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Posts by KaidenThelens

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I want to make a hack staring Green Mario, but how does one make Green Mario, ya know? act like Green Mario? Bigger jumps, Slipy shoes. All of that.
On the run.
Thank you! This really should help! But could you show me how to hijack the jump?
On the run.
Thank you!
On the run.
Small demo of my next RON hack! Called "Super Mario World: A Super Mario Adventure 2!"

This demo is VERY unfinished, The last level of this build is 4-3 Goomba Valley. (which is unfurnished as of this build.)

Please tell me about any glitches, softlocks, selling errors, or crashes. Help me make this hack the best it can be!

Demo 1: SMWASMA2 D1

Demo 2: SMWASMA2 D2

Demo 3: SMWASMA2 D3 (Don't play)

Demo 4: SMWASMA2 D4
On the run.
So, I wanna get Small Mario's "Victory" pose to be 3x3 and not 2x3 without using 32x32 Player Tilemap Patch.

How could I do this?

(I don't wanna use the 32x32 Player Tilemap Patch because it may break a patch the makes cape mario have separate GFX.)
On the run.
Okay good! I was not planning to use net doors in the first place!
Thanks for the help my friend! #smw{:peace:}
On the run.
So, I wanna use both Minimalist Status Bars / Course Clear in my hack

But Minimalist Course Clear doesn't seem to be working... It does not fade to black (witch is good) but the MARIO COURSE CLEAR thing still shows up! Is this because of Minimalist Status Bars and how can I fix this?

Link to both patches are here ---> Minimalist Status Bars. Minimalist Course Clear.
On the run.
Thank you for your help! I'll work on getting of the things you pointed out fixed! Somethings that I'd like to point out are..

I'm VERY bad at spelling, really never been. So sorry for all the spelling errors.

The Goggles and Pink Cape come from Beta version of Mario World.

The Pink Color key was a coloring bug.

3 black tiles when you get the secret exit "Dolphins!!" is because
of a Overworld palette bug in the Original Super Mario World.

All have a new demo of the "RON" by next friday!
Again thanks for your help! #smw{:TUP:}
On the run.
Thank you for play testing! I'll be working on getting those fixed right now! Some things I like to point out are...

1. There Luigi Coin's and not Mario Coins.

2. I can't really have both doors on the same screen because of how Super Mario World works, both doors would take you to the same place!

3. The weird glitched graphic when you kill a Ninji is because I used custom sprite that acts like a Ninji, and I messed something up with the tile map.

Again thanks for your help and i'll have a new demo by next friday #smw{:TUP:}
On the run.
So, there's these Giant Thwomp Sprite GFX on the Graphics section of the site right? There here.

But where are the Giant Thwomps! I can't find them anywhere.
On the run.
Oh well that sucks.
On the run.
Okay, I tried that... BUT this happened.

Mod edit: Collapsed image to avoid table stretch
On the run.
I'm dumb. I'll try that.
On the run.
Yay! Got it working! Sorry for being dumb and I'll read read mes next time. Thanks for the help!
On the run.
New Demo for Super Mario World: A Super Mario Adventure 2! Fixed some bugs, and made some new levels. Last level of this build is 5-2: "Creepers and Bombs"

Hope you like this new Demo! Next one will in 2 weeks!
Please tell me about any glitches, softlocks, selling errors, or crashes. Help me make this hack the best it can be! #smw{:peace:}

Demo Here: SMWASMA2 D2

On the run.