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Posts by Lemon Productions from YouTube

Lemon Productions from YouTube's Profile → Posts

I am working on my hack, I had my old hacks from 2015 before the drive got formatted. Working on Level 1. Beta download coming soon
Bonus Part of Level 1

Level 1
Yellow Switch Palace

Edit: Better screenshots

Modedit: Better amount of table stretch (zero)
Originally posted by Sokobansolver
I'll take your word for it.

Well, here's hacks i did in 2015
SMW 2: The Sequel Edition (SMW) (I only made world 1)
A hack (level) made with assistance of my cousin
Super Bounce World (NOKIA Bounce Game in SMW) (only level 1)
Other hacks weren't that serious project
Originally posted by Kaisaan Siddiqui
Screenshots, please.

I can't cuz it's night and I am writing from the tablet.(I live in Kazakhstan) I will post tomorrow. Got Da deal M8?
Originally posted by Kaisaan Siddiqui
Originally posted by Lemon Productions from YouTube
Originally posted by Kaisaan Siddiqui
Screenshots, please.

I can't cuz it's night and I am writing from the tablet.(I live in Kazakhstan) I will post tomorrow. Got Da deal M8?

Then you should've made the thread WITH the screenshots; otherwise, this will probably get taken down.

Will it be taken down by 13-15 hours?
Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
If you've got visuals to show (screenshots, videos and whatnot), then post them as soon as you can and it'll be alright. In the future, though, you shouldn't start a hack thread if you can't show visuals right away.

(rationale: what kind of feedback are you expecting if you're just announcing you're making a hack?)

I will get on my PC soon.
Everybody requested me to post screenshots so here it is
Level 1 (Un-Done)

Bonus Part of Level 1
Originally posted by Sokobansolver
There's a cut-off in the 5th screen. The block of ? boxes in the bonus room looks pointless. The first few screens have cement block spam. It all looks kinda randomly placed. Screens 07 thru 0A look empty.
Also, unless you're using SA-1, I don't think there's any point in placing one Banzai Bill right after another since chances are only 1 of them would spawn.

It is only a beta of Level #1.
Fixes will be applied soon.
Originally posted by Gregor
I don't know what I expected, but not this, I'll give you that.

Original thread:
P.S what did you mean?
I accidentally made the sprite window go bigger than my screen resolution. How to fix this?
Originally posted by Sokobansolver
IDK why you made a separate thread just to post the screenshots when you could have just edited the first post of your other thread.

Because in the original thread I got the "you needs to wait 4 hours to post error
Originally posted by cheeyev
Originally posted by Lemon Productions from YouTube
I accidentally made the sprite window go bigger than my screen resolution. How to fix this?

I think you should just change the zoom function back to 100%, or if that doesn't work, just drag it until the lower right corner fits into your screen and change its resolution there.

I can't drag it after the begging of it, the name of the window. How to fix it on Windows 7? I SET IT to 400%
Originally posted by TheBiob
Did you try Ctrl + 0?
That should set it back to 100%

Never heard of this solution so thanx very much.
Originally posted by chineesmw
That image is quite the stretch (and I would know that because I sometimes experience that problem too)

Anyway, I'm not sure if this is your first hack (judging this was your first post), but without constructive criticism, this doesn't look relatively bad for a first hack.

Trust me, my first hack had all of the things that you shouldn't have in a SMW hack (i.e graphical glitches, goal traps, spammed cement blocks, stacking munchers, etc.) I just wished I still had it today #tb{D'X}

As for suggestions, replace those cement blocks with grassland tiles. In my opinion, cement blocks should only be used as much as question blocks or in 1 x 1 tile spaces (i.e. 1-wide walls or 1-height ground).

Also, you shouldn't place two Banzai Bills that close together since Mario and other sprites may turn invisible. If you're using SA-1, you should try without it so you don't abuse the amount of sprites you put in a level.

Overall, you're doing pretty good, just keep at it! #tb{:j}

I was SMW hacking in Spring-Summer 2015. Then I took a very big break from being a Mario fan and forgot all the techniques of SMW hacking. So I am a kind of beginner although I was doing better in 2015.
Also later my HDD got formatted during repairing my PC. And I lost my awesome SMW hacks from 2015
Originally posted by Suika Ibuki
Yeah if you're starting now just keep practicing, you never start off with amazing level design, just try to inspire yourself on other hacks (or even games) and try to vary more so your level doesn't looks so... straight, add hills, pits, things that make the player do something other than moving forward other than enemies, just take off all enemies from your level and you will see there isn't really much stuff.
You should start improving with time, trust me my first hack was way worse than that.

Pits n stuff will be added tomorrow.
Originally posted by Luks
Eh, doesn't look too good to be honest.
I would really suggest you to read through this to get started.

My older hacks I did In 2015 had ground cutoffs (no edges). Other way they were good. I DID NOT EVEN FINISH THE 1st LEVEL!!! PLZ RATE THE HACK WHEN I POST THE FINAL VERSION OF LEVEL 1
Originally posted by RZIBARA
Originally posted by Lemon Productions from YouTube
Originally posted by Luks
Eh, doesn't look too good to be honest.
I would really suggest you to read through this to get started.

My older hacks I did In 2015 had ground cutoffs (no edges). Other way they were good. I DID NOT EVEN FINISH THE 1st LEVEL!!! PLZ RATE THE HACK WHEN I POST THE FINAL VERSION OF LEVEL 1

Whats the point of posting screenshots then if when people comment on them you just say wait till the level is done? Wtf

Because a lot of people were asking me to post screenshots.
Originally posted by Mayrio


Do you really expect us to believe this is real when there's ingenious MS Paint skills w/ a 10 year old voice acting?

Looks like someone does not understand what a joke is
Sorrieh if you are mad at me.
Good at smw hacking
It's a vid made for fun, giggles and shit.
I said it was fake on straight after POSTING a 3d version of this...
Originally posted by Mayrio

*10 years old voice acting....

I am 10, how did u guess?
I know Russian. This Translation is So Bad it's Good.
For People here who know Russian it will be funny
Originally posted by RPG Hacker
ROM uploads aren't allowed here. I recommend removing the link from your post. If you want to share hacks and/or translations here, you should do it in patch form, which is acceptable.

It's not mine. I just found it on a Russian web site