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Posts by Noobish Noobsicle

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I know how to use ExAnimation, but I have no idea how to use the "Pallet" option for "type of animation". Does the animation apply to only the 8x8 tile specified? And how do I specify the color/pallet/whatever that will get used in the animation? Thanks.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Thanks! I had no idea that you were animating a color... Now I can make my bonus games all colorful!!!
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Originally posted by Yanamanka
What doesn't, is how to get the graphics that you've drawn onto a Map16 page.

What you have to do, is you open the 16x16 editor, go to page 3 or higher, click on one of the empty tiles, and click "edit 16x16 attributes". In the window that pops up, the first four boxes are where you enter the four 8x8 tiles that will appear in the 16x16 tile. Then click OK and right-click on an empty spot to paste the tile there. This is the most important part. After you paste the tile, Press F9 to save the data into your ROM. If you do not press F9, it will be as if you never did anything.

Now my question:
In one of my levels, I have the floating skulls sprite. The graphics are correct, but no matter what sprite memory setting I use, the floating skulls will not appear, even if there are no other sprites on the screen. How can I get the skulls to show up?
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Okay Yanamanka, deeeeep breath.... I'm still not 100% sure what you're talking about, so I'm going to start from the beginning. In order to get the ExGFX that you have drawn into your level, click on the red poison mushroom in the level that you want the ExGFX to show up in. Please note that your ExGFX will REPLACE one of the graphics files. So in the window that pops up, find the graphics file that you want to replace, (you probably want to use FG2) and in the pop-down menu, select ExGFX 100. Now, if you open the 8x8 editor, you will be able to see that ExGFX 100 has replaced the graphics file that you have chosen. Note the 8x8 tiles that you want to use in your Map16 tile, and follow the instructions in my previous post. Your ExGFX will only show up in that one level, so in other levels, your new block's graphics will be garbled, unless you tell LM to use the ExGfX for that level too.

Also, I was reverse-engineering the original mario world, and I found out that the floating skulls will only work on the tileset specific lava.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Originally posted by Yanamanka
However, part of the Words in my Title screen are blocked out. Is there anyway around this?

Once again, I have no idea what you are talking about. Was this caused by the ExGFX, or was it a pre-existing condition? If it is pre-existing, I'd recommend enabling layer priority on the "blocked out" text.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
In order to animate the palettes, open the colors window, (rainbow star) and the ExAnimation window. (SMB3 breakable brick) With the palette animation, you are animating a single color. (Like that annoying flashing yellow in yoshi coins) In the color window, find the color you want to animate. When you scroll over it, the info of the color will be displayed on the bottom-right corner of the window. The column on the left displays hex numbers, and that's the one that you want to use. In the ExAnimation window, change the second field to "normal", and the third field to "palette". For the "Destination" field, look in the colors window. When you roll over the color that you want to animate, the info field will tell you that the Palette Number is X and the Color Number is Y. (X and Y are variables) In the ExAnimation window, type XY (remember, X and Y are variables, not numbers) in the destination box. In the color window, find a color that you would like to animate color XY to. When you roll your mouse over it, you will be told that the "SNES RGB Value" is A. (another variable) In the ExAnimation window, type A into the first of the "frame" boxes. Repeat for the next 15 frames.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Okay, I have music that uses ASDR or something and the music doesn't loop properly. So, I was told to insert MORE.asm to my ROM to fix the problem. This is what happened:

1: Downloaded AddMusic RevX and got the MORE.asm and MORE.bin files.
2: Found free space in my ROM at 8FC31, used Lunar Address to convert to $11:FA31, wrote 11FA31 in the ASM file.
3: Attempted to insert asm with command-prompt xkas with "xkas.exe MORE.asm Super Mario World.smc, I know it didn't work because it didn't screw up my ROM's checksum.
4: Tried to use RevXkas to insert asm, error message: C:/ MORE.asm: line 41: file not found[incbin MORE.bin] (This message appears twice). MORE.bin is in the same directory as the rest of the stuff.

Why is it not working?

Also, After I try and fail to insert asm, the ROM will not run in an emulator.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Okay, I tried that, but the music still loops incorrectly.
Could there be a problem with the music file? Click here for the music I used. It loops at around 4.5 seconds.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
*bangs head on desk*
*pants loudly*
Here's a spc of what it sounds like.
And... for some reason, when I open the file with notepad, the text looks like this:


Instead of this:



(pardon for the garbage)

Could that be it?
Also, I re-updated the txt file, in case there are any more errors.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
YESS!!! YESS!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(translation: it worked!)
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
To make a level tile appear, first find the event that you want the level to appear on. Then, in 16x16 editing mode, Alt+Right-Click on the level you want to appear. Then, in the "Reveal this level on any of these events" field, click on the event that you want the level to appear on. Hope that helps!
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
So, I have custom music in my hack, and I have the music bypass set in the boss level, but only the original boss music will play during the battle! Is there a simple solution to this? Or do I have to dive in deep? Also, to answer this question in advance, yes, I am absolutely sure that the level that I have set is the level that I am using.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
You, know, I think I've seen you post those exact same words before, I just forgot. Err... Oops?
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Originally posted by AlexJS
Originally posted by PenangBenny

Put lemmy higher...

Either that, or make the top row of tiles have layer priority.

Okay, you CAN'T put Lemmy higher, because the y-position or Lemmy determines which koopa kid he is. Also, layer one already has priority over the sprite layer, so you just need a top row of tiles. I think at... *checks lunar magic* y=12. Just put a row of cement blocks at y=12 and you won't be able to see lemmy or wendy die.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Press F1 on the overworld editor. It will allow you to see the level numbers. If you're talking about secondary exits, (one level goes directly to another through a pipe or something) press F1 on the level editor. The screen where you exit to the other level will be shaded blue and you will see "exit to level ###" at the top. If you go through a pipe or door, that's the level you will go to.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
The bullet bill shooter will not fire if you are standing next to it. It will only fire when you are a certain distance away from it. I do not believe that there is a known way to disable the not firing part.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Okay, I can see two things wrong with what you are doing.

Originally posted by verarticus
push the blue and yellow mushroom

ONLY push the yellow mushroom, otherwise, you're overwriting your ExGFX with what's currently in the ROM.

Originally posted by verarticus
go to the first sprite thing

It's probably not the first sprite thing. It's either the fourth or the third.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Your background starting position is wrong. In the secondary entrances window, under the secondary exit you are using, change the FG and BG starting positions to C0. If that doesn't work, just screw around with those settings until you get something right.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
Originally posted by matt23488
After using Tinymm to convert MIDI to .mml, what do I do with the .mml, how do I use it for custom music?

Change the file extension to a .txt and insert it with one of the versions of AddMusic.
Now with extra girl and extra hacker
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