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Posts by Zerio

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Some more dreams I just remembered:

1) This one was just a few nights ago... I dreamed that I was on SMWCentral at about 6 in the morning, and I saw a certain user who's username was changed to spammer at the time right after the name change system was taken down! XD Then, suddenly the sun instantly shot up into the in Tails_Doll_Fan666's strange moments thread, Weirdo101.5's post. (My first dream about SMWCentral!)

2) Now this one seemed so real, it was almost unbelievable. I dreamed that my Tony Hawk's Underground game case was turned into a box similar to the Sly Cooper symbol, but weirder. I played it on my PS2, and it was Sonic R2. (Google Sonic R if you don't know what it is) It had upgraded versions of the original Sonic R levels, and completely new levels (like Resort Island 2, etc.) And it had more characters. Most of them were the original Sonic R characters and their super forms. I chose Tails Doll's super form. It looked pretty cool. It had an eerie light blue outline, red eyes, it was darker, and it had 9 tails. Each tail a different size. I went to Resort Island 2. It was sort of like a huge "exploring" type of level. After a while of playing, I got my camera and started recording the gameplay to put on Youtube. Then, my mom called me for dinner. I left the camera recording while I ate. I came back up and played some more, then went to bed, leaving the camera on the foot of my bed. When I woke up (in real life), my camera was on the foot of my bed! I turned it on and one of the files (the newest one) said "This file is corrupted" or something like that. I'm guessing that this dream was actually a reality, then the Tails Doll tried to erase my memory, but I remembered it as a dream, but the Tails Doll corrupted my recording of the game. (I believe in the Tails Doll)

If I remember any more dreams, I will post them! :)
One time, while I was playing Sonic R, my phone started ringing. It was from one of those blocked ID numbers. I silenced it and kept playing. I got a voicemail. I listened to it, it sounded like creepy mumbling, and I swear I heard "I am the Tails Doll" in like a quiet, evil sounding kid's voice. (Nobody should know I believe in the Tails Doll except my friends. My friends didn't know how to block their ID at that time and the few people that aren't my friends but know I believe in the Tails Doll don't know my phone number) On a side note, one of my friends (who doesn't have a computer so he can't use SMWC) got a restricted ID call and when he answered he heard "Can You Feel the Sunshine? ACID Remix".
Weegee is an internet meme that is usually edited into lots of images. Weegee is also believed to be a computer virus. He first appeared in Mario Is Missing! for the PC. Luigi's sprite looked disturbing, so someone edited it into a high definition picture. Even I edited him into some pictures. They say that Weegee turns other people into copies of him just by staring at them. I won't believe in him unless I get some proof...

Now that everyone seems to know about Weegee, how about we all post our Weegee pictures? Here's one of mine...

Princess Weegee! XD

It's funny how many pictures of Weegee there are...
Originally posted by Ultimaximus
And hey, isn't Sonic Rush a recent game, that's 2D? What about that?

I think it's a pretty good game. By the way, that silhouette of Sonic sort of has me worried... it seems as if Sonic's going to have a new look... I just hope that SEGA doesn't make him look bad.. Eh, he's probably gonna look better... I WANT TO SEE GAMEPLAY!!!
I also like SRB2, I have a lot of WADs, and I even tried to make my own Talikuu WAD. I started it one night, then forgot about it the next day! XD Also, I don't technically have internet, I use a nearby network called "linksys". Usually it doesn't stay up long enough to play SRB2 online. :(
I really hate it when people put gum under desks. Gum isn't even allowed at my school! The principal said that if she (or another staff member) catches anyone throwing gum on the ground, they have to pay $100! Under my first period desk, GUM! Under my fourth/fifth period desk (they're in the same classroom), GUM! Talking about school made me remember something from a few days ago. After school, there was this kid with a hat on. The principal told him "Young man, I want you to take that hat off when you're off school grounds!" Doesn't that principal know that she can't tell kids what to do after they're off campass?
My favorite drink is Pepsi. The first time I tasted it, which was 9 years ago(when I was 3), I cried when my mom took it away. :'(
For a few years now, my daily amount of Pepsi I drink is 2 cans. (Sometimes I have 3, once I even had 4. O_O)
My username has a little story for it.

When I first started hacking Super Mario World, I wanted to make a RECOLOR as the main character. So, I made him light blue(my favorite color) and purple(my 2nd favorite color). Now what to call this RECOLOR? I wanted his name to be similar to Mario. I thought Zero (my 2nd favorite number) + Mario = Zerio. I liked it. Then, when I registered on SMWCentral, I just registered as my RECOLOR's name.

EDIT: Can I tell the future? Somehow I guessed that S.N.N. Will post next. Now that's weird. O_O

EDIT 2: There. "It" is now a recolor. Happy, FFFFFFUUUUU-?
"This level is going to suck so much, even Angry German Kid wouldn't want to play it."
"I'd rather eat a box of bologna than play this potentially awful level."
"Spade? Quality? More like a talikuu that can solve 1+1."

(Also, I HATE bologna, it's my most hated food)
@FFFFFFUUUUU-: Actually, Zerio STARTED as a recolor. I forgot to mention that. After a while, I updated his look. I gave him a new hat, red shoes with white stripes,(Sonic inspired(which I forgot to add in my picture.)) and one red eye and one blue eye. So he's not really a recolor anymore.
Originally posted by Aqualakitu
And if Rice seeks for revenge, why does he fight Rotom, and not Mario?

You put RICE! ROFL!!! Anyway, I think this is a neat idea. I've never seen a hack with such an odd character before. I look forward to seeing more. But I do think the story is a little random.
Originally posted by Spade
I don't remember how shy I was when I first joined, but I think I was more intimidated by the staff. I eventually came to know that they're actually pretty friendly.

Also, I'm a lot more shy in real life than on the internet.

That's pretty much the same for me, except I remember how shy I was.