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Posts by smwln

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It seems that the values for small Mario/Luigi apply to big Mario/Luigi instead.

Edit: I fixed it myself by editing the big Mario/Luigi blush graphic to be one pixel higher, and changing the values to

db $02,$11	; Mario
db $00,$0F	; Luigi

Edit 2: I just figured out that the Separate Luigi Graphics patch has an option for separate blushing sprites. I feel pretty stupid now. It's still misaligned by default, but that's not a problem for anyone who doesn't want to use the default SMAS+SMW Luigi graphics.
I seem to remember there being a patch to fix the bug in SMW where if you hit a ? Block or Note Block from below when a coin is on top of it, the coin will turn into a solid invisible block after being collected rather than disappearing, but I can't find it now. If anyone can point me to the right direction it'd be greatly appreciated.
In most Mario games when you break a brick with a coin on top of it, it collects the coin. I made a video illustrating this here:

Link to video.

My question is how I'd enable that behavior in a custom brick block in SMW, namely the one included here as it doesn't seem to be enabled by default (as seen in the video).

Edit: solved
Originally posted by Kaijyuu
IIRC the base game was specifically coded to collect coins above blocks (though was bugged, obviously), but I apparently forgot to include that with my custom bounce patch. It's been a long while so I don't remember what needs to be done to restore the behavior.

The custom bounce patch I linked to in the original post collects the coin when it's hit from below as small Mario, just not when it's broken, so maybe you can use that as a reference. Even though yours lacks that I still like it since has more options. Someone should combine the two (as well as fixing it so it collects the coin when the brick is broken obviously).

Originally posted by Thomas
It's because of the code at $029347, where the game jumps to a subroutine for creating an invisible solid block (tile 152, which gets placed behind blocks while the bounce sprite is showing). Likely the routine originally created a non-solid block and Nintendo just never fixed the code.

Anyway, long story short, the easiest way to fix it is to just do this:

org $029342
	autoclean JSL GetEmpty
	JSR $91BA

	SBC #$00
	STA.w $16A9,X
	LDA #$01

The only difference I could tell using that code is that it fixes the glitch that happens when the bounce sprite collects the coin, which someone already posted a fix for in another thread. I want to enable the coin to get collected when the brick below it is broken like in the other Mario games.
Quick links to the patches so you know what I'm referring to:
Overworld Counters

Basically, what I was trying to do is make the game remember which levels the Dragon Coins were collected in. So I went to the RAM Map and found that the 12 bytes at $7E1F2F are what tells the game which levels all the Dragon Coins are collected in. So I figure it'd be as easy as telling SRAM Plus to save those bytes... and it works, kind of.

Problem is, there's no way to ever collect the coins again, even if the game is reset. What I would like to do here is somehow save the Dragon Coin icon next to each level name without actually saving the Dragon Coins being collected in each level so they can be collected again once the game is reset, like in vanilla SMW. If that makes any sense. Hopefully I explained it well enough.
I want them to vanish until the game is reset though, like the original game, but keep them marked as completed via the Overworld Counters patch.

In other words, I just want to save the Dragon Coin icon that appears when they're all collected in a level to SRAM without actually saving the coins being collected in SRAM.
Good question, I'd like to know the answer to this as well.
Made another video illustrating this concept. Should be clear now.

Interestingly, out of all the games I tested, Super Mario Land 2 was the only game that doesn't do this (doesn't collect the coin when the brick is hit by small Mario either, unlike Bounce Block Sprite & Tile Generation Unrestrictor v0.91).
First party Nintendo prototypes being found, especially one from this early in development, is like a one and a million chance. We should be thankful that they even decided to show us this in the first place. Aside from something like this video where Rare showed new footage from prototype builds of Banjo-Kazooie, it's the most we can get next to them straight up releasing the ROM or making it playable somehow which would probably never happen.

Anyway, this is really interesting! Seems like these early sprites can easily be recreated to be put into the final game.
I can't check now, but if that's another fix for the invisible block glitch, that's unnecessary since Thomas posted another way to do that (and someone else in another thread as I said before). What I still can't figure out is how to make Mario collect the coin when the brick is broken from below.
That's not my problem, though. This bounce block already collects the coin when it's hit by small Mario as seen in this video that I made. What I was asking specifically is the coin getting collected when the brick underneath is broken which doesn't involve a bounce sprite, AFAIK.
The game crashes whenever the inserted block is shattered. I also tried a clean ROM (aside from bounceunrestrictor.asm also being applied), same result.

I also tried adding your code (the "CollectCoin:" part and everything after, I'm assuming) to Kaijyuu's bounce block, which seemed to have no effect.

Edit: It probably had no effect because another part of the code is supposed to call the CollectCoin section, as I found out when making the post below, lol.