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Posts by Zerio

Zerio's Profile → Posts

Hmmm... I'd say I'm online about 6 hours on a normal school day, and about 10 or more during Fridays, and EVEN MOAR during weekends, breaks, summer vacation, etc. Also, the only time I logged out was when I was bored and never clicked "Log Out" ever since I signed up.
I'm scared of:
*Heights- Because I think something might happen, and I will fall.
*Ghosts- I don't know, most sort of creep me out.
*The dark (STILL! XD)- Because I hate not being able to see stuff. Who knows what could be lurking in the shadows?
*Elevators- Because it could run out of power and I will be trapped. :(
*Roller coasters- Because I just don't like going upside-down.
Mega Upload. Because they treat their users UNFAIRLY if you don't pay money! Also, I don't *technically* have internet. So, when my download fails sometimes, and I try again, it says something stupid about my download exceeding a certain file size. COME ON!
I'm afraid of dying. Mainly because I don't know what happens after that. Will I go to Heaven? Will I go to Hell? Will I be reborn, will I just end, or will I become a spirit? When I think about just ending, I just think of the fact that I won't be able to think about it, but it still scares me.