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Posts by Flamesofshadow

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Well, i assume this can work here as its ASM/hacking related.

does anyone think they may have an idea or a way to fix PIXI code if it had a C++ error and died? other than being a pain in the backside to set up now i get to deal with it having heart attacks. and im no coder so i have no idea if the issue is my fault or PIXI being PIXI but its an issue id like fixed obviously because the newer tool is still in progress so i dont have an alternative.
I am having a good bit of trouble out of three of the tools im trying to get working (Pixi, Giepy, and GPS) i will list examples of whats happening so hopefully someone can help me finally get these things working they are all kind of similar issues so thats why i put them all in one post.

To start off with the likely most simple, GPS, i have a few blocks downloaded from here (smwc) and i have followed all the information to place everything where it needs to be, however Gps keeps giving me an error "blocks/chargingchuckshatter_sa1.asm:31: error: unknown macro [%LIB_spr_blk_pos()]" i have found this listed in the asm but i dont know what im supposed to do to fix it as im not a coder/modder ect so i have no idea what its saying except library position, so help on this would be appreciated.

Now for the fun two pixi/giepy

For pixi, which i have never gotten working, it keeps giving me this error "terminate after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): stream error
This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please co tact the application's support team for more information"

From what i have been told, this is a C++ error yet noone knows whats doing it or why its happening, and again im not a coder so i have no clue, and i only tried using pixi sprites. And everything should be in its proper place.

As for giepy (piee) it gives me a few different errors most common is "cannot open/find (insert sprite name here).asm",
after a bit of trying to fix it myself, it now gives "cfg file (insert name).cfg was not found in the search path. Failed to load the cfg file (insert name).cfg..."
The only other error ive gotten is one which states "the application cannot determine the type of sprite it is it is assumed normal"

I dont know why it seemingly cant find anything properly as i have done everything the tutorials and information have said to the best of my understanding, except for converting the sprites from pixi type to giepy as i could find no info on how to do so,

Hopefully someone with knowledge on these things will actuallh assist me in setting them up as i wish to get into creating levels for smw but so far i cant even get custom sprites in.
Originally posted by MarioFanGamer
Originally posted by Flamesofshadow
To start off with the likely most simple, GPS, i have a few blocks downloaded from here (smwc) and i have followed all the information to place everything where it needs to be, however Gps keeps giving me an error "blocks/chargingchuckshatter_sa1.asm:31: error: unknown macro [%LIB_spr_blk_pos()]" i have found this listed in the asm but i dont know what im supposed to do to fix it as im not a coder/modder ect so i have no idea what its saying except library position, so help on this would be appreciated.

Do you have got the asm file LIB_spr_blk_pos.asm? That should be put in the folder "routines". Similar deal to any other library (or rather, routine) file with GPS or any other tool with shared subroutine/ library support.

Originally posted by Flamesofshadow
For pixi, which i have never gotten working, it keeps giving me this error "terminate after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): stream error
This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please co tact the application's support team for more information"

From what i have been told, this is a C++ error yet noone knows whats doing it or why its happening, and again im not a coder so i have no clue, and i only tried using pixi sprites. And everything should be in its proper place.

It seems to broken sprite list. Can we take a look at it?

Originally posted by Flamesofshadow
As for giepy (piee) it gives me a few different errors most common is "cannot open/find (insert sprite name here).asm",
after a bit of trying to fix it myself, it now gives "cfg file (insert name).cfg was not found in the search path. Failed to load the cfg file (insert name).cfg..."
The only other error ive gotten is one which states "the application cannot determine the type of sprite it is it is assumed normal"

Where is the CFG file located and how list.txt look like?

I have the lib_spr_blk_pos.asm but its not in routines, from what i gathered routines shouldnt be bothered with as most tools like pixi gps etc seemingly gather them themselves. (Ive had several experiances where sprites would come with the exact same routine files and they would all replace each other in the routines folder, this time i didnt transfer them over) i will try moving them over to the routines folder see if that solves the issue.

As for the lists, the two are the same but it may be a bit difficult to attach them for reveiw currently as im isong phone as i have no wifi access, i will attempt to do so however.

And finally the cfg is in the sprites/normal/pixi folder set as they are all pixi sprites. Geipy is somewhat weirdly designed and the info i have doesnt say too much avoit where or how to pit things in, ive tried a few different area of the sprites folder and its sub folders with pretty much the results mentioned.

I cannot at the moment link to or post my list, however i will describe its layout just to clarify i have it set up with numbers 00-45,c0-c5, and D0 on group 00-45 its set up as this, 00 [Smb3]_goal_card.cfg
Same thing for all the others, i have no extended or clusters, and that is how i was told to set up the list, thats the same list for pixi and geipy as i was not aware of how geipy list should look if it is somehow different.
I have actually tried using the sprites/normal/pixi/sprite.cfg target and it pretty much stays the same, or it tells me my asm cant be found, or that the cfg type cannot be determined which doesnt make any real sense as its basicly just givig errors to give errors as changing things changes te error target even if nothing changes with the target.

It would be nice if pixi wouldnt keep crashing every time so i could actually use it untill giepy gets easier to figure out but t seems as thpugh giepy is the only one even slightly working for me
The main problem is giepy cant seemingly find the cfg, but if i move the cfg to a more accessible area it cannot read the asm or cannotfigure out what kind of sprite the cfg are which doesnt make any sense at all of why its doing that
This should work, but here is a link to dropbox in which both the list.txt file ive been using for pixi and geipy, and the actual sprites as downloaded rom smwc, just for refrence

the following link, goes to a set of screenshots, which show how my asm files are set up in pixi (first image "capture 1") and the rest of the screenshots are for geipy, they show the area where my asm, sprites and routines are compared to how geipy is layed out by default
Ive started having serious (reletive to me) difficulty getting exgfx to function for my custom sprites. (First bit of information to know is im not very good at understaning code,modding, etc, bu am getting better at figuring stuff out, so be patient with the stupidity that is me)

1. The first thing to say about the issue im having is this, i open my custom sprites gfx file in yychr (in this case i will say YI flying wiggler), i open a gfx (gfx02 because its got spare space), and i cut and past the tiles from the wiggler gfx to gfx02 and then save it as exgfx** (in my case 97), and i set the asm file tile information to the new values and save. Then i put the sprite in my level after setting the gfx bypass values correctly, and the issue is revealed in the internal and external emulators my flying wiggler sprite is using the wrong tiles or more recently an entirely different gfx files tiles for an unknown reason.

1.1 i have had the same issue with the angry sun sprite, and i managed to get it fixed by moving its tiles around a bit and changing the asm data again, but this time i got the flyig wiggler fixed (i had to replace the asm, and cfg with fresh ones and using only the included gfx file as the exgfx), but for no reason the default gfx file which contains the regular smw wiggler now glitches the wigglers into taking the flying wigglers tiles even though it hasnt been changed.

1.2 after the wigglers got glitched and the flying one was working i decided to check my other custom sprites (poision mushroom amd angry sun) to see if their graphics were still working correctly amd they had beed conpletely reset and in the case of the angry sun, glitched again.

I dont know why this is happening or the fix but its frustrating after all this time o me trying to ge lunar magic set up and everything keeps breaking, the attached images are screenshots showing off whats happening currently.

The different colors on the seconc images shows what is linked where, the first smaller image is what lm shows outside of the emulations.
Would someone who is knowledgeable about setting up sprite asm/cfg, and graphics amd who has free time on their hands, be willing to properly set up my rom with my sprites, and graphics?

I have been working to set up my rom for months (and with help i understand how to set the stuff up mostly), but every time i make a little progress i get various errors or issues of all sorts and it has begun to lose apeal to me at this point but as i want to create levels (primarilly for myself) i want to finally get everything set up properly so i can enjoy lm without all the annoyance of repeatedly setting up the same files over and over to have them break again.

As i said above i have learned after several foolish mistakes how to properly set stuff up for he most part, but between graphic, insertion, and the random crashing errors i dont find it all that worthwhile to keep doing the same things to make no progress.

Going back to the original question, i have a fair number of sprites and have tried to keep them themed to level type (level theme[desert,water etc], or level era [smb2/3,smw] but i havent made any real progress in the months ive been working on this stuff either from my inability to understand things or just various other issues.
Ive been in contact with thomas and telinc and even though i get something set up i end up having errors

graphic glitches such as when ,even when the numbers are correct for its sp3/4 slot, such as angry sun, had it working then without even altering it, it glitched again and i had to fix it again, this has happened twice and happens on more than one sprite, ive had sprites which continue to select different tiles despite the numbers being right (even if par of it works fine, such as chainchomp having one tile work one not)

Then i repetitively have issues inserting sprites where a sprite i havent even edited said "could not find jsl getdrawinfo/suboffscreen]" but this fixed itself randomly the other day and now it is back for no reason even though i havemt even touched the sprite once yet, amd a few recently we managed to get past which were my fault (i had difficulty understanding some of the concepts to do sprite insertion, ive gotten better and understand most of it except coding/errors).

With finally figureig out roughly how to insert and setup sprites sucessfully i thought id make progress, but every day i seemingly have to restart or stall on what ive already done because of random nonsense.

Thats basically why i figured id ask someone else to set it up so ot actually works, changing something i could probably do, but i may be willing to retry more work on it as long as i actually make permanant progress, i want to be able to make fun levels not only focys on setting up lm, if you want to help id appreciate it and may hit you up on discord, but i do seem fairly dumb when it comes to understanding this stuff.
First off im using telincs' updated/prototype geipy (which is important as mentioned later)

The issue im having is the whacky mole, aka rock/bomb throwing mole by leod, it doesn't select or throw the correct sprites (rock/bobomb respectively) instead it throws somewhat random items which change based on level or situation, such as in level 105, it will spawn (and drop) p-switches unless i put two together then one will throw beach koopa, while in level 106 it will spawn 1-ups, and if i put a different sprite near it it may spawn parakoopa.

My assumption is the spawning code is messed up with the tool however telincs version of geipy fixes spawn problems some pixi sprites have on geipy so ot shouldnt be the only one with an issue.

The link following is for a zip which contains the asm, cfg, exgfx, videos and an image of the issues im having so perhaps a solution can be reached.
That made it spawn the correct sprites, but now its still just dropping them on the ground instead of throwing at mario. Kind of makes land mines with the bobombs as they explode at mario contact.
Request name: ceiling dropping spiny
Tool: geipy
Short Description: quite simply the spinies from newer games which can be found walking on ceilings, and when mario aproaches they drop down in their shells and move back and forth like a kicked shell.

Full idea: i could see this sprite being used in multiple ways.

For example, the sprite could go into its shell, but the shell could be spikes upward, or spikes downward (the typical state in newer games) depending on the extra bit, and if the shell was spikes down a spin jump would kill it like a regular shell, while when spikes up, it can only be jumped on by a spin jump (like a regular spiny).

Another example of use could be the spiny not only walking on ceilings, but instead it could behave like the spiketops in that they could move on and around any solid surface they contact (such as walls or blpck platforms) while still behaving like the dropping spiny therefore allowing puzzles of some sort or simply more variety and difficulty in levels.

Also as a quick side note, im surprised it hasnt been done already as there are numerous sprites which have functions that when mixed act like that enemy such as (bouncing spiny/bouncing spiny egg, ceiling beetle and default spiketops, and chasing spiny)
I'm having trouble getting the invincible shell sprite working, it was functioning correctly for a few days then it suddenly stopped spawning when placed in LM although the asm, and cfg are unaltered from the default zip as it was functioning before.
I have tested on multiple roms, clean and patched, and it only sometimes (briefly) works correctly, however the other shell sprites (in kicked state by default) work perfectly fine still. (I use geipy, if it somehow matters, and my roms have patches, but none that should effect just that sprite, a regular disco shell [yellow koopa+shell] works fine also)

Another sprite i recently started having issues with is birdo, generally functions perfectly fine except when it dies, it spawns another birdo in its place, this never cycle never stops.

Another sprite, is ceiling spiny from chris' filebin, apparently it is trasm sprite, and i keep getting an error in piee: "error in 608.1/805 branch out of range"

And finally, smw bros (fire/ice/boomerang), after some help from telinc i managed to make them spawn their respective extended sprites, however they do not properly use them as they simply drop the sprites straight downward with no sideways physics (the boomerangs are dropped also but do turn sideways and fly off after a short time).

The following link contains all the sprites,and some videos of the issues.
I requested this before but I was referred elsewhere to previous existing versions, and I found two versions both of which were broken, incomplete, and or took up far too much space in the list.txt so I'm here to request it again, its useful for cave themed levels. and I'm trying to keep it generic enough to be versatile but describing what it needs to do as it would have many uses for players, ranging from puzzles, to touch hazards, to kaizo levels, or even troll levels.

Request name: Ceiling and wall crawling spiny/buzzy

Type: Sprite

Short description: this sprite works well for cave levels, it behaves like a regular spiny except it will drop on or launch itself at mario when he comes near.

something similar to these.
Links:,, and

Long Description: this spiny/buzzy beetle will act like a regular version except it can crawl on walls and ceilings similar to a spike top, and will either drop down from the ceiling or do a jump attack off of walls into an active (kicked) state when the player gets close.

depending on which position the sprite is in, (on a ceiling or on a wall) the direction its shell faces and therefore its properties will change slightly as follows:
A: if it is a spiny and is on the ceiling when it drops, its shell and spikes will be facing downward in an active kicked state, and can be jumped on like a regular shell.
A1: if it is a spiny on the wall when it attacks, the shell can be either upside down, or right side up and in an active kicked state.
B: if it is a buzzy beetle on a ceiling its shell will be upside down and in an active kicked state when it hits the ground.
B1: if it is a buzzy on the wall, its shell can be right side up or upside down and in an active state when it attacks.

Bonus: there could also be an option to have the sprite be two colors, a regular color (red or blue for spiny and buzzy respectively) or an alternant color (example being green and red, for spiny and buzzy respectively) the color affects its movement speed but not its attack (active kicked state) speed.
Request name: Grrrol/Spiked ball combination + spawner for them

Type: sprite

Short description: A sprite which can either be a Spiked ball (small and large) or a Grrrol (small and large)

Resources: an example of the GFX and what they would look like.

Links:, and (specifically the top and the NSMB section)

Long description: A sprite which can be either a small or large Grrrol (a round rolling type of twomp found in newer games which can only be destroyed by a star or by hitting a block below them) or a large or small Spiked ball (similar to a grrrol except are completely invulnerable to everything, even a star cannot harm them).

this could be accomplished by using the 4 extra bits and the extra bytes, where the byts could effect the size, the bits could effect the type (Grrrol or spiked ball)

one main thing with the sprite is it would need to be set up so that when two of them of the same size hit each other, they bounce off of each other instead of passing through, but they kill any other sprites they contact (goombas, koopas ect.) and larger Grrrols/Spiked balls can actually destroy smaller ones if they collide as this is accurate to the newer games.

also as the name suggests a shooter/generator could be created to go with them so that they come out of pipes as the links above state for Grrrols "Grrrols are spawned by specific pipe-like walls, which can make infinite units."

Usefulness by others: anyone wanting a tough castle section, or even a tough section in a regular level would enjoy having these as they could allow of a lot of aesthetic and useful obstacles to the game.

i tried to stay as unspecific as possible while still describing them to the best of my ability.