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Posts by Bernardo

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Widescreen snes?

This mod of bsnes lets you play any snes game in widescreen(no garantee of working perfectly)

Just remember:it's based on the latest version of bsnes released to make up for all the wait for the new higan version, and thus has problems whith sa-1
Higan is complicated. However, when properly configured, it can be great. here's how to do that.

First off, click "settings"->"video emulation" and disable everything, then go to "video shader" and select "none".
Now go to "advanced" and make sure to select the drivers "video:OpenGL" "audio:WASAPI":

Now restart higan. If higan trows an error message, change the audio driver to "Xaudio2".

Now go to the audio section and change the latency. By defalt, it's 20, and normally that's the lowest it can get, but the "WASAPI" audio driver allows 0 latency

Now go to the video section anc make sure vertical overscan mask is at 8 and it's configurations are disabled, like this:

Now install these shaders:
and extract them to where the higan executable is.
Make sure the folder is called "Video Shaders" like in the file or it won't work

Restaring higan, the shaders shoud appear in the "video shader" option(note: they only work on opengl). I recomend the "AANN" shader, as it allows the image to remain a sharp image when scaled to a non integer scale.
If you prefer not to use shaders, enable the "integral scaling" video option, like this:

After opening a game, a tab with the console name will appear, click it and change "controller port 1" to "gamepad".

Hope this tutorial was helpfull, as it was my first tutorial and my second post

(This is outdated, so keep that in mind)
The images hosted on this site don't seem to be appearing.

I went to check if they were there and one of these "prove you're human" things happened.

I think that's causing problems for the site to load it's own images.
Originally posted by Telinc1

That's a side effect of the anti-DOS mechanism, yeah. The cookie is only set on the current domain, so all subdomains have separate protection screens. I'm a little hesitant to change this because it could open up a way to bypass the protection. It might be a decent idea to just live with it because we don't enable the feature that often.

So something caused it to activate and it's temporary? If so I just wait it out, correct?
^ I don't even know what that is

< I'm brazilian

V Is a child
^ Your warning did not negate the validity of that claim
< Actually likes the new super mario bros series
V Doesn't know ASM
from the trailer i noticed the koopa shell doesn't display as it did in smb3. I think you can fix it by switching the front facing frame whith the sidewais frame and mirroring the in beetween frame on the graphics file.

it's just a nitpick, tho. Seems great! Definitly gonna play this
@Tahixham It's just nitpicking, it doesn't really ruin the experience
The game is great regardless.

Nominating this because I am indeed tired of seeing the same mario gfx all the time and this is a very nice one that doesn't deviate too much from the original style.
Originally posted by I don't know a good name.

I'm not sure what to put, though.

How about a single dot?
Originally posted by FPzero
Originally posted by Bernardo
Originally posted by I don't know a good name.

I'm not sure what to put, though.

How about a single dot?

You cannot have a display name shorter than three characters, sorry. Normal usernames aren't allowed to have names under that length, and so display names can't either. I'd ask you to change your name please.

Fine I'll change it even if tecnically there's many spaces before the dot and it's using the entire character limit
There! No dot name.

now it's just creepy stuff!

C3 exists for the sole porpose of hosting these kinds of masterpieces.

Also, about that sequel you mentioned, yoshi would make a great protagonist. Keep up the good work!
Originally posted by MarioriaM
Bowser could be a teammate (like in super paper Mario)

I think that would be kinda hard to implement, considering Bowser's size.
Panel 5
Wario:*Ignoring Goku and tingle* They shoudn't return for some time.
Panel 7
Wario: *Dodges quickly* Too slow dummy!
Panel 10
Then sudently
Wario: SIKE!
*Wario backflips and stomps on Luigi*
Part 18:

The shoryuken unfuses Mario and Goku, who are sent flying in oposite directions while screaming.
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