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Posts by Zerio

Zerio's Profile → Posts

What the fuck is this I don't even-

You said fuck? When the fuck were we allowed to say fuck?

I tried to hack SMB1 before. I never really did anything because I don't like how you have to add object and how holes are objects. Maybe one day I'll try again. Also, nice screenshots! I look forward to playing your hack, LieutenantPie!
I have:
*Touhou 6 - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
*Touhou 9 - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
*Touhou 10 - Mountain of Faith
*Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism
I'm downloading Touhou 7 now.
My favorite Touhou game I have is probably Subterranean Animism.
And my favorite character is Cirno.
I really like the gameplay of the Touhou games. I find it amusing to dodge so many bullets.
(I think I'm "suffering" from the Touhou Obsession Syndrome.)
Some criminals can be quite idiotic.

I heard this one guy left an IOU in the bank vault. And signed it. -_-

And another one stole food from a gas station and ate some before he left. Then, when he went to go through the hole he made to get in, he was too fat to get out! XD
I am the one with the Tails Doll layout.

Here is a website with lotsa spaghetti stories.

I think Tails Doll is awesome. I even had my grandma make me a Tails Doll plush. <3

... Can you feel the sunshine?


I... I can't believe my eyes. I am literally shaking in excitement.

I wonder what else there is to expect from this incredible hack.

Also, not to sound bossy, but, Azure, PLEASE release a C3 demo!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!!
I just got it and I'm about to play it! I'm so excited!:D Also, the case is red instead of white. Interesting...

And it doesn't have WiFi because the game already uses most of the Wii's power, so it isn't possible to have it.

EDIT: This game is AWESOME! I had to get rid of the Homebrew Channel to play it, but it was well worth it! ^-^ I'm currently on World 2. :D
Originally posted by Tails_Doll_Fan666
My name is Austin Price. Please do not say The Price is Right that just pisses me off so much.

The Price is Right. *shot*

My full name is Tyler L. Nordin.

Yes, I did post earlier in this thread, I just didn't say my last name. ^-^

Long ban: I'd spend my banned days playing video games, skipping school, hacking Super Mario World, crying myself to sleep, and cutting myself. (Yes, I would probably go emo.)

Permabanned: I would spend the first few days obsessing over how I will never be able to go back to this website, and then eventually find a way to hack myself back in or something... or I could simply buy a new computer and sign up as Zerio666 or Nineigi (Zerio's brother's name)
Originally posted by zero
I just got my teeth puled

I didn't get any teeth of mine get pulled. But I do believe I have a few cavities, though. :/

The back of my front-left tooth hurts and when I chew on the left side of my mouth, it hurts too. Good thing I'm used to chewing with my right side. (My mom's trying to get me to the dentist)

It's probably from all the Pepsi I drink. *Drinks more Pepsi*

Originally posted by zero

So does this babloofin bloofin talikuu.
A few of you might have noticed me mention "talikuu".

Talikuu is a kind of creature I made up. I bet you're wandering where this odd creature originated from. So, here's the story:
When I was in 5th grade, my teacher, Mrs. Scholtez, gave me an orange, fuzzy, round plush with purple feet. It didn't look exactly like a modern talikuu. It was fuzzier, had an orange nose, didn't have the mouth, and had more "realistic" feet. So I brought it home and named it Talikuu. Then one night, zero came over (he's my friend in real life) and we tried to draw Talikuu. He didn't put the "fuzziness" or the nose, its eyes went the wrong way, and its feet were more oval shaped. He was coloring it orange, and left a large white area around where its mouth is. He showed it to me and he thought it was REALLY funny. I didn't really like it at the time. Then, later, I thought it was funny. A while later, I decided that talikuu should be an entire species. I re-drew it, but it was a bit different. It was perfectly round, it's eyes were a little different, and it's mouth wasn't so "long" any more. I decided to keep that as it's design. I showed it to zero, and he liked it too. I later made a comic about it. One of the only things a regular talikuu can say is "MOAR!"
Anyway, me and zero came up with all kinds of different talikuu over the years. Examples are: Government Talikuu, Governor Talikuu, and Tofu Talikuu.
If you want to know more about any kind of talikuu, just ask,
"Is there a(n) x talikuu?" (X is replaced with something such as "Navy" or "Engine", of which are, after all, existing talikuu)

Just today, zero just randomly said, in a talikuu voice, "BABLOOFIN BLOOFIN!" Which I thought was really funny. You might have seen him say "I WANT MY BABLOOFIN BLOOFIN!" in the Bar & Grill.
Anyway, I made a talikuu for it, the babloofin bloofin talikuu. <CLICK)
I am even making a hack where you play as a talikuu. Just tell me if you want a hack discussion thread opened for it.
So, I made this thread to see what people think of talikuu, ask questions about it, and discuss it. ^-^
Originally posted by K3Blue64
Can it say OVER 9000!!!? Just asking.

The Meme Takikuu can. The meme talikuu looks just like a regular talikuu, except it's light blue and has a Vegeta scouter. I might make a picture of it later.

Originally posted by anonimato
that thing looks like an SMW goomba.

I never really noticed that until I saw your post. :\

Originally posted by Blumiere
If I didn't know any better I'd say that thing is Kirby on dope.

LOL, I have noticed its resemblance to Kirby.

Oh, and I forgot to mention its mouth opens like an oven. Weird, huh? XD

Now I shall speak of another talikuu.

Engine talikuu)

Appearence: Like a regular talikuu, except grey instead of orange, it has a vertical silver stripe on its forehead, silver feet, and three "engine" slits on each of its cheeks.

-It likes to drink oil.
-It likes to shake its head back and forth while making a noise like "bloubloublou~", which is appropriately called "bloubloublou-ing".

Oddly enough, people use them to power cars. The real engine is taken out of the car and replaced with pedals (like on a bicycle) and they put an engine talikuu on it. When the gas pedal is pushed down by the driver, a pole goes forward and taps the engine talikuu. The engine talikuu gets angry (talikuu have short tempers) and starts pedaling, which, in turn, turns the car wheels. The harder you push down the gas pedal, the harder the pole pokes the engine talikuu, the faster it pedals, and the faster the car goes.

EDIT: Grrr... I hate it when somebody has a layout that, if he/she posts on the same thread as me, messes up the edges of my layout...
Name: Zerio

Number: 100

Weight: 95.3

Height: 4'3

Dex Entry: Zerio is a powerful hero who uses both fight and electric attacks.

Type: Electric

Found at level: 15-20


Starts with:
-Double Kick
-Thunder (Level 21)
-Dynamicpunch (Level 25)
-Headbutt (Level 30)
-Explosion (Level 43)




I don't really like the "back" sprite that much. :\