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Posts by Retro Master HD

Retro Master HD's Profile → Posts

Really want to be able to play this game when it fully comes out been checking the website to see if the full game has come out yet, can’t wait to play it. Look forward to playing the full game. 😀#tb{^V^}#tb{:D}#tb{:]}#tb{:j}#tb{:)}#ab{:LOL:}#ab{:D}#ab{:)}#ab{8-)}#smw{:peace:}#wario{:peace:}8>#smrpg{y}#w{:>}#w{>=)}
Looks really great can’t wait to play it if it comes out. Loving the overworld and level designs so far. #tb{:]}#tb{^V^}#tb{:D}#tb{:DD}#tb{:j}#tb{:)}#ab{:D}#ab{:)}#ab{:LOL:}#smw{:TUP:}
Originally posted by bandicoot
Guys, please dont bump an 1-year old thread.
The hack was even already released.
You can find it here:link

Thanks Bandicoot. #tb{:]}#ab{:D}#smw{:TUP:}
Love the graphic colours of this Hack really brings it out. #tb{:]}.