, or overworld. ExGFX can be used by clicking #lm{l3gfxby} in the level editor and enabling the GFX bypass.
When you save it, select an unused tilemap slot and choose how big you want it and the general display area of it (note: Layer 3 will normally not be able to display in the space occupied by the status bar), then press okay.

To actually turn it on for your level, simply press #lm{l3gfxby}, and check the box labeled "Enable bypass of standard Layer 3 tilemap for this level". Fill in the info in the boxes below with the info you filled in before, and press okay. If you did it correctly, Lunar Magic will now be displaying your Layer 3 in the level.

You can then modify the behavior of your Layer 3 by going to #lm{props}. You can force Layer 3 on top of everything with the first checkbox, and you can modify the way it moves or displays with the second.

Edit: I'm now a Shelless Yellow Koopa! (Level 4)

Originally posted by TheBasicASMGuy
Originally posted by SuperCalebWorld1625
Anyone want to play Tic Tac Toe with me?


Can I play this game?
Edit: I'll just start a new match.
It'll be in a separate post

Originally posted by Undertaker
Where can I find ASPE Mario? Also, none of the downloads on DaiGaiDai's website work for me. Does anyone have a backup of his hacks?


1 UP_-1L4L (account disabled)
31337xultimatemariogamerx31337 (account disabled)
Systrem Studios (inactive)
wiiqwertyuiop (inactive)
FuSoYa (inactive)
princessdaisy (account disabled)
Undertaker from Dailymotion (account disabled)
ikisnake (account disabled)
NeonBlue (account disabled)
NeonGreen (account disabled)
NeonYellow (account disabled)
are you serious (account disabled)
Leomon (banned temporarily)

I immediately downloaded the hack that cheat-master30 linked.

Originally posted by Alcaro
The site automatically logs you out every 90 days.

Thanks Alcaro, question solved.

The numbers aren't part of the level names' font.

The background palette looks bad.

I'm making a collection of SMW hacks that uses the status bar you're currently using. Can you send me a demo?

I mentioned this above Falconpunch's post in a tiny text.
I want to start a new Tic Tac Toe match:

I have made some art:
Super Mario World Mario Jumping:

Super Mario World Mario Dying:

Super Mario World Mushroom:

Super Mario World Yoshi:

Originally posted by mallowking
where can i find this sonic goal sign sprite?

I also need it because I'm making a Sonic styled hack.

2 more drawings:

Super Mario World 1-up Mushroom:

Super Mario World Goomba:

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