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Posts by LeGurdah

LeGurdah's Profile → Posts

Hallo! ^w^

I've actually been here since 2017, just only in th'background. I guess now's th'time for me t'speak up.

I've always had an interest in SMW ROM hacks at a young age, both playin' 'em and makin' 'em, thanks t'my sisters.
In fact, I'm convinced that had 'tnot been for SMW ROM hacking, I wouldn't have become a dedicated hobbyist programmer today.
(I should go make my own hack at some point, whenever I've th'time.)

I also love listenin' t'SPC music, so of course I've downloaded a bunch of 'em and listened t'em repeatedly.

So... jawohl. That should be all, for now.
Originally posted by Franz Kafka, in a letter to Oskar Pollak (27th of January, 1904)
A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us.