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Posts by Fernandito2018

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To prevent the hammers and boomerangs from killing NPCs, SMB Classic Flags and other sprites that you don't want to be killed, find and open the files mario_hammer_props.asm and mario_boomerang_props.asm located inside the folder extended\powerup. Both files act like a whitelist for sprites that should not be killed with projectiles.

After you open mario_hammer_props.asm you will see this:
; Bits:
; 0 = Can't be killed by Hammer
; 1-3 = Unused
; 4 = Don't interact with the Hammer at all.
; 5-7 Unused
; Bit order is:
; 76543210

And below that text you will see this also:
db %00010001,%00010001,%00010001,%00010001 ;custom sprites 0-3
db %00010001,%00010001,%00010001,%00010001 ; custom sprites 4-7
db %00010001,%00010001,%00010001,%00010001 ; custom sprites 8-B
db %00010001,%00010001,%00000000,%00000000 ; custom sprites C-F

By default, the first 14(0D in hexadecimal) sprites are inmune to hammers since they are the custom powerup items.The other ones can be killed with the hammers because their default settings are %00000000(this means that none of the bits are enabled). If you enable one of the used bits(0 and 4) by replacing a cero with a 1,the sprite will have the behavior specified in the bit list.
For example, if you enable bit 0 on sprite F (replace the last 0 on %00000000 with a 1, it becomes 00000001) the sprite will be inmune to hammers and when a hammer hits the sprite, it will be reflected. To prevent the sprite from reflecting the hammer, replace the fourth 0 with a 1(00010001).
These steps work for all the custom sprites. For example, if you inserted your NPC sprite as sprite 16, find this line:
db %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 ; custom sprites 14-17
and replace the third %00000000 with %00010001 and it will become:
db %00000000,%00000000,%00010001,%00000000 ; custom sprites 14-17. The replaced numbers are the settings used for sprite 16. This means that the first %00000000 are the settings for sprite 14, and the last %00000000 for sprite 17. In other ones, just replace the %00000000 from the sprite number of your NPC sprite(and the other ones that you don't want to be killed with the hammer) with %00010001.
The file mario_boomerang_props.asm uses the same settings, just follow the previous steps.
The only difference is the text at the start:
; Bits:
; 0 = Can't be killed by Boomerang.
; 1-3 = Unused
; 4 = Don't interact with the projectile at all.
; 5 = Unused
; 6 = Can be retrieved by Boomerang.
; 7 = Bypass Bit 4 setting, used to retrieve some sprites.
; Bit order is:
; 76543210
But the bits numbers are the same that the ones used by the hammer, so you only have to replace the %00000000 from the sprite numbers with %00010001.

After you finished making the sprites that you said inmune to hammers and boomerangs, reinsert your sprites with PIXI and they should be inmune to both hammers and boomerangs. It's not necessary to reaply the patch.
Name: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Boss Boogie
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
It has been more than 30 days since I made my request, and it wasn't claimed, so I'm going to change it
Name: Earthbound - Caverns of Winters
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
More than 30 days passed and nobody claimed my request so I'm gonna bump it

Name: Earthbound - Caverns of Winters
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
I'm using the VWF Sprited Text uberasm code that LMPuny released on C3 Summer 2020.
I'm also using the SA-1 Pack patch on my rom.
It was working fine until I ported my rom to a new one to make use of the new version of SA-1 Pack v1.40.

This was how the dialogues looked on my old rom (SA-1 Pack v1.36)

And this is how they look now (SA-1 Pack v1.40)

(ignore the miscolored background on the first frame of the gif)
Now the letters disappear and the portrait looks glithced after some time. First the O from Mario disappears and when the dialogue finishes all the other letters disappear leaving only two letters.Also, the Toad portrait ends up using wrong tiles.

I think the main reason of this problem may be the implementation of the MaxTile system which was integrated on the newest SA-1 Pack. I know that MaxTile system has a Legacy mode that is compatible with all the resources made before the system existed, however I don't know how to use it.

Does anyone know how to make use of said Legacy mode to fix the broken letters and portrait?. Or maybe another solution to fix the dialogue?

This is the dialogue uberasm file

And this is the SpritedText asm file that is placed on the library
folder, in case something is necessary to change to fix the problem.
Name: Mario Forever - Interference Ending
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
MOD file:
Sampled: Yes (original game samples)
Sorry, I'm going to have to cancel this request.The song makes usage of a lot of ADSR and GAIN commands and it would be too hard to port. Also I found a better unsampled boss song alternative.
Sampled: Yes (original game samples)
Sampled: Yes (original game samples)
Sampled: Yes (original game samples)
Thank you for your effort!. However,this port is not looped and unoptimized. Don't worry, as you said, anyone who wants to improve and fix this port is thanked.
Sampled: Yes (original game samples)
I will claim this request.
Completed. Download here :


- I have drawn the top of the balloon because the original graphic didnt have one. The reason for this is GBA lower vertical resolution.
- I dont know if I can submit this graphic to the Graphics Section. The graphic is very simple. If someone could tell me if I can submit this to the Graphics Section, I will do it
- The original graphic is animated. Unfortunately, it has too much animated frames, so this graphic doesnt have animation. Sorry for that!
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