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Posts by scratch

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Hello. I found two typing errors in readme and credits.txt
First, in this part..
"Special Thanks:
-People who suported me, ..."
I think you have to change 'suported' into 'supported'.
Second one is in DDA system.
Dificulty -> difficulty

Thank you.
Hello. I found two typing errors in readme and credits.txt
First, in this part..
"Special Thanks:
-People who suported me, ..."
I think you have to change 'suported' into 'supported'.
Second one is in DDA system.
Dificulty -> Difficulty

Thank you.
I got some glitch in 15-1. In a room in Bob-ombs, Flying Koopas and Flying Spinies, sprite Graphic (including Mario and Status Bar) is broken. I think there are too many sprites in one screen.
Version : NSMW2 Post-Rejection Testing v1.2
Emulator : Snes9x 1.60
Video :
Rudra no Hihou - The Flame and the Arrow
It's only 30 secs!
Let's be Carol!!
Rudra no Hihou (Treasure of Rudras in English) on SNES released in 1996 by Squaresoft. Carol made the unsampled version but it's old..
So I request this one which is sampled.
SPC file:
When I use a normal rom, I can easily insert the HDMA Gradient Effect made in Effect Tool. I did an experiment to insert HDMA Effect into Sa-1 Rom. I checked a Sa-1 Code in Effect Tool, and then tried to insert it in a Sa-1 rom, it didn't pop up the title. (...) Is there any way to insert the HDMA Gradient Effect in Sa-1 rom??
Originally posted by TheBiob
SA-1 remaps RAM to different locations which effect tool doesn't take into account. To fix this find a STA or TSB to 0D9F and change it to 6D9F.

Thanks for telling me.
REP #$20
	LDA #$3200
	STA $4330
	LDA #.RedTable
	STA $4332
	LDY.b #.RedTable>>16
	STY $4334
	LDA #$3200
	STA $4340
	LDA #.GreenTable
	STA $4342
	LDY.b #.GreenTable>>16
	STY $4344
	LDA #$3200
	STA $4350
	LDA #.BlueTable
	STA $4352
	LDY.b #.BlueTable>>16
	STY $4354
	SEP #$20
	LDA #$38
	TSB $6D9F

	.RedTable:           ; 
	   db $17 : db $3F   ; 
	   db $80 : db $3E   ; 
	   db $49 : db $3E   ; 
	   db $00            ; 

	.GreenTable:         ; 
	   db $07 : db $57   ; 
	   db $09 : db $56   ; 
	   db $0A : db $55   ; 
	   db $0A : db $54   ; 
	   db $09 : db $53   ; 
	   db $0A : db $52   ; 
	   db $09 : db $51   ; 
	   db $09 : db $50   ; 
	   db $0B : db $4F   ; 
	   db $09 : db $4E   ; 
	   db $09 : db $4D   ; 
	   db $0A : db $4C   ; 
	   db $09 : db $4B   ; 
	   db $0A : db $4A   ; 
	   db $0A : db $49   ; 
	   db $09 : db $48   ; 
	   db $0A : db $47   ; 
	   db $09 : db $46   ; 
	   db $09 : db $45   ; 
	   db $0A : db $44   ; 
	   db $0A : db $43   ; 
	   db $09 : db $42   ; 
	   db $0A : db $41   ; 
	   db $07 : db $40   ; 
	   db $00            ; 

	.BlueTable:          ; 
	   db $0A : db $80   ; 
	   db $0A : db $81   ; 
	   db $09 : db $82   ; 
	   db $0A : db $83   ; 
	   db $0A : db $84   ; 
	   db $09 : db $85   ; 
	   db $09 : db $86   ; 
	   db $0A : db $87   ; 
	   db $09 : db $88   ; 
	   db $0A : db $89   ; 
	   db $0A : db $8A   ; 
	   db $09 : db $8B   ; 
	   db $0A : db $8C   ; 
	   db $09 : db $8D   ; 
	   db $09 : db $8E   ; 
	   db $0B : db $8F   ; 
	   db $09 : db $90   ; 
	   db $09 : db $91   ; 
	   db $0A : db $92   ; 
	   db $09 : db $93   ; 
	   db $0A : db $94   ; 
	   db $0A : db $95   ; 
	   db $09 : db $96   ; 
	   db $04 : db $97   ; 
	   db $00            ; 

I changed from TSB &0D9F to TSB $6D9F as you can see. But it doesn't work at all. Do I need a thing to do more?
Hello. I tried to use this tool to insert BG Gradient. But BG Gradient Window is strange on my PC.

The rest of the tabs are fine but BG Gradient is the only problem.
Can I find a solution?? Thank you.
Originally posted by MM102
This seems like a window scale issue, try going into your window's display settings and changing the scale to 100%

Thanks for giving me a solution. I changed the scale to 100% and then restarted the program. But it has the same problem like this.
The letters have only gotten smaller as you can see.
Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
Originally posted by scratch
I changed the scale to 100% and then restarted the program. But it has the same problem like this.

Sometimes changes to the scaling won't take effect until you log out of your computer and then log in again. Have you tried that?

Oh, I forgot to write it down. I definitely restarted my PC.
Also, I tried it on another computer which is always 100% scale. But the result was same.
Is this tool supported Windows 10? All the captures up there is on Windows 7.
Internet Explorer 11 is the latest version of IE. I get a warning at here. This one: Warning! You are using an outdated browser. Some website features may malfunction and in the future, SMW Central may no longer work correctly. Consider upgrading your browser for a better online experience and improved security.

So everyone doesn't like IE11 anymore as a result.
Segoe UI is the best font ever. It's comfortable when I read texts.
It also supports Microsoft ClearType Technology since Windows Vista.
Originally posted by erpster2
Originally posted by RanAS
I know that some people like Internet Explorer, but even Microsoft has abandoned it at this point, calling it a "compatibility solution for business", rather than a web browser.

and here's the proof directly from Microsoft about the "perils" of using IE as the default browser in their MS Tech Community blog, which was written nearly a year ago:

I understand IE is outdated and dangerous to use. I'm pretty surprised other countries don't use IE as default browser. There is a reason why I use this old and dangerous browser. I live in Seoul, Korea. In my country, there are many sites (even government website) that do not support Chrome and Firefox yet because of ActiveX. ActiveX technology is still needed in online banking. Non-activeX technology is also being developed. In conclusion, many Koreans will use Chrome and IE together.
Hello, I disabled the spin jump by STZ 140D|!addr in uberASM (Levelasm) but when I press A, spin jump sfx comes out. How do I change the sfx to normal jump? don't know why the @36 in #3 sounds strange. Here is a mml file.
#amk 2
#path "love"


	"sample_00.brr"	$EF $D0 $A0 $01 $56	; @30 kick ch0
	"sample_03.brr"	$FF $E0 $A0 $01 $8B	; @31 drum ch0
	"sample_01.brr"	$CF $00 $A0 $02 $23	; @32 open hihat ch1
	"sample_08.brr"	$FF $E0 $A0 $05 $68	; @33 closed hihat ch1
	"som_bassfinger.brr"	$FF $EE $A0 $05 $FB	; @34 bass ch2
	"som_strings.brr"	$F8 $E7 $A0 $03 $5E	; @35 string ch3
	"sample_0A.brr" $FF $E0 $A0 $06 $B3	; @36 ch3
	"som_flute.brr"	$F8 $E6 $A0 $04 $82	; @37 flute ch4
	"som_piano.brr"	$FF $EC $A0 $03 $02	; @38 piano ch5
	"som_choir.brr"	$FE $E6 $A0 $04 $04	; @39 bah ch5
	"som_marimba.brr" $FF $F4 $A0 $04 $7C	; @40 zylophone ch7

$EF $0B $D0 $D0 
$F1 $02 $1E $01 
$F5 $0C $21 $2B $2B $13 $FE $F3 $F9

#0 w255 t56 

#2 o3 l16	;bass 
v120 $ed $7f $ee y10 $DF
r4 / @34 [a8 a a]8 [>c8 c c]8 [<g8 g g]6 g8 c c d e f g [a8 a a]7 >c c d
[c8 c c]8 [<b8 b b]4 [g8 g g]4 [>c8 c c]8 [<b8 b b]4 [g8 g g]4 [r1]9^2^4 d e f g

#3 l4	 ;string
@35 y8 v145 $ED $7F $E8
o4 a16 b16 >c16  d16 / e1^4 d e g c. {d16 c16 <b16} >c2^2. <a16 b16 >c16 e16 
d1^2^8 <b16 >c16 <b16 a16 g8 a4. b8 a2^2. a16 b16 >c16 d16
e1^4 d e g c4. {d16 c16 <b16} >c2^2. <a16 b16 >c16 e16
d1^2^8 <b16 >c16 <b16 a16 g8 a4. b8 a2^2. a16 b16 >c16 d16
f c8 a8^8 f4. f c8 a8^8 f e16 f16 e1
;악기 바뀜
@36 v96 $ed $7f $e0 
r8 <a16 b16 >d16 f+16 d16 <b16 a16 b16 {a32 b32 a32} f+16 d
@35 v125 $ED $7F $E8
o4 f c8 a8^8 f4. f c8 a8^8 f4 >c16 <b16 g1
; 악기 바뀜
@36 v96 $ed $7f $e0
r8 >f+16 g16 a16 g16 f+16 d16 <b16 >c16 {<b32 >c32 <b32} a16 f+
@35 $ED $7F $E8 
>a4. g8^4 f e d c d. c8^4 c2
f2 g2 g+2 b-2 >c2 c+2 c1^4 r4 g16 d16 c16 <b16 g16 d16 <b16 g16

#4 l16 		;flute
@37 $ed $7d $e1 y8 v90 $de $03 $1a $06
r4 / o5 e1^4 d4 e4 g4 c4. d32 c < b32 > c1^4 < a b >
c e d1.^8 < b > c < b a g8 a4. b8 a1^4 g a > c e a1^4
g4 a4 > c4 < f4. g32 f e32 f1^4 d e a > c < b1.^8 b >
c < b g d < b > d4. e8 d1^4 c < b a g (56)[f a > c f 
a c f a > c < a f c a f c < a]2 (57)[e g b > e g < b 
> e g b g e < b > g e < b g]2 (56)2 (57)2 > a4. g4. f4
e4 d4 < a4 > c4 d4. c4. < a+4 g+4 f4 g4 g+4 f2 a2 > c2
d+2 c+2 f2 g+2 a+2 g1 r2 > v0 g v145 d c < v145 b g d < b g

#5 l16 
o5 v90		;piano & choir 
r4 / @38 $ed $7f $ec v99 (29)[y10
$dc $55 $04 < a > c e a > c < e a > c 
$dc $55 $0a e c < a e > c < a e c
$dc $55 $0e < a > c e a > c < e a > c 
$dc $55 $0a e c < a e > c < a e c]1
(28)[$dc $55 $04 < f a > c f a c f a >
$dc $55 $0a c < a f c a f c < a
$dc $55 $0e g a > c f a c f a >
$dc $55 $0a c < a f c a f c < a
$dc $55 $04 g b > d g b d g b >
$dc $55 $0a d < b g d b g d < b
$dc $55 $0e a b > d g b d g b >
$dc $55 $0a d < b g d b32 > c32 < g d < b
$dc $55 $04 f+ a > d f+ a d f+ a >
$dc $55 $0a c < a f+ d a f+ d < a
$dc $55 $0e g a > d f+ a d f+ a >
$dc $55 $0a c < a f+ d f+ d c < b]1 > (29)1 (28)
;bah part
@39 o4 v200
[g4. f2^8 g4. f2^8 e1 e1]2 f1^1 d+1. g+4 g4 
f1^1 g+1^1 g1 g8 [r1]99

@39 l16 y12 $ed $78 $e7 v118 o4
r4 / [c4. d4. e4. c4. d4 g4 c4. d4. e4. d4. c4 e4 < b4. > 
c4. d4. c4. < b4 d4 f+4. a4. f+4. d2^8 c d e g >]2

@40 $ed $7f $f4 v123 y10 o4

> (33)[< a > c f a < a > c f a < a > c f a < a > c f a]2
(34)[< g b > e g < g b> e g < g b > e g < g b > e g]2 (33)2 (34)2

@39 y12 $ed $78 $e7 v133 o4
d1^1 c1. c+4 d+4 c1^1 f1^1 d1 d8 [r1]99

#7 l16 @39 y12 $ed $78 $e7 v126 o4
r4 /  a4^8b4^8>c4^8
<b8 [r1]99

Unexpected end tag (</pre>) at 4328, expected </b>
Unexpected end tag (</div>) at 4334, expected </b>
Tag (b) was not closed.
Tag (a) was not closed.
Tag (b) was not closed.
Tag (pre) was not closed.
Tag (div) was not closed.
I started porting sampled Squaresoft's songs last month. I like Squaresoft's music so I ported some songs which are not on SMWC.
These are hand-written ports. Thanks for listening my ports and here is the final port.

SPC (No.1 ~ 13) => link
No.14 ==>
No.15 ==>
No.16 ==>
Final ==>

1. Romancing Saga 2 - Opening
2. Rudra no Hihou - Between Two Worlds
3. Romancing Saga 3 - Magical Tank Battle
4. Romancing Saga 3 - Four Noble Devils II
5. Final Fantasy V - Tenderness in the Air
6. Final Fantasy V - Unknown Lands
7. Final Fantasy VI - Mog
8. Final Fantasy VI - Setzer
9. Rudra no Hihou - Battle for the Fields
10. Final Fantasy IV - Prologue
11. Final Fantasy VI - The Day After
12. Secret of Mana - Leave Time for Love
13. Rudra no Hihou - Opening
14. Rudra no Hihou - Holiday in the Village
15. Final Fantasy V - Fanfare 1
16. Final Fantasy VI - Kids Run Through the City
17. Rudra no Hihou - Echoes
Here I go again. This time, a few Dragon Quest ports are contained.
1. Secret of Mana - Fear of the Heavens
2. Rudra no Hihou - Dance with the Zombie
3. Romancing Saga 3 - Katrina's Theme
4. RS3 - Sailing
5. Dragon Quest 3 - Adventure
6. Final Fantasy V - Final Dungeon
7. Final Fantasy VI - Rachel
8. Final Fantasy VI - Strago
9. Dragon Quest 6 - Real World
10. Secret of Mana - Summer Sky
11. Rudra no Hihou - Battle of the Last Enemy ~ Final Conflict
12. Dragon Quest 6 - In the Town (Percussion Problem Ahead)
Most VIP5 songs are not ported for modern addmusic. A spc file you downloaded from youtube is not generated by AMK. This spc is from 'Real Hardware Compatible fix project VIP5.' It's just decreased echo delay value to 04 so that it can be played on the real hardware or accurate emulators. Therefore, you cannot use AMK Disassembler Tool to make this song compatible with AMK.
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