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Posts by succo

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What have you done so far? Inserted any patches?
Lookin' real neat!
Thank you so much for everything Kieran. Thank you for giving a foundation to this amazing community helping this niche flourish, without a site like this none of this would have happened. Good luck wherever life takes you #w{<3}.
I'm assuming you're using Koyukillo's amazing smb2/dokidokipanic holding patch!, here's the fix.
Go into the patch and to this "code" section. Change the last 3 offsets to be the same as the first one, like so:
; -------------------------------------------
; Code
; -------------------------------------------

;Koyuki update
dw $0002, $0002, $0002, $0002
dw $000A, $000A, $000A, $000A

That's all and you're good to go!
Those scrolling blocks involve a whole bunch of other tools and files, check the readme and good luck.
How would I go about making a block that changes it's function every few frames without interaction with Mario or a sprite. Something like the beat blocks from 3D Land or the munchers from SMB3. Thanks in advance #smrpg{sick}
Thanks so much, never would have found that
This is pretty damn cool. This hack is super visually impressive, I really liked the little story at the start and how Mario actually falls into the overworld. I do have a few issues though, like the Hammer Suit is super janky. It's very commendable that you tried to make it from scratch but it needs a lot of work, I'd suggest LX5's power-up package to cut out a lot of work. I did really like the other hammer power-up from 1-1, that was fun little level gimmick and I liked how you can use other power-ups with it (although shouldn't those cracked hard blocks be destroyed by the hammer instead of a shell? #w{=3}). It does share an issue with the hammer suit in that the level design doesn't really put it to good use. I couldn't hit shit in 9-4 with the hammers and with the other hammer I never went "wow I sure am glad I have this hammer", basically just try to think about enemy placements more and how they work with all forms of Mario and maybe some secret paths requiring certain power-ups would be cool. By the way, in 9-4 those 1 block pools of lava are a little too harmless looking and I got hit thinking they were decoration, then I was afraid of the little lava falls and they're just decoration. I'd say try to make them more distinct and harmful. Besides my few gripes this is fuckin' awesome and I'm super excited to see this progress, good luck dude! #smrpg{y}
How would I make the layer 2 BG of my level autoscroll? Also I have a layer 3 BG in use if that would affect anything.
Ah, thanks a bunch for the thorough response! I'll try this out when I get the chance.
When you turn while riding Yoshi it is programmed that Yoshi's head gets layered atop Mario but his body doesn't.

How would I change this so both Yoshi's head and body have priority? Thanks in advance.
I'm really impressed looking at all of this. I never even knew about the original and all of these improvements you're making are really cool. I've never seen a hack of this scale, 12 whole worlds.

I really like that city background specifically, it looks like it could be in the original. I don't see many people make backgrounds that try to follow the vanilla art style. I do have a suggestion for it though. I don't know how the tiles are laid out, but if you could make the windows on the front face of the building use the shading color of the side of the building I think it would be much less distracting. I made a mock up of what I mean:

I think the dark dots of the windows too bold how they are now. There's so many of them and they're so close together, though I don't know if they'd be that distracting in motion.
If you're importing with SM64 Rom Manager you click on Graphics Editor in the window where you import your model and can check "Enable two-sided faces" to make that material have no backface culling.
Originally posted by TheJavabrew
What this means in the context of SMB3 is a single level with one (1) Goal object. You may still use Jumps (the SMB3 Foundry equivalent to screen-exits) to add sublevels to your submission.

My level has a second goal area if you find a secret. Is that going to be a problem?
I've known about this scene since I first got on the internet around early YouTube times. I tried out hacking stuff in my early teens, didn't get very far.

I've been working on games for the past three years and, while I've had some successes, working on games from scratch has been tiring on top of my other obligations.

I'm a bit more patient and wise when it comes to game making nowadays, so I've been really enjoying messing with level editors and making stuff with a quick turnaround. So for the time being, I wanna make some hacks and see where I get. Very thankful that these communities are still going strong!