I singed to an ipod because I was deunk.
Posts by Zerio
Zerio's Profile → Posts
I'm 12. Turning 13 April 8th. I joined SMWCentral when I was 10 or 11.
The latest I've been on was around 6:00 AM. An all-nighter. I was extremely tired by then, and decided to go to sleep. I sort of felt half-awake and half-asleep at that time.
McDonalds. 'Nuff said. (LOL right when I read this thread's title, I got hungry!)
Hmmm... I'd say I'm online about 6 hours on a normal school day, and about 10 or more during Fridays, and EVEN MOAR during weekends, breaks, summer vacation, etc. Also, the only time I logged out was when I was bored and never clicked "Log Out" ever since I signed up.
I'm scared of:
*Heights- Because I think something might happen, and I will fall.
*Ghosts- I don't know, most sort of creep me out.
*The dark (STILL! XD)- Because I hate not being able to see stuff. Who knows what could be lurking in the shadows?
*Elevators- Because it could run out of power and I will be trapped.
*Roller coasters- Because I just don't like going upside-down.
*Heights- Because I think something might happen, and I will fall.
*Ghosts- I don't know, most sort of creep me out.
*The dark (STILL! XD)- Because I hate not being able to see stuff. Who knows what could be lurking in the shadows?
*Elevators- Because it could run out of power and I will be trapped.

*Roller coasters- Because I just don't like going upside-down.
Horrible level design, bad palettes, and hard levels.
Secret Night Ninja
Mega Upload. Because they treat their users UNFAIRLY if you don't pay money! Also, I don't *technically* have internet. So, when my download fails sometimes, and I try again, it says something stupid about my download exceeding a certain file size. COME ON!
I'm afraid of dying. Mainly because I don't know what happens after that. Will I go to Heaven? Will I go to Hell? Will I be reborn, will I just end, or will I become a spirit? When I think about just ending, I just think of the fact that I won't be able to think about it, but it still scares me.
^ No.
< Is still afraid of the dark.
v Is also afraid of the dark.
< Is still afraid of the dark.
v Is also afraid of the dark.
Everyone who is interested in breaking computers should really check this out! http://www.thestylemachine.com/metele/
Mods can close this if they want.
Mods can close this if they want.
I'm glad to see everyone is enjoying this game. 
Playing it makes me feel like Angry German Kid. LOL!


Playing it makes me feel like Angry German Kid. LOL!

That was a good TRICK
Only if they are creative and have good level design.
NP Is level 5 or higher.
NP Is level 5 or higher.
^ Yes. My Youtube account is SparkyTheHedgehog3.
< Wants Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii to come out.
v Has played a Pikmin game.
< Wants Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii to come out.
v Has played a Pikmin game.
LETTERS: egeewie
LETTERS: egeewie
^ Never seen it.
< My computer is an epic fail.
v Your computer is also an epic fail.
< My computer is an epic fail.
v Your computer is also an epic fail.
The balloon was popped because of a PRICK.
Sort of.
NP likes my avatar.
NP likes my avatar.