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Posts by sio-kedelic

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Hi everyone :) Welcome to my KLDC entry, A Day of Sliding! I might slightly tweak my final submission from the video depending on how final playtesting goes, but I wanted to make a post this year for my entry.

This level was themed around partial ice physics. I replayed Crash Bandicoot 2 recently and thought about how fun it would be to design with selective ice physics, and I think it blossomed into a really fun level!

Shoutouts to:

- dtothefourth for the uberasm and blocks for the ice platforms and ice vines
- allowiscous for the freeze blocks
- KevinM, HoodedEdge, teows, Infinity, and Jead for the various music
- MarcyAugust and ItsJonM for playtesting!

You can play the level here too!
Looks cool :) Nice to see a Kaizo level with that powerup!
77 entries :O that's incredible! Best of luck to the judges. <3
Congrats to everyone that submitted, judged, and helped with this contest! This was a massive undertaking to organize, and I'm blown away by all of the feedback from every judge. Hundreds of pages of feedback is the exact reason why I love the SMW community so much <3

Great job to all of the creators as well! There were some really amazing setups and ideas in this year's competition, and I look forward to exploring some of these levels myself now that the grading is out!

And yay, top 20!! :D

Download here

Created by Mochi Eclairs: CircleFriendo, HamOfJustice, and sio-kedelic

Welcome to Mario & Friends in: The Ghost's Gallery! In this episode, Mario and his friends have been captured in paintings, and it's up to Toad to set them free and beat up the ghost who imprisoned them!

In this standard adventure, unlock party members after beating each party member's individual level. Each member has their own physics feel and special jump/boost on the A button! Switch to them on the fly on the overworld and in unlocked levels with L and R! You don't need to unlock all your friends to beat the Boo, but there might be a secret if you do #w{=P}

Circle, Ham, and I have been working nonstop on this project since Hackjam went live, and we are happy to share the final product with you all today! Circle and Ham both put a ton of effort into making this engine work and look pretty, and it's hard to believe that it actually came together in time, but thank you all for checking it out!

Thank you so much to MargotSimone and princessbunbun_ for playtesting and helping smooth out the experience! We hope you all enjoy this project as much as we enjoyed making it #w{=3}
Had a ton of fun testing this entry! The
DKC3 lever level
had some really cool obstacles :) Great job, everyone!
Telephone_Forest Screen 3. Wanted to do a palette too, but wasn't sure if that was in the rules, so just added some fun obstacles playing with the visibility of the extendy platforms!

Cool idea, Amper :)
Yay!! Congrats everyone <3

and thanks again Circle and Ham, pleasure to work with y'all!
My entry for this year's KLDC!

This year's theme was to build a few segments of simple platforming, and ended up being an SMB3 tribute level! Sneks and arrow platforms are fun haha

Clear vid :) Not sure why this recording didn't have background audio, but I'll update it in a bit.

I'm still waiting for final playtesting, but I'll make sure this gets updated once the final draft is live!
Hi everyone! I've been hard at work on bunbun 3 for almost 3 years now and it's finally feeling like it's near release :) With C3 this weekend, I thought it'd be a good time to show off some screenshots and provide a small demo for you all to enjoy!

Bunbun 3 is a continuation of the Bunbun World series, which are Kaizo: Intermediate hacks dedicated to my wife, princessbunbun_. I set out with this series to create fun vanilla levels with unique palettes and vibes, and I think bunbun 3 is the best representation of that to date!

Bunbun 3
- Kaizo: Intermediate hack dedicated to my wife, princessbunbun_
- 24 exits + a short final level!
- Play as Mario or bunbun, and switch between them at any time with L/R!
- built from the Mario & Friends ASM by circlefriendo, this ASM is definitely the shining feature of Bunbun 3!
- Mario plays as he does in any other hack :)
- Bunbun jumps a bit shorter and can't spin jump on her own, but she can do a flutter jump midair by pressing A!
- mostly-vanilla platforming and SMW engine exploration, with splashes of custom stuff in most levels!

This hack has been a labor of love for 3 years, and I'm really excited that it's almost out :)

I used v0.95 for the screenshots and demo stuff and am awaiting feedback on a couple of final playtests, but am aiming to have the full hack out by the end of the month :) All exits are designed and it's mostly a matter of gauging legibility of certain obstacles, so I'm optimistic!

Hope you all enjoy :)
Thanks everyone!! I'm so glad that it's finally near the end and ready for everyone else to play it. Definitely in the "I just want it out now pls" phase of hack design lol
Whoa this looks so cool! Definitely checking this out :)

EDIT: Really cool hack :) Definitely very tricky in some spots, but a really cool exploration! I also want that Yoshi mechanic in SNES SMW now lol I just finished GBreeze's SMA2 hack tonight, and it def deserves a spotlight :) Really cool hack and really cool use of the ideas and unique things of SMW GBA!

Def needed to consult the clear video for some of the more obscure stuff, and it's definitely Kaizo at parts and pretty hard, but lots of fun!

Hi everyone :) This was meant to be a side thing as I recovered from the Bunbun 3 release after Summer C3, and it's ended up turning into an actual hack thanks to some exciting SMB2 hacking developments!


Patching Instructions:

- patch DPS file to Super_Mario_Bros_2_U_PRG_0_h1.nes (SMB2edit or RomPatcher)

Welcome to Bunny-Bunny Panic :) this hack is aimed to be playable and fair for players who at least have some familiarity with SMB2, while still providing some fresh and exciting levels for those who are more experienced with it. I currently have 8 levels done and am probably aiming for about 4-5 more to round out the game, so hopefully the full thing will be able to be out within the next couple of months!

Oh yeah, speaking of SMB2 hacking developments: myself and a few other SMB2 creators have created a Discord to share progress, get SMB2 playtesting, and iron out some of the quirks of SMB2! If you'd also like to join and learn about SMB2 hacking, feel free to check it out here!

Helpful tips for different levels:

- all levels and obstacles are designed to be done without taking damage, but you're free to take damage once a segment :)
- hold down for a few seconds to charge a Super Jump!

- Clouds can rest on the ledges of clouds and waterfalls!

- You can dig while moving left/right to dig and not fall through!

- Jar transitions will not save a midway automatically like other doors!

- Ostros and Shy Guys are distinct sprites!

- You cannot jump up through sprites in SMB2!

- Whale spouts will raise a little bit above the final tile before settling at their final height!

- Peach will not refresh her float if you jump onto an enemy, but you can preserve it if you run off!
Originally posted by Doctor No
The speed at which SMB2 hacking has moved since that Discord was formed can't be understated - and sio is a big reason for that.

Really excited to give this a spin!

Thanks Doc <3 I'm really excited to help bring SMB2 to the realm of viability. There's so much cool stuff you can do in it that you wouldn't be able to easily do in other engines, and the recent optimizations have helped make that so much easier to sell to people.

Originally posted by Lightning
I haven't seen many SMB2 hacks. This looks really nice!

Thank you!! SMB2 hacks aren't very common because SMB2 is a bit of a pain to edit. It's a lot tighter than SMW in a lot of ways and also prone to outright crashing a lot more, and without optimizing your ROM, you can run into these issues pretty early into development...

Luckily, we recently figured out that clearing out all the extra crap does wonders for ROM optimization and has helpeed make some really big incoming projects able to fit into one ROM for the first time in like 5-6 years, so there's lots of exciting stuff coming!!
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